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It’s All Perfect: Six Easy Steps for Gaining Clarity

It’s All Perfect: Six Easy Steps for Gaining Clarity by Nancy Rynes | #AspireMag

Have you ever had one of those weeks where everything seemed to be going wrong? Where you felt confused, didn’t see a clear path ahead, or struggled with a seemingly insurmountable decision?

We can get so caught up in our daily challenges that stepping back and seeing our lives from a wider perspective can feel impossible. But when life is filled with doubt and confusion, that’s when we truly need a wider perspective. What can we do to achieve that clarity? One way is to as for clarity from our higher Source.

On the vast majority of days, I am peaceful, happy, present, centered, and feel deeply connected to the world around me. Challenging events or decisions rarely affect my sense of inner calm and serenity. But one day recently I found myself a little off-kilter, and I wasn’t enjoying the feeling. Some business opportunities that I thought would be clear and easy to navigate turned into confused uncertainty. Unfortunately I allowed that uncertainty to get under my skin, which then led to my feeling anxious and worried within a matter of hours.

That anxious feeling was a reminder that it was time to reconnect with my higher guidance, so I decided to get outside and spend some quality time in nature. Before setting off, though, I asked Source to bring clarity to my confusion. As I walked out the door, I put aside any expectation for an answer and simply enjoyed being fully present on my hike.

About twenty minutes later I spied an elderly gentleman walking toward me. He shuffled slowly but steadily in my direction, head bent down and staring intently at his feet, not noticing my approach. As we were poised to pass each other, he yanked his gaze up from where its focus on his feet, looked me straight in the eyes, and belted out, “It’s all perfect!” He then immediately locked his gaze back down to his feet and shuffled away, disappearing behind me. I looked back, half-expecting him to fade away like mist in the sunlight but instead he simply walked around a bend in the path and out of my line of sight.

It’s all perfect! Chuckling at the mini-drama that was my own invention, I realized that life truly was perfect no matter what events were unfolding. Everything was flowing as it should and my responsibility was simply to release anxiety and allow the situation to resolve in its own way.

Instead of feeling trapped in a state of worry I chose to focus on completing other projects. Within a few days, the confusion about the business deal cleared up when I discovered some disquieting things about the other party. Having the new facts helped me realize the other party and I would not make very good business partners so I calmly backed out. Without the message of, “it’s all perfect,” those days waiting to make a decision would have been filled with needless anxiety and confusion.

Creating a space for Source to work in your life is a relatively straightforward process. When you have a challenge or feel like uncertainty or confusion surrounds you, try these simple steps to get clarity:

1) Allow yourself to feel your feelings. Everyday fears, doubts, and uncertainties are not “bad.” In fact, they can act as catalysts for positive change and personal growth. Allow yourself time to explore your feelings with a trusted friend, counselor, or in a journal.

2) Be open to higher guidance. Ask for clarity from your highest spiritual Source either aloud, silently to yourself, or by writing your request on a slip of paper. Here’s an example: “Divine Source, please bring me clarity regarding _ so that I can make the best decision possible.”

3) Allow space in your mind and heart for that higher guidance to come. Head off to work, go for a walk, get a massage, play with your dog or cat, or spend time with your kids. If you wrote your request for clarity on a slip of paper, place it in a beautiful jar or box that you’ve set aside for this purpose. Get your mind focused on something else that is positive or uplifting, allowing space for Source to work on your request.

4) Be open to receive the guidance. It may come in the form of a message from another person like mine did, or you might have one of those “A-Ha” moments of clarity. Say “thank you” once you receive the insight.

5) Take action. If the guidance you received feels as though it will lead you in a positive direction, do it! Remember, you have the power to choose your life’s path so if your heart tells you the guidance feels right and no harm will come from it, take steps to make it happen. If you ask for guidance but continually ignore what you receive, that sends a signal to Source that deep down, you really don’t want clarity.

6) Look for the lesson. Is there a lesson or a gift in what you are experiencing? When the situation resolves, look back at it with a clear heart and wider perspective. Did you learn something about yourself or life? Can you approach a similar situation differently in the future?

Today I feel nothing but gratitude for the confusing business deal that eventually fell apart. It helped me learn that uncertainty and confusion are nothing to fear, and in fact they can hold tremendous gifts of insight and transformation. I also came to realize that sometimes things work out more quickly and gracefully when I let go and allow Source’s wider perspective and guidance to clear confusion and help me find a good path forward.

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About the author 

Nancy Rynes

Nancy Rynes, bestselling author of the book, Awakenings from the Light, is a leading voice for developing your heart-centered intuition and living a life of peace-filled connection, love, and creativity. Recently featured on the TODAY Show, Nancy is known for her uplifting keynote speeches, workshops, and presentations on how to live a more purposeful, joyful, and spiritually-inspired life.  Learn more at

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