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How to Clear One Day a Week to Have More Fun

How to Clear One Day a Week to Have More Fun by Bailey Frumen, MSW, LCSW | #AspireMag

Who doesn’t want to have more fun? We’re always talking about, “Someday, I’d love to…”

But ‘someday’ never seems to come because we are too busy. Our lives are filled with ‘must-do’s, have-to-do’s, and do-right-now’s.’ With lists of tasks and chores to complete, it’s hard to find time for fun and play.

When we are so task oriented, it can seem difficult to find our joy. We begin to believe that happiness is reserved for when we have time to enjoy our bliss.

We get stuck saying, “I’ll be happy when…”
“…when I’m less busy…”
“…when the kids go to bed…”
“…when I finish this project…”
“…when I get a new job…”

Living life thinking that we will finally be happy when we’ve crossed off
everything on our to-do list will leave us feeling very unfulfilled. If we are
waiting for something magical to transpire that will finally give us permission to
enjoy our day and most especially enjoy our lives, we might be waiting quite a

It’s time that we slip into the driver’s seat of our lives to experience the joy that
we have been craving. We deserve to be happy and most importantly, we
deserve to be happy now.

What would it look like if you had one whole day of the week to play? A day
without obligations, promises, or anywhere that you had to be. When you look
in your schedule right now, it might seem like a stretch but clearing one day a
week to have more fun isn’t an impossible task.

Here’s How to Clear One Day a Week to Have More Fun

Let’s begin with your vision. Wipe the canvas clean in your mind, give yourself
permission to paint any picture you choose. First, begin to envision what it
would look like to spend a whole day free of plans and obligations. Picture
yourself without anywhere that you have to be, no one waiting for you to finish
the project, not even a single errand on your to-do list.

Next, ask yourself, “What do I want to do?” Sometimes we’ve been so busy in life that we become detached from what we like to do for fun. Begin to create a list, think of things that bring joy and bliss into your life. On your list, include a healthy mix of things that can be done independently and some that can be shared with others.

Now that you’ve spent time tapping into your creativity, with a healthy list of things that light you up in hand, it’s time to return to your vision. What would an ideal play day look like for you? Begin to use your blank canvas to paint a picture of your ideal play day. Consider three important elements—what are you doing, who is there, and how do you feel. How we feel when we spend are time is the most essential element to bringing more fun into our lives. If we don’t feel lit up, full of joy, elation, or even a sense of relaxation—we need to look at re-writing the script of how we are experiencing our ideal day.

Finally, this is where the “rubber meets the road,” we need to lean on our logistics to make it happen. Is having fun a priority for you? Do you want to spend more time in a place of joy rather than stress? When we know what our priorities are, it is easier to make time for the things that matter most.

When you look at your calendar, look a few weeks, even months in advance. Ask yourself, “Where can I make it happen?” When can you find one day each week to recharge, rejuvenate, and bring more joy into your life. When we create a vision of how we want to spend our days and decide how we want to feel in those days, only then do we make the joy of experiencing life the most important thing on our “to-do” list.

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About the author 

Bailey Frumen, MSW, LCSW

Bailey Frumen is the creator of the Inspired Living Program and The Path to Freedom. She helps ambitious women go from fear to flight. She believes in morning rituals, traveling, and living life on your terms. If you want to have way more fun, getting shit done, saunter over to

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