I manifested an extra $10,000 in the first week of manifesting class, using techniques that I learned from my spiritual teacher, who I had the privilege of studying with for over 30 years.
When my spiritual teacher, Shanta, taught a class on Manifestation, back in the 80’s when this type of subject still felt new and strange, she proposed an exercise for the class:
Just for the sake of practice, she challenged each of us to manifest $100 by the time we saw each other at the next week’s meeting.
The rules were that it had to be $100 in cash or in kind. Whether it was a check, or a dinner out, or an item worth $100, it had to be an extra $100. That is, we had to manifest a $100 value that we did not ordinarily expect in our lives that week.
I remember sitting in class and thinking: “$100? That’s too little!”
I mentally tried on $1,000 for size, but it still felt too little. I decided to manifest $10,000.
$10,000 felt right.
Quiet mind. I went about my week.
Shanta’s class met on Tuesday evenings. That Monday at work, I remember feeling a twinge: “Uh oh! It’s Monday, and my $10,000 still hasn’t shown up.”
Immediately I remembered: Gently resist doubt and gently affirm faith.
I put my worry aside and went about my day.
The thought of the money was not so much a thought as a soft hum of contentment.
Back at work on Tuesday afternoon, at the latest possible hour, I got a phone call announcing that I had won a Grand Prize of round-trip tickets for two to Australia, business class, hotels included.
Prize valued at $10,000.
I had forgotten that I had entered the contest weeks before.
I practically fell off my chair.
In fact, I did fall off my chair, and laughed and shouted “I won! I won!” and kicked my feet in the air, and generally acted delirious in front of my very concerned-looking co-workers.
I was ecstatic – and just a teeny bit incredulous.
Perhaps my shock reveals a tiny sliver of doubt; fortunately, the strength of my belief and the focus of my practice had outweighed that sliver of doubt.
I was thrilled by the prize, of course. Even more, I was humbled and grateful to the universe for this powerful affirmation of the path I was on, and this validation of all that I was learning in my classes with Shanta.
I had gone with the clarity of that initial thought that ‘$10,000 felt right.’
As long as I did not get in its way, that single, clear thought was enough to get me where I wanted to go.
And the same is true for you. A single, clear thought has limitless power.
The magician’s spell derives from the Hebrew abra ca dabra, which translates as: “make as is spoken.”
So what, exactly, were the magic words I used to manifest that $10,000 prize? Was it a mantra? A phrase I repeated over and over? Was it slips of paper that I read throughout the day to remind me of my goal? Did I use vision boards or journals?
Though all of those are useful tools, in this case the answer is: none of the above.
My magical affirmation was the simple thought in class that $100 was too small a goal for the exercise, and that $1,000, too, was too little. And so I settled on $10,000.
The most powerful thing I did was what I did not do…
I did not engage with what I call nah-firmations.
After I arrived at a goal that felt right, I didn’t deny, doubt, second-guess, question or revise my desired manifestation in any way. I didn’t judge it, or have an opinion about it. $10,000 seemed right. That was it.
$10,000 for a single thought; a pretty good payday, wouldn’t you say?
What I discovered that day was that manifesting gives us something even better than the cool stuff and amazing experiences we get when we manifest our dreams. In fact, the stuff and experiences are hardly even the beginning.
Deliberate, conscious manifestation gives us evidence of our co-creative connection with the universe, and that is where the true wonder and power of manifesting begins.
© 2016 Adapted from The Little Book of Manifesting Big with permission by Reba Linker.
Love this. All summer I was manifesting extra income, work etc. It was incredible.
Thanks for the reminder on this powerful tool: The Mind
“Live Simply”
Awesome, Mark! Keep on manifesting everything you need – I love the flow you describe. Best wishes, Reba