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A Journey into the Akashic Records

Akashic Have you ever had deja vu?? Or felt an instant connection to someone you just met? I aimlessly wandered the streets of Orlean, France, when I was 16 years old, knowing exactly which turn took me to my desired location. I was visiting France on a choir trip and it was my first travel outside the US – in this lifetime. But the energy of the streets and the Cathedral filled me with a familiarity that was visceral. I almost expected to see myself there in a pew chanting a Latin prayer, or peddling cheese and baguettes in the town square.

That feeling of knowing comes from somewhere outside of our current physical body, but it is deeply imprinted on our souls. Each lifetime that your soul has chosen – and there have been MANY! – leaves a mark, some may call it a scar, but by any term a memory of who you were and what you experienced. I get so discouraged when I see an adult dismiss a child who, excitedly, recounts a story of their previous existence. That memory is a blessing and the knowledge is really useful – imagine if you didn’t have to relearn a language or how to play the piano.

While most adults do not have an active memory of past lifetimes, all of this information exists just beyond our physical reach, in the nearby planes of the ethers. This collection of conscious information is called the Akashic Records. I generally refer to this archive as the assemblage of all information, knowledge and experience that your soul has had across all lifetimes. In my lifetime, I have unintentional experienced bleed through of information from the records – most frequently before I even knew what they were. The information I received had a bearing or connection to the things that were happening or plaguing me in my current lifetime. It was not just entertainment or difficult to discern, like a dream sometimes is. It was specific and clear and pointed directly to whatever I was currently experiencing.

Everything and everyone has a record, just waiting to be explored. It is quite interesting to see the intersection of a person’s record with that of a house or an historical location.  A quick overview of how the records work – They are governed by energetic beings called the Lords of the Records, who have not had a human incarnation so sometimes they have a hard time relating to us. The Records are also governed by energy. That energy holds the access code to each record, which cannot be accurately entered without permission.  (I studied with a teacher once that said you do not need permission, but as she attempted to enter the record of a third party that was not present, it was clear that she was not getting accurate information.)  The Records are contained in the Hall of Records. The actual structure appears differently to each person entering the records and the information is presented to you in the way that is easiest for you to understand. As I journey into the records, for myself or others, I witness and learn amazing things.

Reading the Records is not only about seeing who you were in a past life, but it is about learning how to improve your experience in this life. It is also useful in attempting to clear blocks and restrictions that are impacting you in this lifetime, especially those that seem particularly difficult or completely unfounded.

Let’s explore an example of what I learned in a reading of the records. A client came to me with concern about the relationship she had with her father in this lifetime. She felt like he was too controlling and demanding of her. Even though she was completely devoted and complied with his every request, there seemed nothing she could do to soften the energy of the relationship. Upon opening her record, I was shown a past life she had with her father. They were not father and daughter in that lifetime, but a slave and slave owner. The owner knew nothing other than control over his slaves. He saw them as property, not as people; therefore had no love for them. The unresolved energetic relationship from this experience remained with both of them on a cellular level and was creating blocks and restrictions in her current life, that neither she nor her father could accurately explain. Armed with the knowledge that this carry-over energy no longer served either of them in this lifetime, she was able to slowly make changes to her relationship with her father. It did not require him to even know her intention or that she had this amazing information about their history together. By implementing appropriate changes to her own decision making and path, she was able to enjoy a healthier and happier relationship with her father. Now she doesn’t have to keep reliving the same energy and not quite attaining the lesson of the situation.

Knowing the source of the issue is only the first step to healing. The next step is actively changing your vibration by making different choices in this life – essentially it is the soul’s way of learning from past experience, but sometimes we need to remind ourselves that past life baggage does not need to impact us today.

We can see really interesting and useful themes by viewing past lives and exploring the experiences that are impacting our lives today. I read for two brothers once and they had numerous lifetimes together, as brothers, both biologically and as brothers of the cloth… each one had the same motivation in those previous lives as they do today. One brother was motivated by service to others and the other brother was motivated by self service. Pretty cool insight into the themes that show up across our lifetimes. The question that is sometimes never answered for me is whether the people I am reading for truly use the tools that I provide them to change the course and experience of their lives.

Accessing the records comes very naturally to some people, while others take some practice to get comfortable with it. No matter your level of expertise, everyone can access the records, especially your own – or your pet’s (with permission of course). Once inside the hall, you must have made clear what your intention is, so that you are presented with accurate information. If the records will not grant you information, you are either not authorized to access that record, or the Lords of the Records deem that you are not yet ready to receive that particular bit of information.

The records are a source of healing and information. So often things carry over as an imprint from a past life or an unnatural connection – good or bad – with another soul. The blocks and restrictions that can occur show up in a variety of ways – not being able to find love, money blocks, can’t lose weight, fear of commitment… If you have tried everything you can think of to address hurdles that keep popping up in your life… maybe the answer lies in your past and your Akashic Record holds the key.

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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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