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Let Your Intuition Be Your Sacred Self-Care Guide

Let Your Intuition Be Your Sacred Self-Care Guide by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

Self-care comes in so many ways. How do you choose what you need most and when to do it? Eat healthier, exercise more, get a better night’s sleep are all things we aspire to and the list goes on and on. And, it’s not only the what to do. It’s finding the time to actually do it that perplexes the best of us.

The best kind of self-care is understanding your own self and, then, honoring that truth by having the courage to take the steps forward that allow you to shine brightly. It is in that connection to you own truth, that inner knowing, that will lead you to know which self-care activity you need, when you need it and how to create the time for it.

Your inner wisdom is your intuition. It’s that gut instinct that speaks to you. When you hear its messages and understand it, sacred self-care becomes actionable and simple. You are drawn forward to allowing your best self to shine.

You have intuition. Everyone does. It’s that internal GPS that gives you an answer quickly. Like a traditional GPS, you only need to know how to program it and it gives you direction. Then, you must check in with it to make sure you are still clearly on the right path.

Programming yourself to hear your intuition is a skill set that is learnable. Creating the space within and around you is that actual programming. Just as you put in the directions to a GPS, creating this space allows your internal GPS to come forward and guide you quickly and clearly.

How to Program Yourself To Hear Your Inner Wisdom:

1.Clear your space for Clarity

In order to hear and understand your intuition, you must have space available. The space you live and work in is essential to hearing your own wisdom clearly and effectively. When your space is cluttered, it is full of distractions. Distractions that take your mind in a million and one different directions. Within this space of clutter and chaos, there is no room for your own mind to settle down.

When there are distractions, it is difficult to focus on the task at hand ~ accessing your own inner wisdom. Clearing the decks, maintain a clutter free environment allows you not only to focus on the task but gives you the space to truly sink into a deep breath. The expansive breath that affords the space internally to hear your intuition more clearly.

2. Energize your Breathing

The air element is associated with your mental clarity so it is natural that breathing is the key to calming your mind. Focusing on deep belly breaths allows energy to flow freely through your body. Breathing is vital to releasing any clouds of confusion that are covering up clear and supportive thinking.

Take a deep belly breath now. Focus on it. When you do this, you cannot think about anything else. When you exhale, imagine blowing away clouds of confusion and chaos. You begin to program yourself into hearing your inner wisdom when you do this.

3. Program the beat of your own heart

Once you clear your space and energize your breathing, the next step to programming yourself to hear your inner wisdom is to be able to quickly sit still and listen. To do this, you must manage the beat of your own heart.

When your heart beat is defined by stress and emotion, it does not serve you. It will beat fast and furiously. When you are anxious or stressed, your heart is used to support that not in allowing you to hear your inner wisdom.  When your heart is slow and steady, there is space for your GPS to function at full capacity. The good news is that programming your heart beat can be done easily.

Start by tapping the rhythm you feel in your heart. You can use your finger on a desk, on a steering wheel or the space bar of your computer. Increase the pace of your tapping and see how it affects your energy. Slow it down. See how your energy flows so very differently. Program yourself to be in this slow space. This ease allows you to hear your inner wisdom.

When you are perplexed about the next best step to take for your own personal self-care, this is the best approach to get to a quick answer. Clear the Clutter, breathe in air and program the rhythm of your heart beat. Once you learn this skill, it need not take long to sit into this space.

4. Command guidance

Once you are in this space. Command your inner wisdom for guidance. Many would suggest you Ask for guidance. What I know about asking is that it puts you back into a place of being confused and unclear. Asking allows for your uncertainty to come forward. Asking means you still do not have the answer.

The answer is now, always has been and always will be inside of you.

The answer is your inner GPS. It never turns off. It simply gets programmed incorrectly by our lack of attention and then, we are led in the wrong direction.

Now is the time to command your inner GPS to come forward. Commanding it is a sign to the Universe that you are, now, ready and willing to hear and head its messages. So stop asking for its guidance. You’ve programmed it. Now command it!

Instead of asking “what do I need to know?” or “What am I supposed to do?” rephrase it to say “What my inner wisdom wants me to know is….” or “The deepest truth is that it’s time to ….” This rephrasing, in the space of clear space, mind and emotion, allows your inner wisdom to bolt forward. This works magically for any situation but is crucial to discovering what is best for our own sacred self-care.

For having your intuition support and guide your sacred self-care, a command like this works well:  “The next thing for me to do for my own personal and sacred self-care is ____” and allow the answer to flow freely without filtering it with judgment. Do not second guess it.

Your answers may be just what you were ‘thinking’. They may surprise you. Your answers may even perplex you. Your inner wisdom may say “Journal” or “Go for a walk.” or ‘schedule a retreat’ or, my personal favorite “Eat ice cream.”

Take the necessary step to abide by this wisdom. Do that. Don’t second guess it. Don’t make excuses. Take the first step to making it happen.

You will be amazed by the results. By programming yourself to hear your intuition more often and more clearly, you’ll be amazed at how much support will be given to you by the Universe to making it happen with great ease. Using this wisdom for your own sacred self-care is what allows you to live by your own truth and shine brighter than ever before.

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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