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Holistic Business Success Secrets: 5 Ways to Shine Your Light in your Life and Business

Holistic Business

It is time to shine your life for a world that is truly waiting for you.“~Shelley Riutta

I remember when I was first contemplated starting my Holistic Business I had SO many fears.  The fear stopped me for the longest time and I delayed starting my Holistic Business.  It wasn’t until my back was against the wall that I had the courage to even take steps to start it. 

I was working at an agency as a Therapist and there were threats of a lay off.  I remember going for a walk with my dear friend Cheryl one night expressing my fear about going laid off from my current position.

 She said “Well why don’t you start a Holistic Practice doing the Holistic work that you love so much?”  It was something I was secretly dreaming about myself for years but I had such big fears that I never really talked with anyone about it.    So now here she was giving voice to it as we were walking.  I was quiet for awhile as we walked as all of my fears coming flooding through my head.  Fears like:

-I don’t know enough to start a practice, I need more training

-Who would pay for Holistic Services like the ones I wanted to offer

-Are people really interested in the Holistic Approach?  Particularly in a small, conservative city like Green Bay, WI

And the biggest fear of all:

-All of my friends who have a private practice are struggling in their practice, why would it be any different for me

I shared some of my fears with Cheryl and she continued to encourage me to follow the path of my passion and to pursue it.  Could I really do it and do it successfully I thought?  Could it be possible to develop a Holistic Practice doing the work that I loved the most?

As I processed through all of my feelings,  I had a divine download.  What my spiritual guidance shared with me was “You can learn to do this successfully, you will just need to learn to do it differently and learn the path of success”.

So I dove in with both feet and found Mentors that had figured it out, the ones that carved out that path for success and I learned everything I could from them.  I just kept learning and integrating what I learned to create more and more success in my Holistic Practice.  I eventually grew my Holistic Practice to a healthy 6-Figure Business where I was able to helps 100’s of people transform their lives dramatically.  It was one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of my life.

I came to learn that we ALL have a light inside of us that is destined to SHINE.  Here are some steps to bring yours forward so you can truly Shine.

  1. Don’t wait until you feel READY to live our big dream in your life and business. Your Conditioned Self will always make you feel like you aren’t ready and it will throw roadblock after roadblock.  Take action and get used to not feeling “ready”.
  2. Go for your BIG DREAM first, the one that inspires you and makes your heart sing. Your passion and excitement is the signal from your Spirit that you are heading in the right direction. Take action and steps to move your dream closer to you every day.  One small step can have a HUGE ripple effect in helping you manifest your dreams faster.
  3. Surround yourself with others who are giving themselves permission to shine their light. We flourish in environments where people are expanding and shining together.  We are able to feel the energetic support of those around us who are expanding too!
  4. Hold yourself with love and compassion as you go to the next level of sharing your light with others. Be like an encouraging Mother who says, “Honey you are AMAZING, share your gifts, the world is waiting for you!”  This kind of loving, inner dialogue will help you move beyond your fears and feel safety as you expand.
  5. Trust that you have a spiritual partner in your life and business. You are not doing this alone.  You have a spiritual team that is so amazing and supportive.  One of my favorite quotes by Wayne Dyer was “If you knew who walked beside you, you would never be afraid”.

It is time to step out and share all that you came here to share.  There is a world that needs your light, love and your incredible spiritual gifts.  Set your intention for you to shine your light in the biggest, brightest way possible.  You have all the spiritual support on your side that is cheering you on, celebrating you every step of the way!!


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About the author 

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic MethodsTM to accelerate the results of their Clients.
Attention Therapists, Coaches and Healers! Claim your complimentary comprehensive 6 piece Holistic Practice Building Kit today!

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