People always say that passion fades over time. Most people, unfortunately, think that this is “just the way it is” and you have to “deal with it”. Most people are dead wrong.
Yes, it’s true, that in long-term relationships today, most people will organically experience the deterioration of passion over time.
- NO, it is NOT true that it “happens for no reason”
- NO, it is NOT true that “there’s nothing you can do”
- NO, it is NOT true that “your partner just isn’t attracted to you”
- NO, it is NOT true that “you’re just getting old”
Passion fizzles in a long-term relationship for a very real reason. And it has NOTHING to do with how you look, how well you are aging, or how “into it” either of you is.
Hold onto your hat… the passion fizzling does NOT even have anything to do with how much the two of you LOVE each other or not! What?!
There’s a very real (and proven) reason why passion fades over time. Over the last 14 years of helping thousands and thousands of students, we have also proven that there is a very real SOLUTION that reignites the passion!
You Are Not Alone
If you feel less passion, less intimacy and less connection than you want in your relationship, please know that you are not alone! There’s an epidemic of passionless relationships right now.
Everywhere around you are disconnected partners, partners who have lost their playfulness and passion. And for good reason.
The Surprising Cause of Passionless Relationships
This is a predictable pattern, with a predictable outcome.
In a long-term relationship, when there’s a kerfuffle or upset between two people and we do not have the skill sets to SOLVE it, it’s like we put a brick into the Brick Wall Between Us™.
- We disagreed about parenting, and we didn’t resolve it. A BRICK goes into the Wall.
- My partner said something inconsiderate, again. A BRICK goes into the Wall.
- I asked if he wanted to maybe go out on a date and he said “No”. A BRICK goes into the Wall.
This happens in all long-term relationships. Over time, the Brick Wall Between You gets higher and higher. Until one day, you look over at your partner, and you don’t even recognize them anymore. You feel like you don’t know them (or yourself). And you wonder if they even LIKE you, let alone LOVE you, with how they treat you.
This happens because once the Brick Wall Between You reaches eye-level in any relationship, when you look at your partner, you are NOT looking at THEM, you are looking at the wall.
Everything they do or say is being filtered through or flavored by all the unsolved kerfuffles, pains and upsets in each brick in the wall between you.
Unfortunately, this is when so many people decide to give up on their partner, falsely thinking it will be better with someone else. But, in relationship dynamics, you bring YOU with you into your next relationship. And, you bring your WALL.
Meaning, you brick your brick wall with you, with yourself walled behind it. That’s why when a date says something that lights up one of the bricks in your wall, you think to yourself, “oh no. I know that crap. My ex used to say that. I’m outta here.”
Plus, you never got the SOLUTION to solve each kerfuffle, upset or disappointment that put a brick into the wall… so your same lack of skill set impacts the next relationship (and so does theirs).
The Proven Solution
There’s nothing wrong with you. And there’s nothing wrong with your partner. This is where most of humanity is right now.
Over 20 years ago, I made a unique discovery in human relationships. I accidentally discovered the old, broken relationship paradigm that had been handed down to us. This paradigm and the old relationship patterns from it, that people were still perpetuating today, is the CAUSE of the lack of skill set and bricks in the wall.
Since making that discovery, I also invented the SOLUTION to it, our Relationship Development Methodology, with all the tools and skill sets needed to solve every brick in the wall and prevent new ones from going in. And thousands of students have learned our method, solutions and skill sets and successfully taken bricks out of the wall and placed them on the rock-solid foundation in their relationship, to give it new life.
They have done it, and you can, too.
Taking Down the Wall Between You
First of all, you are already ahead of where most folks are right now because now YOU can SEE the wall between you. You know that each time a kerfuffle or upset goes unsolved, a brick goes into the wall.
It’s not your fault for not having the skill set to solve these (and it’s not your partner’s fault either). We were just never taught this…until now.
The amazing thing is that it is just a skill set and it can be learned. Of course, doing what you have always done, trying to get your partner to fix it, change what they do or say or be more of what you need… does not work (it actually puts more bricks in the wall).
But when you learn the Relationship Development Skill Sets for solving each upset or kerfuffle, without compromise, without pleasing and without giving in… the bricks start coming out of the wall between you.
And just like bricks placed on a garden bed, when you lift the first brick, the plant underneath can start to come back to life… it’s the same in relationship dynamics. As soon as you solve that first brick, the relief and hope you will feel will bring YOU back to life, invigorated to keep solving bricks and watching yourself and your relationship thrive as this brick wall comes down.
That’s when the heartfelt understanding, connection and yes, passion, starts to blossom.
The only thing standing between you and the relationship you want is an empowered choice to get the Skill Set that and solutions that you never had before (and so deeply deserve to have).
The best place to begin is to read our book, The Missing Piece: A Proven Method to Single-Handedly Transform Your Relationship and Create Harmony in Your Home (Hay House). Order your copy at It’s also available anywhere you buy books.