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Human Design: Your Business Blueprint for Success

Human Design: Your Business Blueprint for Success by Nancy OKeefe | #AspireMag

Every business owner wants to be successful.  Exactly what does that mean?  Is it earning a hefty income, producing something that changes the world, helping people reach some achievement, or something else altogether?  Success has been defined in our society by the outward markers that point to our accomplishments: money, awards, growth, recognition. But you can receive all the accolades and make a lot of money and still not feel like a success. 

True business success is about achieving your individual goals and accomplishing what you set out to do. It is about overcoming obstacles and satisfying your purpose.  Success is highly personal and the only way you can truly achieve business success is to define what that means for you. 

You came into this world with a divine purpose and all the skills and talents you need to fulfill that purpose.  You find that in your Human Design and when you dive deeply into who you came here to be and what you came here to do, you find a Blueprint for Success in whatever business you choose to express your life purpose and your life’s work. Your Human Design Business Blueprint helps you identify your strategic operating plan based on how you are uniquely wired to do business. 

The 5 Components of The Human Design Business Blueprint: 

1.Your Life’s Work: The first component of the Business Blueprint lies in your life purpose and your life’s work.  What did you come into the world to accomplish?  This is more about how you came here to be and what message and wisdom you came here to share rather than a specific business or industry.  Whatever business direction you decide to go in, it should be a business that gives you the space to pursue your life’s work.  It should be aligned with your life purpose.  Kin to your purpose are all the skills and talents you have that support you in living your purpose.  We find these in the Human Design gates you have highlighted in your chart.  Your business should provide you with the ability to use all your skills and talents. That is one aspect of feeling fulfilled and successful. 

2.Your Human Design Energy Type is key to helping you define your business structure and your products and services. Do you work best as a solopreneur, in a partnership or in a larger organization? How does what you are planning match up with your energy level? If you have decided that you want to be the leader of a larger organization, do you have the energy level to pull that off? Perhaps you need staff to do some of the tasks.  If so, Human Design can help you see what’s in your wheelhouse and what you may want to delegate to others.  If you are creating products such as programs and courses, how does what you are planning to deliver stack up against the energy you have to deliver it? If your program lasts for many months, are you likely to have the sustained passion and the energy to complete it?   

Your Human Design Strategy shows you how you are wired to operate in your business and how you are most effectively seen and heard in the world.  We can also hone in on what others seek from you. What do others see as your natural role?  Some people are role models, some are natural people connectors, others are visionary leaders and people will naturally seek you out for your unique characteristics because they will feel that energy coming from you. When you align you business with your strategy you become effortlessly on a path to success. 

3.Decision Making: One of the core components of being a successful business owner is good decision making. Human Design shows you your Decision-Making Authority, how you are designed to make decisions that are aligned with you.  This is key to create a business free from overwhelm because you are guided to make decisions that are in alignment with your purpose and your energy.  Many times, business owners struggle to do everything they are told they must do to have a successful business when they should be checking in with their authority to see if doing what they are told feels right to them.  Cookie cutter business formulas don’t work for everyone. There is not one right way for everyone to do business, but there is one right way for you. 

4.Marketing and Attracting Clients: Human Design tells us that each energy type has a unique way of attracting clients into their business.  Manifestors have initiating energy.  When they start something, people are naturally curious about it.  Generators have magnetic energy and can pull their right clients in based on what they are passionate about.  Projectors have insightful energy and are at their best when building relationships and can coax people to invite them in to hear their insights.  Reflectors have mirror energy and are best when they are with groups of the right people in the right geographic location to share their feedback.   

Following your Human Design and living authentically helps to separate you and your business from others in a crowded marketplace because you are unique.  When you honor all the energy types in your marketing, you will be able to speak and write in language they understand and increase your chances that they will resonate with your message. 

5.Sales and Serving Clients: One of the most important parts of growing a business is sales. If you don’t make sales, you won’t have a business. Sales is about helping people solve a problem or achieve a desire. How does the service you provide do this? What results do you help your clients achieve? How will they feel after they achieve those results?  Every Energy type has a unique way of selling and buying based on their strategy and authority.  Be sure to speak to your buyers in their language.  Understand how they want to learn about what you do and the process they use to buy (their decision-making authority).  For example, Generators need something to respond to and yes/no questions work best.  Projectors need to be invited in to learn more.  For those that have Emotional Authority, they need time to be sure the decision they made is still the right decision a few hours or days later. 

When you use your Human Design as your Business Blueprint and you understand more about the other energy types, strategies, and authorities, you can craft a business that truly serves and meets your definition of success. 

Discover Your Life Purpose and Your Business Genius from Your Human Design

Do you struggle with the question “What is my Life Purpose and what am I here to do?” You are divinely designed to be unique, with a life purpose, a set of skills/talents to support you in achieving your life’s work, and four prime gifts that are your Pillars of Business Genius. Once you understand what you are here to share with the world and how you are wired to share it, you can ease into alignment with your business for greater abundance, fulfillment, and success.

Claim Your Gift Today!

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About the author 

Nancy OKeefe

Nancy OKeefe is a Certified Quantum Human Design Specialist, intuitive business coach, and compassionate transformer, who helps women entrepreneurs peel back the layers of who they have been taught to be and how they have been conditioned to do business to reveal who they truly are so they can live their inner truth and build an abundant and sustainable business that feeds their soul.

Author of the book Unlimited Talent and a contributing author to the book Stop Overworking, Start Overflowing, Nancy is passionate about helping women understand their divine design and their personal formula for success.

As a young widow with two children and few skills, Nancy was forced to become the breadwinner before women had careers. But with a clear understanding of herself and her purpose, she went from receptionist to company VP and on to Founder/CEO of her own multi seven figure firm. Nancy has been developing and coaching entrepreneurs for over 25 years, helping them bring out their best qualities, build confidence, and feel empowered to build their businesses based on their own definition of success.

“Understanding your Human Design, how you are uniquely wired to operate, gives you an advantage in business. It allows you to do business your way and eliminates the competition because there is no one else like you.” says OKeefe. “Learning to embrace who you are and operate from your inner truth rather than a cookie cutter formula for success is very empowering.”

Nancy’s two children both live abundant and successful lives. Her 4 grandchildren are one of Nancy’s greatest joys in life. Nancy lives near Hilton Head, SC and enjoys the pace, the people, and painting the scenery of the low country.

Nancy is a certified Executive Coach from the College of Executive Coaching, holds an MBA from Babson College in Entrepreneurship. She is a certified Career Transition Coach, Fascination Advantage® Adviser, and Certified in Conversational Intelligence®.

Learn more at

Schedule your Divine Life Story Human Design Reading today. Schedule it here.

Are you a mission-driven entrepreneur? Take a deep dive into how your Human Design can empower you in business with the digital HD 101: Meet Your Soul course.

For a deeper dive into Human Design, step into Nancy's Business Success with Human Design Facebook group.

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