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Human Design: Doing the Inner Work Around Your Business

Human Design: Doing the Inner Work Around Your Business by Nancy OKeefe | #AspireMag

Most of us are aware of what is called “Inner Work”.  Inner Work is a very personal, self-awareness journey of identifying and resolving the contradictions and blockages that keep you from living your highest self-expression and your potentials.  It helps you rewrite the negative stories we all tell ourselves about who we are and what we allow ourselves to have and be.  It can help break victim patterns of behavior and change our beliefs and our mindset.  It helps us evolve. 

Just like there is inner work to do around your life, relationships, and your self- worth, there is inner work to do around your business and how you show up in it every day. Your Human Design can help point the way to the areas where your business needs you to do some inner work.   

In addition to your Human Design Energy Type, Strategy, and Decision Making Authority, you came into the world with a life purpose/life’s work and many skills and talents to support you in achieving your life’s purpose/life’s work.  Those skills and talents are identified in the 64 Gates in Human Design, those little numbers inside of the shapes in your chart. The numbers that are highlighted are your natural skills and talents. 

Each one of these energies is a behavioral archetype and has a light side and a shadow side. Where you are expressing yourself from the shadow side of an energy archetype, your energetic vibration is low, and you are blocked from expressing your full energetic potential.   

People you encounter as clients, prospects, vendors, colleagues, in your business can feel your energy, and it impacts whether they feel positive about your dealings with them.  If there is heavy shadow influence, it can create mistrust, suspicion, lack of confidence in you, an unwillingness to build a relationship or work with you, poor communication, even conflict in your dealings with others.  

We have been conditioned to act and be a certain way in business and that conditioning can cause us to live in the shadow side of some of our energies when we are at work. We put on our business personas and hide our true selves. 

It’s not about whether you have the skill or talent, but how you express it.  For example, let’s take the skill Impact.  Impact, which is Gate 6 in the Human Design Chart is about mastering your emotional energy to serve others with positive influence.  If you are living in the light expression of this energy, you will use diplomacy and emotional intelligence to assess the needs of others and serve them unselfishly.  But if you are operating out of the shadow side of this energy, you may be tackless, uncaring, and self-serving, still making an impact, but not a positive one. 

Moving From Shadow Energy to Light Energy 

So how do you become stuck in the shadow energy?  There are several reasons, past experiences, fear, feeling you don’t know enough or aren’t enough, some trauma you didn’t fully process, or even being told what to do and how to act. 

Doing the inner work around each of your skills and talents in your highlighted gates will help you raise your emotional frequency and improve the possibilities for you in your business.  The things to look at for each skill/talent/gate are: 

  • Do You Trust Yourself? 
  • Do You Face Your Fears By Strengthening Your Courage? 
  • Do You Have Heathy Self Worth? 
  • How Well Do You Manage Your Emotions? 
  • Do You Feel Empowered? 
  • Are You Being Authentic? 


Do You Trust Yourself? 

Only you know what is right for you. You must listen to yourself.  Get in touch with your intuition and “gut” feelings. Your wisdom might show up as a picture in your head, a little voice, a pang somewhere in your body or simply a knowing. 

Ask yourself: 

  • How does your inner wisdom speak to you? 
  • What practice can you do to tap into it consistently so you can build trust in your inner wisdom? 


Do You Face Your Fears and Strengthen Your Courage? 

We all have fears. You can’t stop your fears. They don’t usually disappear, but you can learn to walk through them and live courageously. Fears exist to motivate us into action, to make us aware when danger exists so we can protect ourselves. Strengthen your courage. Use fear as a motivator not a stop sign, 

Ask yourself: 

  • What are you afraid of? 
  • What have you been stopped from doing because of your fear? 
  • What can you do to take that first step to strengthen your courage and walk through your fear? 


Do You Have Healthy Self Worth? 

You are unique. You are enough. You were divinely designed to be perfect. Learn to recognize your valuable contribution and what it is worth. Don’t allow yourself to judge your self-worth by the standards set by others. 

