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How to Transform Your Self-Sabotaging Beliefs in 15 Minutes

How to Transform Your Self-Sabotaging Beliefs in 15 Minutes by Monica Dubay | #AspireMag

In my work coaching women, I have found that what keeps us from fulfilling our dreams is always one or more of these six subconscious beliefs.   

  1. I can’t do it. 
  2. I don’t know what I’m doing. 
  3. I’m not good, smart, rich, {fill in the blank} enough. 
  4. I need more training. 
  5. I’m afraid to step into my power. 
  6. I’m afraid I’ll fail. 

If you listen to these menacing messages, you will stop yourself from your most brilliant ideas, and if you never question them, you may end up living for years as if they are actually true. It’s tragic and it’s the reason I’m on a mission to crush fear and self-sabotage in women.   

I want to give you the key to changing your thoughts right now.  After almost 30 years of mindset training, studying with Masters in several traditions, I have uncovered the fastest ways to undo these beliefs that keep us feeling diminished.  

The foundation principle is that none of these limiting beliefs are ever true, even though we do believe them.  Our minds are powerful, our thoughts create joy or suffering, when we listen to them and think they are true.  

But first, know this:  thoughts and beliefs will not go away until you do something to transform them. No amount of pleading, praying to God, complaining, reading books, or stating affirmations will work.   

So, stop right now. 

Here’s a way out.  The method I use most often is called self-inquiry. Self-inquiry cracks open the door to your subconscious mind and lets you free yourself from its trickery.   

Once you’ve mastered this simple methodyou have the key to the door that was locked.  It then swings wide open to show you how to actualizyour life and find real lasting fulfillment.   

Do it every day for 10-15 minutes, and step into real power. I mean it, I’ve lived it and witnessed it in my work with people. 

It’s called “The Work”. It’s brilliant, and you don’t need to have any special training for it to work for you.  It’s from a Master teacher named Byron Katie.   

The key to unlocking your subconscious and setting yourself free forever is yours, with Katie’s four questions and a turnaround.  I’ll walk you through it here. 

Let’s use the first of the six most commonly held beliefs, which, when released, will create a breakthrough for you right now.    

How often do you tell yourself this? 

I can’t do it? 

Take that thought, write it down. It doesn’t matter what IT is.  You fill in the blank, what IT is, for you.  For me, I’ll use, I can’t finish my book. 

Now ask yourself these four questions one at a time.  Don’t tell a story, don’t justify, just do the process.  The first two questions have a yes or no answer. 

  1. Is it true? 

“I can’t finish my book”.  Is it true? Yes. 

  1. If yes, are you absolutely sure it’s true?

Am I absolutely sure I can’t finish my book?  No. 

  1. How do you react when you believe it?

Now state the thought, and let a reaction arise so you can see how the belief affects you emotionally. Write down all the feelings.  When you’ve got it, just be with it for a few minutes. Don’t run away or try to rationalize it away.  BE WITH IT. 

I’ll state mine: How do I react when I believe I can’t finish my book?  I feel frustrated, all alone, unworthy, powerless, and scared to be judged by others. My head is cloudy above my left ear and it’s a bit agitated.   

Now, move on to the next question. 

  1. Who would you be without that thought?   

Now imagine, you are the same person, but you don’t believe that thought. How would you feel, what would be different?  Take your time, go within.  Feel into it. Let a new experience happen within you. 

For me, without that thought, I’d be confident, committed, and courageous and would write every day till it’s finished.   

  1. Now turn around the thought to its exact opposite. 

I can do it.   

Give at least three reasons why the new thought is equally true.  It is possible, isn’t it?  It could be true… let’s see if it is, name the reasons. 

In my case, I can finish my book because,  

  1. It’s my passion and I love writing. 
  2. I just need to write every day for an hour.  
  3. I know that I will do it and schedule it in. 

I can’t, becomes, how can I?  Easy. I just schedule it in my calendar and start doing it every day.  Now I feel differently. I know it’s not true. 

Sometimes beliefs have a deeper hold, they are based on a story, an event that is associated with a powerful memory.  Yet, they can still be released with these four questions.  I promise, it works.  Let the emotions arise, write them down and then inquire.   

Is it true?  Or is it just a story you keep telling yourself.  Stories don’t have to be true, they are usually made up to validate suffering. 

I hope this helps you to realize that your thoughts have power and they can be transformed with a little effort on your part.  

I know you came here to make a difference. Will you have the power to actualize your dreams?   

If you practice The Work, over time it starts to work for you. Imagine the power you would bring into your career or business and how your life would transform if you weren’t suffering with false ideas.      

Isn’t it worth 15 minutes each day to transform your life? You only need to do one thought each day. 

Try it and see.  If you need help, I’m right here. 

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About the author 

Monica Dubay

Monica Dubay is a spiritual teacher, healer, author and catalyst for transformational leadership. She is on a mission to empower women who want to crush fear, shamelessly love themselves and change the world.

Monica has been a teacher of transformation since 1990, when she was healed of anxiety and depression miraculously. She has taught A Course in Miracles for over 25 years. Her Heal Your Mind Heal Your Life Transformation Program helps women become leaders by finding their true purpose, forgiving the past, and embracing their divine calling. Monica is a spiritual guide, a catalyst for enlightening the mind. She helps clients identify blocks, using powerful energy healing methods to affect a breakthrough in consciousness. She uses wisdom from all spiritual teachings, visioning, and inner guidance to transform and enlighten. Take the next step on your journey, download your 10 Steps to Create your Life’s Desire Video Course & Meditation.

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