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How Your Ancestral Wounds May Be Causing Your Physical Pain

How Your Ancestral Wounds May Be Causing Your Physical Pain by Jacqueline Kane | #AspireMag

We are all energetic beings susceptible to the energy of others.  It started in the womb. For 9months we were exposed to the hormones, nutrition, and emotional state of our mother and take on all of her energy. We didn’t have a choice!  We were conceived inside of her. 

All her worries, concerns, joys, and excitement surrounded us. And that’s where our ancestral energy began because our mom was carrying her mother’s energy, beliefs, and programming.  There were even ancestral health conditions, pain, and suffering entering into us in the womb. It became our DNA, our cells were infused with it, our nervous system, every system in our body was created from that energy. 

The DNA of your personal family trauma is being passed down from generation to generation. 

Along with our mothers energy, we also inherited our parents’ ancestors’ unresolved emotional issues, problems and trauma. These patterns can have an inhibiting or disruptive influence on your life today. Some of these can create obstacles in your lives, blocking your pathway to joy, abundance, authentic power and unlimited possibilities. 

Scientists are now studying how the grand children of the Holocaust are impacted by ancestral energy leading to grief, sadness, or pain. It’s been written that they experience guilt around being alive. That guilt will then show up in every area of their lives. They can feel bad about being successful and doing well. They could experience a lot of sadness in their lives and not understand why. 

For example, if a family member committed suicide, you could be carrying that energy of grief and sadness and that can contribute to unprocessed pain in the body. Along with having more thoughts about suicide and death. 

In my own life, my grandmother and mother lived in Sardinia, Italy during World War II.  My grandfather was a soldier fighting at the front while she was home alone raising three children.  Living in fear and worry about his life, struggling to feed her family, and living in constant fear of the German soldiers who’d invaded her town was the norm for her.

Can you imagine the level of fear she felt and what impact that was having on her every day? And back then no one talked about it. Everyone suppressed their emotions, just to survive. That fear became a part of them affecting their neurons, programming, DNA, and all systems of their body.  

That fear gets passed down from one family member to the next. 

For me I remember growing up with fear and worry and not really knowing why I was always nervous. That worry and fear kept me exhausted and depressed for years. That was when I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and was living with physical pain in my hips and low back. 

Another example is when a father passes away at the age of 59. His son has been healthy all of his life, works out every day, is a successful business man and appears to be healthy. At the age of 59 he discovers he has a brain tumor. Within a year this man goes from being healthy to passing away at the same age as his father.  

Also, there are some families who have a family history of allergies, or heart conditions. These conditions become the truth of the family. You can hear members saying yes heart attacks run in my family. It’s just the way it is. It becomes the truth of the family, an imprinted belief. 

Signs and symptoms of Ancestral Wounds: 

  • Heart conditions 
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression 
  • Patterns of feeling unfulfilled 
  • Arthritis 
  • Headaches 

If you experience these then ancestral Healing may be the missing link that can free you to living pain free and personal fulfillment. 

When we clear the energy then you have the opportunity to choose a new way of being. Your body and mind can then begin to choose how you want to feel. You can choose what new beliefs you want to believe about yourself.  

When that change occurs, physical healing can be achieved faster and easier. You can get back to living your life with more ease and flow. You have new awareness around your pain and can feel empowered around your health and life. 

Ancestral clearing has made a huge difference in my life. I no longer worry about things. I get to choose to trust in myself and that I am fully supported in all areas of my life. This has all resulted in allowing more ease and flow into my marriage, enjoying fun adventurous vacations, a successful business and being more present when hanging out with friends. 

If you are ready to dive deeper schedule your complimentary Happy, Active Life Session today.

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About the author 

Jacqueline Kane

By diving deep underneath the surface and symptoms of chronic pain, Jacqueline Kane, the Stop the Pain Specialist, supports women in discovering and healing the crucial hidden links between physical pain, finances, and the ability to live a full life. With over 15-years in private practice as a healer, and over 30-years in health care, Jacqueline has merged her innate wisdom with a multitude of healing modalities, including Bowenwork, Emotional Freedom Technique, Evolutionary Meditation, Soul Clearing and more to create unique, results-oriented methods for healing.

Jacqueline’s powerful programs, available to individuals, groups, and organizations, liberate clients from both physical pain and financial struggle, so they create a path to energy, health, ease with money, and personal fulfillment. She is the creator of the Healthy Wealthy Success System© that guides women in creating a joyful, pain-free life full of energy and financial success. Claim your Four Steps to Pain Free Living eguide today at

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