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Law of Attraction: 3 Steps to Consciously Create and Attract a Life You Love

Law of Attraction: 3 Steps to Consciously Create and Attract a Life You Love by Karen Shier | #AspireMag

The Law of Attraction is likely one of the most recognized and familiar of the many Universal laws.  Many already have an idea of what this natural law means but may not know how to consciously work with it.  I like this quote by Michael Losier in his book titled “Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t” because I think it’s quite relatable and easy to understand: “I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative”.  

Whether you understand this powerful law or not, you’re experiencing it.  For instance, have you ever noticed: 

  • Bumping into or receiving an email from some someone you’ve been thinking about? 
  • Feelings of being in the right place at the right time? 
  • The person that constantly finds herself in the same “bad boy” relationships time and again? 
  • Or receiving a good income but consistently being “broke”? 

These are all examples of the Law of Attraction in Action!  This is not a fancy term or new-age magic woo-woo.  It’s simply a law of nature that every cell of your being is in constant response to whether you know it or not.  When we become aware of this law, we can work with it and begin to consciously attract into our lives those things we really want, and we can undo the patterns of attracting the people, situations, and things into our lives we don’t want or that drain our energies. 

So where do we begin?  Well, this law works based on our energy frequency levels.  To attract what you want, you must ALIGN with the energies of the things you wish to experience. 

A classic Law of Attraction example is that of a radio console.  At the low end of the dial, say channel AM 54 (Talk Radio), the energy frequency is vibrating at a lower level. Envision that this is where your lower-level emotions reside such as loneliness, boredom, anger, frustration, grief, fear, worry, powerlessness, stuckness, depression, pessimism, or overwhelm.  Collectively you can think of these kinds of lower frequency emotions as LACK. 

Conversely, at the higher end of the radio spectrum resides FM 106 (Classic Rock).  These higher-level energies such as joy, love, passion, belief, positive expectation, happiness, excitement, confidence, and contentment collectively reside in that energetic place of ABUNDANCE. 

If you are tuned into AM 54, there is no level of wishing you can do to hear your favorite Bob Seger song. Your energy frequency simply doesn’t align or match with the higher frequency of FM 106.  So, what do you do?  You CHOOSE to change your energetic dial! 

It’s also a great time to point out that no matter where you are currently tuned on the radio dial, the emotions you are feeling at any given time are not wrong or bad.  They are just information for you to know if you are resonating in lack or in abundance.  And once you become aware, you can tune into the station you wish to dance to. 

3 Steps to Begin Consciously Creating and Attracting a Life You Love 

Step 1:  Recognize Everything is Energy.  Everything is in constant motion vibrating at higher or lower frequencies.  Remember your physics class in high school? Resonating at a higher frequency (think love, joy, and happiness) will attract more of the same frequencies into your life.  Love yourself fully and completely first to attract the same loving frequency people to you.  The converse is true as well.  Pessimism, powerlessness, and victim-consciousness will bring more of the same to you. 

Step 2:  Focus Your Awareness.  Are you floating through life and creating by default like most people do or are you creating consciously and focusing on what you want to attract into your life? 

Step 3:  Live Life Consciously.  We always have control over our responses to any person or situation.  We can choose to play the victim and believe that life just happens to us.  Or we can drop this untrue belief, empower ourselves, and decide to show up and react in a different way.   

If you’re ready to harness the Law of Attraction to serve you in the most empowering way, what do you do about it?  First you need to get really clear about what you do want your life to look like, the person you want to be, and how you want to feel.   

Here’s a daily journaling practice to get you started on that path. 

  1. Write down a list of three things you wish to attract into your life (leave space below each item).  What is it you want to be, do, or have? What kinds of relationships or situations do you want to attract?   
  2. Under each of those 3 items, list five reasons why you want this item, person, or situation in your life.  This helps you to go really deep and get very clear in your focus. 
  3. Finally, under each of these reasons think deeply about how having this in your life will make you feel. What is the essence of how you want to feel?  What’s the higher energy frequency you wish to attract to you?   
    • For example, maybe you start by thinking you want a newer car that doesn’t break down, but when you dig down deep, the essence of what you want might really be releasing the worry and fear and bringing in the feelings of safety and security a newer car may bring to you.   
    • Once you drill down you may realize that you can CHOOSE to feel the essence NOW and make the Law of Attraction work for you even more quickly. 

After thirty days, you’ll have a wonderful journal full of desires that are clear and concise and forward-focused.  As you write these things down, you’ll be letting the Universe know what it needs to start sending your way.  Enjoy the journey! 

3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic (So You Can Hear Your Inner Wisdom) eGuide

Make the second half of your life the best half of your life! In this transformational eGuide, you’ll learn 3 ways to soothe your inner critic so you can hear your intuition, aka your inner wisdom, so you can consciously create your life instead of creating it by default. Along with the three simple, yet powerful strategies, you’ll receive a powerful 2-part journaling process to guide you to living the joy-filled, aligned life you desire.

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About the author 

Karen Shier

Karen Shier is a Midlife Transformation Guide, Master Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Desire Factor™ Coach, Energy Master, and Bestselling Author.

She supports midlife women to release what no longer lights them up so that they can joyfully thrive in the second half of their life. Karen guides clients with intuitive coaching, transformational strategies and proven processes and guides them from feeling stuck, stressed and unhappy to feeling free, empowered, and ready to cocreate a marvelous life.

Through her Joyful Jumpstart coaching program, Inner Critic online course, and speaking, Karen supports midlife women to soothe their inner critic and enhance their intuition so they cocreate the aligned life they desire.

She is a powerful speaker and empowering media guest. She has appeared on numerous podcasts and summits, and been invited to share her wisdom in private communities. You’ll find empowering strategies on topics such as Energy Mastery, Inner Wisdom vs. Inner Critic, Law of Attraction and more on her YouTube channel.

If you’re ready to soothe your inner critic, download your free eGuide: 3 Ways to Soothe Your Inner Critic today.

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