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Jumpstart Your Path to Sacred Wealth in 10 Minutes a Day

Jumpstart Your Path to Sacred Wealth in 10 Minutes a Day by Marcia Mariner | #AspireMag

Many women are experiencing a shift within and we have already taken steps to break out of old patterns that are no longer serving us. As a facilitator of women’s empowerment circles, I have witnessed the acceleration of transformation that can occur when we provide ourselves with the skills and support we require to achieve our dreams. 
As we learn to become conscious co-creators of our lives, the feeling of empowerment and optimism returns to us  We refuse to settle and we want to blaze our trail and prosper in our lives. 
For many, this could mean leaving a low paying or unsatisfying career to pursue a long-awaited calling. We may leave a toxic relationship, discover our creative gifts and what we are passionate about.  
For many of us, the challenges we have overcome awaken a desire in us to help others.  Our “mess” becomes our message.  As our vitality increases, many of us take action to amplify our calling and make a global impact.   The path to manifesting wealth starts with discovering that we are already wealthy within. We have sacred gifts that when developed provide us with overflowing abundance.  We need to give ourselves full permission to thrive and take inspired action to get where we want to be. Many women are experiencing a shift within and we have already taken steps to break out of old patterns that are no longer serving us, shares Sacred Wealth Coach Marcia Mariner.

In order to optimize this emergence process and serve from the highest within ourselves, here is what I know to be true: 
Women need mentors and supportive circles of like-spirited women committed to a similar vision. This empowers us to step into our worth and embody our sacred selves.  
Connected to a supportive whole ignites and then sustains the FIRE rising within us.  We discover sacred bonds. We celebrate each other’s emergence.  The heart to heart authentic connection with others on the helps us heal and grow.  Being part of a spiritual team is essential, especially when the old conditioning invested in keeping us isolated and in our comfort-zone is reactivated. 
The path to manifesting wealth starts with discovering that we are already wealthy within.  We have sacred gifts that when developed provide us with overflowing abundance.  We need to give ourselves full permission to thrive and take inspired action to get where we want to be. 
The truth is that we are divine humans. We are evolving in consciousness. We are only beginning to discover our soul ’s sacred wealth codes. We are learning that they become activated in connection to others. When we are connected to a bigger web, we start to glimpse our bigger purpose on the planet.  This is the part of us that if not consciously activated and if not allowed to be unearthed and emerged, will sadly remain in a state of dormancy.  
It is time to shed the past programming and step fully into our sacred worth.  The world needs us NOW! When our hearts are on fire with love, we get to be the game changers and leaders of the global shift ushering in a more humane, inclusive and sustainable world. And we get to allow ourselves to receive the prosperity that we are meant to enjoy in our lives.  
Here is a guided meditation and some practices to access your sacred self and let it reveal to you your soul’s purpose:  
To begin your practice, find a time (preferably in the morning) when you won’t be interrupted. If you are open to it, ask your spiritual guidance to be with you. Create a beautiful space that you go to every day to do this practice. 
We begin with a heart activation: 
Place your hands on your heart and consciously breathe into your heart.  Take a moment to be grateful for the beating of your heart.  Feel into the present by noticing the sacred breath flowing in and out. Hum a tune or chant your favorite mantra. Feel the vibration of the sound in your body.  Notice the sensation of your own energy flowing through you. 
Allow your eyes to close. Feel or imagine your heart center filling up with light with each breath in and out. Once your heart is calm, tune in and ask your heart 


  • What do I desire and want to create in my life?   
    Be as clear and specific as possible. Provide concrete details.  Let yourself dream BIG here.  And remember, this is first for YOUR joy and fulfillment.  Do not screen anything.  Express it all freely.  (give yourself time to write the answer. Write in the present tense with I statements) 
    When I do this exercise, I imagine myself stepping into my future fully manifesting my heart’s desire.  I write down how I feel.  I bathe in the feelings and allow them to saturate me from within.  If it helps, I imagine every cell of my body filling with the liquid light of my own essence flowing from my heart.  If I cannot access this, I go with the flow and write whatever I am feeling at this moment.  I go back to this exercise another time. 
  • If you are able to visualize the dream, ask why is this important to me? 
    Describe the ‘why” and allow yourself to feel the joy of having accomplished what you came here to do. 
  • Where will I be in a year from now if I do not say yes to my vision? 
    Describe it in detail.  With this part of the exercise, I imagine where I will be a year from now having FULLY stepped into my vision.  I describe it in detail, allowing the contrast to propel me forward.  I imagine I am at the end of my current incarnation. 
  • How do I feel as I realize I have fulfilled my purpose on the planet? 
  • How do I feel knowing that in my own way, I left a legacy of love having said a big YES to birthing my sacred self?   
  • How does my heart feel as I bathe in the wealth within me that I am now reaping in abundance? 


Commit to making time every morning to bathe in the FIRE of your dream and let your big WHY become so strong that YOU become unstoppable. 
When you practice this ritual on a daily and regular basis, it will quickly shift you into the quantum field of infinite possibilities in so doing, you become a wealth magnet. 

Here is a very powerful practice to add to your regular manifesting practice: 
If you want to amplify this power portal in your heart and accelerate your wealth manifestation, find or create a “miracle activation group”.  Read your visions to one another. Then switch and read the visions back to each other. This practice creates a powerful collective container to increase your access to abundance. 
Find a partner and commit to taking one action step every day to birth your dream.  Create a group text to feel connected with your partner or team.  
To amplify your results, even more, record this desire on your phone and even sing it to yourself. Then play it back regularly throughout your day. 
Congratulations! You are on your path to sacred wealth! You are now part of the collective shift to creating a more heart-centered world!

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About the author 

Marcia Mariner

Marcia is a Divine Feminine Visionary leader, speaker and author empowering women to create transformation in their lives. Using her expertise from over 30 years experience as a licensed therapist, Marcia combines therapeutic coaching with the power of women’s circles to help women break free from their patriarchal conditioning, embrace their feminine gifts and wake up to their worth. By fully embodying their own beauty, and magnificence, Marcia believes women have the power to collectively shift the evolution of the world. Marcia invites you to download your From Blah to Blissful in 3 Simple Steps video today!

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