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How To Improve Your Sales Results Using Human Design

How To Improve Your Sales Results Using Human Design by Nancy OKeefe | #AspireMag

Sales are the lifeblood of every business, yet most businesses struggle to bring in more sales. If we look at how we handle sales through the lens of Human Design, we will discover some elements of our sales processes don’t serve us well.  The great news is, we can improve sales results by increasing our awareness of the Human Design Energy Types and how each type handles the buying and selling process. 

Business is all about relationships. If you are in a service-based business, then YOU are your business. People are buying you, your knowledge, and your experience. You have a unique energetic blueprint called your Human Design. Your client has a unique energy blueprint too.  

A basic understanding of Human Design Type, Strategy, and Authority can go a long way toward helping you craft messaging that resonates with each of the Human Design Energy Types and how they make the decision to buy.  Incorporating this knowledge into how you do sales is a solid way to improve your results. 

Human Design Energy Types and Their Strategies 

There are 5 energy types:  Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector.  Let’s look at each type in terms of being a seller and a buyer. 

  1. A Manifestor in an initiator.  Manifestors are here to get the ball rolling by inspiring others into action, to lead change and get things started. They are the only type with initiating energy. The sales models we use in business align well with a Manifestor Seller. Unfortunately, only 9% of the population has this energy type.  Manifestor sellers can improve their sales by informing their clients what they are doing or offering and then telling the clients what the next step is to enroll. A Manifestor buyer is a quick evaluator of opportunity and will respond quickly based on what their intuition or their gut is telling them.  
  2. A GENERATOR has magnetic energy. Generators (37% of the population) are here to respond. They draw the ideas in from sources other than their internal thoughts and build them into reality. When they have an internal idea and try to market and sell it, often their efforts go unnoticed. They are here to respond to the outside world, to something they are passionate about.  They need a sign.  Generators find established sales and marketing models frustrating and often lacking results for them because they are based on initiating. A Generator Seller does best by teaching from their experiences and the knowledge they have mastered through talks, videos, etc.  Generators respond to Yes/No questions so all sales speak should start with a question.  It gives Generator Buyers something to respond to. Next give them a sign that this is the right thing for them by helping them to see themselves in scenarios. 
  3. The MANIFESTING GENERATOR is a Generator with fast acting energy. Speed is what differentiates them from the other types. Like the Generators, they are here to work and become masters of their work. They do not find success initiating. They, too, are built to respond. They find established sales and marketing models frustrating. They represent 30% of the 70% of Generators.  Manifesting Generators can skip steps due to their speed.  A long sales letter is probably lost on a Manifesting Generator.  They are just moving too fast. 
  4. The PROJECTOR has penetrating energy. Projectors are here to guide and direct others. They intuitively see the potential and blocks in people and understand how to correct them. 20% of the population are Projectors.  Projector Sellers find traditional sales exceedingly difficult. Like Generators, they cannot initiate. Projector Sellers do best in sales by building relationships. More intimate contact, such as one on one calls or meetings will work best for Projector SellersProjector Buyers need to be invited into what you are doing.  Use the word Invitation in your sales speak.  Projector Buyers are intuitive and can see through inauthenticity.  You will turn them off if you don’t take the time to build a trusted relationship. 
  5. The REFLECTOR has mirror energy. Reflectors are wise observers and reflect back to humanity how we are doing.  They are passionate, sensitive, and unique making up less than 1% of the population.  Reflectors must be in the right place geographically and with the right people to find their personal formula for success.  Reflector Sellers and Buyers are all about relationships and do better in groups.  They require clarity so make sure to build the relationships and give them enough detail so they can find the clarity they need to make a decision. 

The important thing to note here is that your marketing sales speak should address the buyer in each type.  When you put elements that resonate with each of the types, your will improve your sales results. 

Human Design Authority and the Buying Decision 

Have you ever had a client decide to work with you only to have second thoughts a few days later and change their mind? 

You and your clients have the sacred gift of a decision center that guides you in making aligned choices.  It is called your Authority.  Your Authority helps you tap into your natural intuition. Making the right choices, choices that are aligned with who you are, is about how the choice “feels” in your decision-making center. It is not about logic and thinking. 

