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Is Your Life As Magical As It Should Be?

Is Your Life As Magical As It Should Be? by Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham | #AspireMag

 When you wake up in the morning, do you think to yourself “I love my life?” I can honestly say YES I do, but it wasn’t until I consciously tapped into my feminine energy that I started really living AND loving it. As women, mothers, business owners, daughters, and friends we are constantly giving, giving, giving… so much so that we feel like our energy is depleted to dangerous lows on a daily basis. My passion in life is to help women to tap into their goddess power and use that divine energy to be refreshed and fulfilled every day, in EVERY aspect of their lives. The big question I hear all the time is “Lisa, my life is a chaotic mess, where do I start to make sense of it all?” My answer is always the same – we start at square one and get a base line of where you’re at today in the 12 key areas of your life. We are holistic creatures, so there are many facets to our lives however… I’ve identified 12 key areas that are central to the Goddess Lifestyle. Each component relates magically and spiritually to the four Cardinal Elements of Air, Water, Fire and Earth plus Spirit. By learning how to work with each of them, you’re guaranteed to see a radical shift in your energy, overall success and relationships.

The 12 Life Components To Create Your Goddess Lifestyle Elixir Are:

  1. Health & Wellness: Your sacred body vessel needs to be treated with care so that you can feel amazing, energetic, and nourished every day!
  2. Mental Clarity: As women we tend to be people pleasers or give into our ego and this causes overwhelm, overload and fuzzy, wishy-washy thinking. By getting rid of those negative attitudes, we clear our mind to make way for personal peace.
  3. Love & Romance: Create real intimacy and passion in your relationship, or accept failed relationships. By channeling your feminine energy, you can improve your relationship, or move on to find a mate, lover, and friend who appreciates your Inner Goddess!
  4. Family: Make the most of your time spent with your family, husband, children and parents that deepens your bond and provides unconditional love and support.
  5. Home: Create altars and sacred spaces throughout your home to connect you to the divine power, and live in rhythm with Goddess, Earth, Moon and Universe in your personal everyday space.
  6. Friendships: Release yourself from toxic relationships and attract goddess sisters that lift you up instead of bog you down with drama and negativity.
  7. Career: Learn how to escape a soul-sucking job that you thought you wanted, and identify what you’re meant to do for a job that feels true to your talents… and create strategies to make it happen!
  8. Personal Growth: Constantly expand your horizons and learn new activities that open the world up where anything is possible!
  9. Spirituality: Make spiritual magick, by connecting to your preferred Divine energy or Deity—whether that is Jesus, The Blessed Mother, Allah, Buddha, The Greek Gods and Goddesses, Isis, Cerredwin, Nature, or New Age Spirituality. If your Spirit is disconnected, everything is less magical.”
  10. Fun, Joy, Me Time: Make time for yourself to go out with the girls, go to yoga, meditate, travel—whatever brings you joy without ANY effort, guilt or drama.
  11. Financial: Stop the stress and desperate feelings that being deep in debt causes. Identify wants versus needs, and make a plan to get out of debt and start saving to live your goddess life without living beyond your means.
  12. Authentic Style: Start rocking your individual goddess style, add funky colors to your hair—whatever reflects your authentic self

If ONE key area is out of kilter, the rest suffer. For example, if you’re overloaded with busy work, you aren’t meeting deadlines, earning your highest potential or finding ideal clients… you’ll have less time to spend with your children, and feel guilty if you take any me time or spend time with friends. It’s a snowball effect and everything just feels off.

The only way to create real change is to know what’s working and what’s not. You have to take an honest accounting of where your life is today in order to know what to do to create change tomorrow. So, I invite you to take stock and rate each of the 12 key areas of your life on a scale from 1-10 – 10 being amazingly perfect and awesome and 1 being an “you have to be kidding me” level of suck. Be totally honest and focus on your life as it is today, not yesterday and not as you wish it were.


  • 1-3 should be addressed right away with a strategic plan you action on ASAP!
  • 4-7 rated items can be second on the list.
  • 8-10 are areas that you can continue to let flow and progress as they have been.

If you find you have many areas that need work just pick one or two areas to focus on at a time. Trying to do too much will make it hard to get anything done. I am a firm believer that slow and steady wins the race. One of my super-powers is being part Strategist and part Woo – an Alchemist. Alchemy is the medieval practice of attempting to turn base metals into gold to find a universal elixir.  Over time we have learned that it’s not scientifically possible to turn lead into gold; however I’m a big fan of using alchemy in a symbolic way… the process of transformation from crap to fabulous. YOU can use alchemy to transform your life; I call this magical process Goddess Lifestyle Alchemy™.  Begin your transformation by doing the above exercise.

So it is!

May your summertime celebrations wherever you are be blessed and may the next six months be the best of this year for you. That’s my wish. I hope your life continues to surprise you in powerful and joyous ways. Always.

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About the author 

Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham

Business Mentor and Lifestyle Expert Lisa Marie Rosati-Grantham is an International Best-Selling Author, Leader of The Goddess Lifestyle Sisterhood™, and Founder of The School of Magical Living™. Believing that women CAN have it all, Lisa has successfully created a thriving, global brand while raising her children. It’s Lisa’s passion to teach ambitious, soul-centered women how to create an abundant, purpose-filled life, and prosperous laptop business they love!

Lisa’s unique combination of strategic thinking, laser sharp intuition, vast knowledge of holistic health, psychology, human behavior, healing modalities and women’s spirituality plus 20+ years of metaphysical study and practice, results in an effective mix of spirituality and “real world,” no-nonsense practicality that supports her private clients and community in embracing their own Inner Goddess. Lisa exemplifies the Goddess Lifestyle as she embraces her powerful feminine nature with pride and encourages other women to do the same. Learn more at

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