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Is the Energy Flow, or Chi, of Your Home Supporting or Draining You?

Is the Energy Flow, or Chi, of Your Home Supporting or Draining You? by Kerri Miller | #AspireMag

Your home really does have a big influence on you—impacting your mood, energy level and so much more.  If you’re not aware and correcting for it, your home could be energetically undermining you. In our homes, some traditional and very sought-after features can actually alter energy flow, so it unsettles you and even holds you back. 

Did you know that in Feng Shui certain architectural features can cause a detrimental impact to your mood, energy level and your ability to feel grounded? For example, if you’re often tired, worried, unfocused or disorganized, you could be reacting to the unsettled energies around you.  

Looking at our surroundings from an energetic perspective can support us in creating energetic flow in our home that supports us instead of drains us.   For many women, time is spent focusing on the aesthetics and physical flow of our homes and making it feel like home. 

But there’s another important layer to look at in our homes—the energy, or chi, of our home! 

Now more than ever, we are intricately connected to our homes and it’s important to look at this unseen layer.  Doing so can alleviate many of the energetic blockages that may be affecting us physically and emotionally. 

Good chi is the kind of energy that lifts you up, inspires you, opens doors for you, lines up support for you, and helps you stand in your power. 

The great news is that you have chi all around you! 

Right here.  Right now.   

If you’re not feeling it, it’s because you haven’t tapped into it, or you need to adjust yourself or your space so you’re in better harmony with it. 

As I hinted at earlier, if your home has some of the architectural features below it’s important to work with them to increase the beneficial flow of energy, or chi, to enhance your own well-being.  

Here are 3 architectural features in your home that could be compromising your ability to show up fully and strongly:   

  1. Long hallways. 

Hallways cause energy to bottleneck and speed up.  Imagine it like a fire hose – the water is pushed into a small tube and explodes out the end.   

If you spend time in a room at the end of a long hallway, you’re likely being bombarded by harsh, unseen energies. Or, if you spend time in a room to the side of a long hallway, vital chi could be rushing right by as it heads down the hall, pulling some of your personal vitality and potential away with it. 

Adjusting how energy flows down a hallway will soften its impact on you in either situation.  

CURE: You can slow the energy by adding ‘distractions’, like attractive lighting or artwork to either side of the hall, and possibly a patterned runner on the floor.  These are simple additions that can substantially alter how you feel when you’re in the space and ultimately give you more stamina and sure footing in life. 

  1. Cathedral ceilings and skylights.

The natural tendency of the vital energies around us is to seek freedom.  In the case of rooms with high or cathedral ceilings and/or skylights, it will travel up and away, potentially pulling some of your personal vitality along with it.   

If you’re spending lots of time in a large room with these features, you may feel flighty, foggy or unable to focus. Anchoring and containing the energy so it sticks around, and nourishes you and the space, will help keep your thoughts, ideas, energy, and personal chi from dissipating. 

CURE: Energy flows where attention goes, so create visual interest in the lower half of the room using artwork, paint colors and furniture that feels grounding.   

Once you’ve made these subtle corrections to the space, you’ll feel more focused, clear and energized about your next steps. 

  1. Split entries ormultiple-choice entrances. 

Homes or businesses with split entries, where you can choose to go up or down after entering, or multiple-choice entrances can cause uncertainty—both for the energy that’s flowing in and for anyone who is entering. 

This confused and indecisive energy can radiate and influence your ability to make clear decisions, understand the next right step, or trust your abilities. Energy likes a clear direction.  Deliberately directing how and where you want the energy to flow will alleviate much of the unsettled energy.   

CURE: This can be accomplished by clearly designating which door to use or which direction to go in using signs, arrows, or décor that subtly points the way.   

Making the decision and clearing the way will create so much ease around you and will help conserve your energy for more important choices! 

The next time you feel tired, heavy, stuck, unsettled, or unclear about your next steps, take a look around you. Notice the things in your space that could be contributing to all those wobbly feelings. 

Play with it all, to see if you can harness or redirect the energies around you so they are better supporting you and your potential.   

When it all clicks into place, you’ll feel better, and you’ll know it’s right. 

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About the author 

Kerri Miller

Kerri Miller is a Feng Shui Practitioner who shows heart-centered women how to arrange their surroundings to support more joy, ease and prosperity. She works with clients both onsite and remotely. Find out more at Download her free e-book 3 Feng Shui Shifts to Support your Joy, Ease, and Prosperity.

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