To get away from it all can be just what the doctor ordered. Travel has many benefits physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally for women. Women as natural givers need to go deep within and replenish in order to continue giving from the heart. A trip or break from your usual routine can connect you to your inner wisdom which naturally helps you grow personally and professionally.
“To get away from one’s working environment is, in a sense, to get away from one’s self; and this is often the chief advantage of travel and change.” -Charles Horton Cooley
When wanderlust strikes, you must heed the call. Traveling is a method to grow your soul through different experiences, cuisine, people and landscapes by getting away from your former habitual self and opening up to the new. The new and novel will keep you passionate about life and who you are. By traveling, you step out of your comfort zone and engage in the present moment. In a foreign land, you need to know and pay attention to where you are and where you are going or you could become lost. Yes, for some becoming lost is in and of itself another type of adventure. It really is all how you think about life that defines each and every experience. Your greatest power lies in the here and now, the more you can be in your travel experience, the more you will get out of it.
“Travel brings power and love back into your life.” -Rumi
When you relax, open up and experience fun travels, you automatically connect to your inner source of power and happiness. When you let go of stress, ideas and inspiration for new projects naturally flow when you are not thinking or looking for them. Bring a pocket sized notebook and of course a camera to capture these bursts of creative insights and record these moments. When you arrive home, you will have many fresh new starting points to work from.
“You lose sight of things… and when you travel, everything balances out.” – Daranna Gidel
Getting away allows us the time and space to let go of the demands of the office. It is the perfect reason to take a break from technology. Go ahead and shut off your social media, phone and computer. While you are at it put your calendar away too and just be. This gives you a chance to really tune in and listen to your inner voice.
Many women get more exercise when they travel. I am not talking the gym or the weight room in the hotel. This is from walking and exploring the land. Often times you do not realize how out of balance your life has become until you get away from all the distractions.
“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.”- Anita Desai
Traveling becomes a part of who you are and is an opportunity to make memories that will last a lifetime. We are all connected and when we interact with new people, places and things, we become a part of each other. Talk to people who live in that locale, find out about their interests. Have them tell you about local hot spots. You may even broaden your circle of friends and make some new connections.
When you are home again, take one picture, print it and post it on your desk. Each time you look at it, take a mini vacation in your mind. Take some deep breaths, remember the scene in your mind and allow it to bring you right back to that feeling of joy again.
“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” -Lin Yutang
There is no place like home. It can take an absence from your work, home and other relationships to appreciate what you have on a deeper level. It is nice to get away although there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed again and returning back to the work that you love after a great vacation, feeling refreshed.
“Travel is the only expense that leaves you richer.”-Anonymous
Imagine the stories you will tell of all your travels. With each trip, you become a more enriched and interesting being. Create a travel journal and make a scrap book to keep the magic alive. Visualize your happiest moments during a meditation and plan your new sojourn. Once the travel bug bites you got to keep exploring yourself and new lands!
Hi, Lisa! I 100% agree! In fact, I am traveling this weekend – just a little getaway to Orlando for my son’s football camp. He’ll be at camp all day, which leaves me plenty of time to relax by the pool. GREAT blog post! ~Jill =)
That is wonderful Jill, enjoy your travels!
I like travel when I’m in it. The sounds, smells and tastes of a new culture are well worth the dreaded planning, packing and navigating to reach the destination. This reminded me of why I need to say Yes! more often. Thank you.
You are welcome!
Travel makes my soul sing! And my soul sings as often as possible. Now…if I could just take my own bed with me, I’d be totally set! LOL 😉
I hear you Peggy about the bed! Great to be connected with a travel lover like yourself.
Travel for me feeds my soul! Thank you for validating the transformative benefits of travel and how we can sow seeds of love wherever we may go…
You are welcome, Debra. Yes, another travel lover in the group! 🙂
I am an adventurer at heart and have been lucky to travel all around the world. I look forward to my next trip abroad and always love coming home!
Excellent Shann! I would love to hear about some of your travels sometime!
Yes Lisa! where ever you go (on all levels) becomes part of you.
I agree Jacqueline!
Thank you Lisa! It is a beautiful gift to expand and transform because of the places we have visited as we absorb an energy footprint that settles in our soul and becomes one with us! This article is a beautiful reminder thank you! 🙂
You are welcome Cindy! Thank you for your comments.
I love this post and I so enjoy travel. When I can’t travel across the globe I put on the “tourist hat” in my own city, armed with camera and explore new sights and new perspectives.
Thanks Rachel for reminding me of being a local tourist, I also have done that and it is a lot of fun!