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How to Use Instagram to Attract Your Ideal Audience

How to Use Instagram to Attract Your Ideal Audience by Jill Celeste, MA | #AspireMag

Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media sites out there, and it’s a superb tool for marketing your business or coaching practice.  If you’re not familiar with Instagram, it’s a photo-sharing site available as an app for your smartphone. Popular for “selfies,” it is also a great social media site for sharing your personal interests, behind-the-scenes photos of your business and connecting with potential customers.

Here are seven tips on how to use Instagram for your marketing:

#1: Post on Instagram on a regular basis

The more you use Instagram, the more you’ll get out of it. Consider posting a photo or graphic at least once a day. Did you know you can download photos from the web on to your phone’s camera roll and then upload to Instagram? This is a great alternative if you want to post a quote or inspirational graphic – and don’t want to come up with a photo every day.

#2: Use hashtags

Just like you would on Twitter, you can include hashtags on your Instagram posts. If you look at other Instagram users’ accounts, you will notice that many people will post several (sometimes dozens) of hashtags on their photos, so don’t be shy about using hashtags. Use hashtags that are keyword based (such as #lifecoach) and conversational (#lovemybassethound). Both types of hashtags work well on Instagram to not only extend the reach of your post, but also to add anecdotes to your photos.

#3: A face is best

Images with faces get 38% more likes and 32% more comments on Instagram, so make sure you are including photos of people to increase engagement. You can take a “selfie,” but don’t forget you can vary your photos with other people – and even your pets!

#4: Make sure your Instagram profile is filled out

Your Instagram profile can be as fun as you want it to be. Make sure to include keywords about you and your industry so others can find you. Also be sure to include a link to your website. Your Instagram profile is the only place on Instagram that allows a “live” link (meaning people can click through), so it’s essential to include a web address in your profile.

#5: Like and comment on others’ posts

This may seem like a no brainer, but it’s an important part of Instagram marketing. Remember that Instagram is a social media network, so the more you interact, the better Instagram will work for you. Take a few minutes each day to go through your Instagram feed, and press the heart button (to like) or leave a comment.

#6: Regram if you can

A “regram” is when you post someone else’s Instagram content on your account (much like a “retweet” in Twitter). Instagram does not have a share feature, so a “regram” does take a few extra steps. Some people take a screen shot from their phone of the Instagram content that want to share, and then upload the screen shot to Instagram. You can also download apps such as Repost or Regram, (both of which makes regramming super easy!). Make sure you give credit by tagging the Instagram user and use the #regram hashtag.

#7: It’s okay to promote on Instagram

The majority of your Instagram content should be non-promotional, but it’s okay to throw in some promotional content once in a while. Contests and giveaways are a big Instagram draw. Follow the big brands and have a photo contest with a special hashtag for prize entry. You can also promote upcoming events by uploading a special event graphic. If you do this, make sure you have an easy-to-type-in web address on the graphic and description. There is no “live” link in the Instagram description field, so the easier it is to type in the URL, the better. Better yet, put the link in your Instagram profile and tell people in your photo description to head to your profile and click on the link there.

Instagram is a fun and creative social media site to consider for your marketing strategy. It allows you to share your interests so people get to know you. Experiment with the types of photos, filters and borders, and spend time connecting with fellow Instagram users. Benchmark from other entrepreneurs, celebrities and big brands who are using Instagram successfully. When used effectively, Instagram can provide a real boost to your social media marketing.

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About the author 

Jill Celeste, MA

Jill Celeste, MA is an international bestselling author, marketing teacher and founder of the Celestial Marketing Academy. A self-proclaimed "entrepreneurial cheerleader," Jill loves to teach purpose-driven entrepreneurs about authentic marketing fundamentals. All of Jill's teachings focus on one belief: that all entrepreneurs must embrace their roles as Director of Marketing for their businesses. When entrepreneurs do this, their businesses will thrive.

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  • DamianVoychek says:

    Instagram and Facebook are very effective marketing tools, agree. Even though I prefer traditional methods ( mailing, spreading corporate logos on pens and lapel pins , socials, even magazines and newspapers ), I think it´s time to make promo using socials 🙂

  • Susan Kim says:

    If you know exactly what kind of audience you need – you should try Zengram, it’s a great tool allowing to target hashtags, geographic location (by city, not custom geotags, which is nice), and competitors. I think you should give it a try, especially if you’re in a local business.

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