Ask yourself: 

  • Where do you judge your self-worth by the standards set by others? 
  • What desires has it prevented you from achieving? 


How Well Do You Manage Your Emotions? 

Practice Emotional Intelligence by learning to control your own emotions and by having empathy and compassion for others. Learn to recognize your triggers and get in the habit of responding rather than reacting in an uncontrolled, chaotic way. Practicing the ability to do this helps you pause, regroup and respond without upsetting yourself, without creating drama, or deteriorating your relationship with others. 

Ask yourself: 

  • What triggers your emotions (frustration, anger, upset)? 
  • What can you do to head it off at the pass and respond instead of react? 


Do You Feel Empowered? 

You are divinely designed to be unique and you are powerful.  

You have everything you need to live the creative expression of who you are. The steps are simple. 

  • Be Yourself 
  • Use Your Gifts 
  • Shine Your Light 

Ask yourself: 

  • What keeps you playing small? 
  • Do you dare to have dreams? 
  • What keeps you from feeling empowered and going after your dreams? 


Are You Being Authentic? 

Be Yourself. That is the best version of you. 

Accept the beauty of who you are and the vital role you are here to play. 

Ask yourself: 

  • Where are you living inauthentically in your life? 
  • What do you have to change so you can be you? 
  • Who are you trying to please? If they don’t accept and love the true you, why do you give them that power over you? 

When you do the inner work around your skills and talents, you bring your best self to your business and you will be able to serve your clients from your highest self in the light side of all your skills and talents, 

Discover Your Life Purpose and Your Business Genius from Your Human Design

Do you struggle with the question “What is my Life Purpose and what am I here to do?” You are divinely designed to be unique, with a life purpose, a set of skills/talents to support you in achieving your life’s work, and four prime gifts that are your Pillars of Business Genius. Once you understand what you are here to share with the world and how you are wired to share it, you can ease into alignment with your business for greater abundance, fulfillment, and success.

Claim Your Gift Today!

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About the author 

Nancy OKeefe

Nancy OKeefe is a Certified Quantum Human Design Specialist, intuitive business coach, and compassionate transformer, who helps women entrepreneurs peel back the layers of who they have been taught to be and how they have been conditioned to do business to reveal who they truly are so they can live their inner truth and build an abundant and sustainable business that feeds their soul.

Author of the book Unlimited Talent and a contributing author to the book Stop Overworking, Start Overflowing, Nancy is passionate about helping women understand their divine design and their personal formula for success.

As a young widow with two children and few skills, Nancy was forced to become the breadwinner before women had careers. But with a clear understanding of herself and her purpose, she went from receptionist to company VP and on to Founder/CEO of her own multi seven figure firm. Nancy has been developing and coaching entrepreneurs for over 25 years, helping them bring out their best qualities, build confidence, and feel empowered to build their businesses based on their own definition of success.

“Understanding your Human Design, how you are uniquely wired to operate, gives you an advantage in business. It allows you to do business your way and eliminates the competition because there is no one else like you.” says OKeefe. “Learning to embrace who you are and operate from your inner truth rather than a cookie cutter formula for success is very empowering.”

Nancy’s two children both live abundant and successful lives. Her 4 grandchildren are one of Nancy’s greatest joys in life. Nancy lives near Hilton Head, SC and enjoys the pace, the people, and painting the scenery of the low country.

Nancy is a certified Executive Coach from the College of Executive Coaching, holds an MBA from Babson College in Entrepreneurship. She is a certified Career Transition Coach, Fascination Advantage® Adviser, and Certified in Conversational Intelligence®.

Learn more at

Schedule your Divine Life Story Human Design Reading today. Schedule it here.

Are you a mission-driven entrepreneur? Take a deep dive into how your Human Design can empower you in business with the digital HD 101: Meet Your Soul course.

For a deeper dive into Human Design, step into Nancy's Business Success with Human Design Facebook group.

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