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If Ever There Was A Time to Take Back Your Power, It’s Now

If Ever There Was A Time to Take Back Your Power, It’s Now by Emily A. Francis | #AspireMag

We are living in a deeply confusing and overwhelming time in history. Everyone feels displaced. Some are making plans to begin anew as the world changes and Covid gets under control. Some people are hoping to make a move, others are just wanting to get back to exactly what they had before everything shut down. Whichever camp you are in, there is a lot of misinformation, misguided truths and conflicting voices all around us. It’s hard to know which way to look and listen.  

I am not here to try to change any of the truths that you are believing or following. I am however, trying to make you more aware of the deeper, darker and lighter intentions of those around you and to give you permission to begin to listen to your own instincts over everybody else.  

If ever there was a time to take your power back and learn to sit with your own guidance, the time is now.  

More than ever, we need to become clear with what the intentions are behind everyone that enters our space. We need to level up with our perceptions and awareness as well as our level of discernment for what people are trying to bring to your table. Learning to sit with your own agenda behind any specific category is paramount right now. Learning to sit with our instincts and learning to figure out what parts resonate within us and what parts do not will be a very important guiding force as you make your way-out whatever world you are hoping to create.  

In Traditional Indian Medicine as well as in traditional yoga practices, there are two terms that help identify the energy channels that flow throughout the body. The first is the Nadis which are the where the prana or life force energy flows from the subtle body, the physical body and the causal body. The chakras are the locations by which the special points of energy meet. By identifying and learning to work with your chakras, this can help you get clear, healthy, balanced and in tune with your own energy and instincts. There are hundreds of chakras throughout the body in truth, but seven main areas are the main. All chakras line up through the center of the body through the energetic spine, called the sushumna 


For this exercise, the solar plexus chakra needs to become the place that you get in tune with and use as your guide rails. The solar plexus chakra sits below the ribs and above the naval. The color associated with it is yellow. It governs your inner knowing. When you feel it in your gut, it is this area that you are able to experience the sense of deeper knowing.  

As you collect yourself and prepare to enter a new phase in your life and create some of the old and possibly much of the new, sit with each and every person, place or idea and see what feelings you are able to feel in that area.  

Sitting still, or lying down take a few minutes to get calm, centered and focused on each next new experience, then place your hands just at the area of the bottom of the diaphragm area and close your eyes. Sit with it. Don’t ask it questions, don’t push for information. Think of only one thing at a time.  

For example, if you hoping to move, break it into very tiny steps and then place your hand on that area and get the feeling of if this is the best step. Do it with each little piece or question.  

As you put this into practice, you may find that naturally you are able to be more in sync with the feelings that come into this space even before having to take the time to think of any particular question. When a person enters the room (within your vision), you will know in that space if they resonate with your vibration or they don’t.  

Constantly ask yourself if where you are is in alignment with where you desire to be. Line yourself up with the people, the places and the experiences that you are looking for. Your body comes equipped with excellent guidance tools, use them and learn to trust them before asking for anyone else’s opinion on any of it. Now more than ever before, learning to rely on your own inner wisdom and guidance will be your best companion as you make your way out into the new. Getting to the place where you trust your own instincts above all will surely help you steer into much greater opportunities. Be open to them, take them, trust them and above all, trust yourself and own your power.  

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About the author 

Emily A. Francis

Emily A. Francis is the author of the new book The Taste of Joy: Mediterranean Wisdom For a Life Worth Savoring, as well as previous books The Body Heals Itself, Stretch Therapy, Healing Ourselves Whole and Whole Body Healing. She is also the host of the radio show All About Healing on Healthy Life Radio. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and Wellness as well as a Master’s of Science in Physical Education with a concentration in Human Performance. Learn more at

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