There is a right timing element to aligned choices. Some types have access to quick decision making, some have the need to talk it through with others, some need to take their time with the decision especially for big life decisions, as much as a whole lunar cycle. This timing element helps to ensure that what you choose stays consistently aligned and you aren’t left second guessing or regretting your choice. You can greatly improve your sales results by building in respect for a client’s decision-making authority. 

To improve your ability to get a “yes”, here are two things you can build into your offers to help buyers with their decisions. 

  1. Questioning:  We already spoke about questions.  Both types of Generators respond to questions. When you sprinkle questions such as “Have you ever. . .?” or “What would it feel like if. . .?”, or “Can you imagine what your life would be like if. . .?” and finally “What else do you need to say yes?”, you give 70% of the population something to respond to.  
  2. Timing:  Some types have the need to take time to make their decisions. The time needed differs by type.  It could be a day, a week or even a whole lunar cycle.   These are the people who say yes and then back out, don’t show up, or don’t pay because they did not have adequate time to process the decision and when they finally did process it, the answer was “no”.   

Fast acting bonuses, verbiage like “it’s never going to be at this price again”, the cart is closing, etc. do not work for clients that need longer decision-making times. It will push them away from making any decision.  If they succumb to the pressure of the fast close, they may be very unhappy with their purchase, quit, even ask for a refund. 

Your sales speak should include what each of the Authorities need to go through their decision process. Fast acting bonuses work for some of the types, but for those that need time to process or need to talk it through, you need to build in time and ways for those Authorities to honor their process. 

An effective way to do this is to hold an open call or two for those that need to talk it out or to leave the cart open a little longer.  Also sending a few nurturing, pressure-free emails listing commonly asked questions or common objections and answers.  

 It is a good practice to make a personal phone call, if possible, to address issues or invite people in personally. Be authentic.  Every type can read your energy and needs to trust you to buy from you. 

If you can incorporate these concepts into your sales speak, it can go along way toward building relationships, honoring everyone you hope to serve, and improving your sales results. 

Discover Your Life Purpose and Your Business Genius from Your Human Design

Do you struggle with the question “What is my Life Purpose and what am I here to do?” You are divinely designed to be unique, with a life purpose, a set of skills/talents to support you in achieving your life’s work, and four prime gifts that are your Pillars of Business Genius. Once you understand what you are here to share with the world and how you are wired to share it, you can ease into alignment with your business for greater abundance, fulfillment, and success.

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About the author 

Nancy OKeefe

Nancy OKeefe is a Certified Quantum Human Design Specialist, intuitive business coach, and compassionate transformer, who helps women entrepreneurs peel back the layers of who they have been taught to be and how they have been conditioned to do business to reveal who they truly are so they can live their inner truth and build an abundant and sustainable business that feeds their soul.

Author of the book Unlimited Talent and a contributing author to the book Stop Overworking, Start Overflowing, Nancy is passionate about helping women understand their divine design and their personal formula for success.

As a young widow with two children and few skills, Nancy was forced to become the breadwinner before women had careers. But with a clear understanding of herself and her purpose, she went from receptionist to company VP and on to Founder/CEO of her own multi seven figure firm. Nancy has been developing and coaching entrepreneurs for over 25 years, helping them bring out their best qualities, build confidence, and feel empowered to build their businesses based on their own definition of success.

“Understanding your Human Design, how you are uniquely wired to operate, gives you an advantage in business. It allows you to do business your way and eliminates the competition because there is no one else like you.” says OKeefe. “Learning to embrace who you are and operate from your inner truth rather than a cookie cutter formula for success is very empowering.”

Nancy’s two children both live abundant and successful lives. Her 4 grandchildren are one of Nancy’s greatest joys in life. Nancy lives near Hilton Head, SC and enjoys the pace, the people, and painting the scenery of the low country.

Nancy is a certified Executive Coach from the College of Executive Coaching, holds an MBA from Babson College in Entrepreneurship. She is a certified Career Transition Coach, Fascination Advantage® Adviser, and Certified in Conversational Intelligence®.

Learn more at

Schedule your Divine Life Story Human Design Reading today. Schedule it here.

Are you a mission-driven entrepreneur? Take a deep dive into how your Human Design can empower you in business with the digital HD 101: Meet Your Soul course.

For a deeper dive into Human Design, step into Nancy's Business Success with Human Design Facebook group.

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