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Is Clutter Sabotaging Your Peace of Mind & Success?

Is Clutter Sabotaging Your Peace of Mind & Success? by Kellyann Schaefer | #AspireMag

As a mom and business owner I know all too well what it’s like to have too much “clutter” pop up in my home, office, life and even worse… My mind!!

But luckily, that’s why I have learned to create effective systems in my life and my business to allow myself to have the time and space to open myself to reach for my goals and dreams.

The reality is we all want (and need!) to be more productive and get more of the important stuff done, but clutter is everywhere and totally gets in the way.

It may be physical clutter, time clutter, or the worse culprit… MIND clutter!

Today I want to help you identify some of the leading places clutter accumulates and how without a plan, will take over our life AND time!!


If you’re anything like me, I can NOT function in a cluttered space. It is utterly distracting having my space occupied by mess and non-essential “things”. Look, my house isn’t in “perfect” order at all times, but to improve my mood, living, and work conditions I need lots of clear open space around me devoid of clutter.

A cluttered space for me = distraction!

Sometimes I would even avoid doing essential things because the blanket hasn’t been folded or there are a few dishes in the sink!

But the MOST important space to have clutter free is your “working” space!

Keeping your desk and office neat and clear of clutter will help stay focused on the “task” at hand! You also spend less time looking for things that have been lost or misplaced.

At the end of every day, give yourself 15 minutes to “tidy” up. Put away all the unfinished projects, loose pens and days’ coffee cups! When you arrive to your desk in the morning you’ll be greeted with a fresh clear space that both supports and motivates you!


Time is a delicate creature, but guess what, no matter how you slice it, dice it or chunk it, it’s always constant! We are given 24 glorious hours each and every day. It’s what you choose to do with those hours that add to your ability to be successful and accomplish more.

I have had to personally learn to master this technique more and more each and every year as my business grows so that I still have the time I desire for living life and enjoying time with friends and family.

Learn good effective time management strategies. Take a course. Find and read important information, or perhaps consider hiring a time management expert to help you create more efficient schedules in your own life or business.

But remember, the key ingredient many people forget when working with their time is they don’t allow for “down time”, breathing room or white space!


We all have so many things for which we are responsible for. From family commitments to business strategies and personal goals … I don’t know about you, but when my head is “full”, I can’t take anything else in.

I actually called a close friend of mine the other day and said “I need your help in helping me close some of these open doors in my head”!

Seriously!! You know that joke that floats around on Facebook about a woman’s mind being like an internet browser with 200 tabs open at once!!

Oh yeah! You know EXACTLY what I mean!!

So what to do when your head is full of clutter?

The #1 fastest strategy is to do a brain dump!! You simply can’t fit anything else in until you let some out! Grab some paper and just start writing… and writing… and writing… and writing…!

I have actually even done this with my Mom when she’s come to visit… I’ll be like “Mom, sit… take notes please!” Then as each thing that is cluttering up my mind pops up, I would tell her and she would make a nice looooong list! It worked really well… she has great handwriting!

But the idea is to get it all out. It’s like when you eat too much at a buffet right? Can’t fit anymore in, until you loosen the belt! (ok, bad analogy, but you get the picture!)

Once it’s all out, categorize and chunk everything into appropriate lists. Put things on the calendar. Take next steps. And remember the key to delegating!

The most important thing of all, is that when you learn great strategies, be sure to incorporate them into your daily life. “Knowing” something and “doing” something are very different. Knowing is just a statement, whereas doing is a form of active being.

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About the author 

Kellyann Schaefer

A skilled, “multi-tasking” mother of four, Kellyann Schaefer is the owner of Task Complete, a personal assistance, errand and concierge service. Kelly made a career in nursing for many years as a Registered Nurse. During her tenure as a nurse, she honed her organizational skills and became adept at balancing a busy household while administering compassionate care to her patients. She began witnessing an epidemic of burn out - burn out amongst not only nurses and medical professionals, but within her community as well. Too many people taking on too many responsibilities and leaving no time for themselves or their spouses. Many having no one to turn to for support or assistance. In business today, she upholds a mission of giving families and busy professionals reliable and compassionate assistance so they can meet the demands of everyday life and live a life of purpose...on purpose! Learn how Kellyann and Task Complete can support you in doing less and living more. Visit

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