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Holistic Business Success Secrets: 3 Steps to Align with your Divine Path

Holistic Business Success Secrets: 3 Steps to Align with your Divine Path by Shelley Riutta | #AspireMag

All of us contain a divine, expressive spark, a creative candle intended to light our path and that of our fellow humans~ Julie Cameron 

Are you living your Divine Path? Are you in complete alignment with the journey your Soul is desiring to travel?   

It can be hard to sort through all of the noise that is out there and all the noise that is in your own head.  How do you find the one voice that is truly yours to listen to and then have the courage to follow it? 

Here are some places that the “voices” can come from: 

  • The desires of your family.  Your family of origin and/or your current family.  How do you sort through what they want for you vs. what you want for yourself? 
  • The desires of your friends.  What paths are they following? How does this influence you?  Do you have the courage to follow your own, unique path? 
  • The messages from Social Media. How do you sort through what you want vs. what the paths you see others following? 

What about the “voices” in your head: 

Some of the self-talk my clients have shared hearing are… “You should do this”, “You have always wanted to do this” ,“This is a trend, you should follow it–this is where things are going”, “You can’t do THAT!”, “How are you ever going to make money doing that?” “What if you fail?”, “I have no clue what I want to do”, “I need to focus on my family right now, my time will be later”   

Sound familiar?  You’re not alone! 

I remember years ago a woman came to one of the GAHP retreats and she had a massive breakthrough.  She connected with her own voice, her own desires and had clarity about her Divine Path.  This was thrilling and life changing for her. She had never felt so much life energy moving through her body.  Everyone was SO happy for her. She left the retreat and went home and that “Voice” she connected with very quickly was covered over by the voices of everyone else in her life–her husband, her children and her extended family.  It left easily and quickly. This is how easily your true voice, which leads to your Divine Path, can get covered over. 

How can you find your Voice and find your Divine Path and not let go?  What can help you develop staying power?  Here are some strategies to guide you! 

3 Steps to Align with Your Divine Path 

#1. How far out of alignment do you feel right now?  10%, 50%, 70% 100%.  Having some awareness of the level of alignment and the level of mis-alignment can be a helpful starting place.  Then ask the question.  What fears are creating the misalignment?  Is the fear: 

  • Fear of rocking the boat 
  • Fear of failure 
  • Fears that you aren’t ready 
  • Fears that you don’t have complete clarity 
  • Fear of leaving others behind 
  • Fear of change 
  • Fear of visibility 
  • Fear of rejection 

It’s time to give yourself permission to live in 100% alignment. 

#2. Connect with your the deeper WHY of your Vision.  Why is your Vision so important right now?  How will it make a difference? Why are you uniquely wired to be able to share this with the world?  How all of the experiences in your entire life have led to this current moment in time where you can share your unique gifts to help others? Connecting with your deeper WHY is necessary them to be bigger and stronger than your fears.  Your Why is the source of your fuel and your motivation to align and stay the course. 

List the gifts that would come to you, to others and to the world by living your Divine Path.  This can be your guide and inspiration. 

#3. Let yourself live your life by your deepest beliefs.  Many people have spiritual beliefs but they are not “Living these beliefs”.  The clients of mine who expand and align so beautifully because they deeply embrace their spiritual beliefs and then wholeheartedly live by those beliefs.  This is what allows them to create magic and miracles on a regular basis. See if you can do an alignment check. Where are you struggling in your life? Oftentimes there can be a lack of living from your deepest beliefs in this area of your life.  Explore why that might and become curious as to why you aren’t living your spiritual beliefs in this area. And then courageously begin to take those actions that are in alignment. 

We are living in such an amazing time of expansion and potential.  Now more than ever you can go to deeper levels of clarity about your Divine Path and finally be able to joyfully live it. You owe it to yourself and the world. Now is the time for you to align with your Divine Path! 

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About the author 

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC

Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a 6-figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop Thriving 6 Figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic MethodsTM to accelerate the results of their Clients.
Attention Therapists, Coaches and Healers! Claim your complimentary comprehensive 6 piece Holistic Practice Building Kit today!

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