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Hello Spirit?? I’m Waiting! Any Message for Me?

Do you listen to the whispers of your soul?

Do you allow yourself the time to be still and go within?

With the hectic pace of today’s world, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and allow the sounds of the world to drown out the soul whispers we are longing for us to hear.

Of course, my intention every day is to stay tuned into my heart and listen to my soul but, like so many others, I still struggle with creating the space in my life to slow down.

At times I remind myself of an important truth with the infamous line from the old Virginia Slims commercial “You’ve come  a long way baby!” and lovingly pat myself on the back.

That truth allows me to be gentler with myself when I become aware that I am caught up in ‘existing and doing’ instead of ‘living and being’.  

In that moment of awareness, I flip my ‘heart switch’, bring myself back to the moment, slow down and reconnect with my inner wisdom.

One weekend in 2011 I experienced a sacred reminder about the power of ‘being’. 

On that day I was experiencing a sense of inner unrest that I couldn’t particularly name. Maybe you’ve experienced it too. I’m referring to the moment you realize that you’ve allowed yourself to become so busy trying to ‘get it all done’ that you’ve become almost robotic in your existence instead of feeling connected to your source, your relationships, and most importantly yourself.

“Your inner unrest is your Soul whispering to you, “Remember me; Hear me; Allow me to lead you” – Linda Joy

That day I chose to tune into my inner unrest.  I shut off the computer and sat out on our beach and chose to just BE.  No book, no music–just myself, nature, and the beauty of the moment.

In the past I would’ve just pushed forward with completing my never-ending to “DO” list and allowed my ‘old story’ to kick-in in order to smother the feelings coming up and the message that it may bring.

As I tuned into my body, I could feel myself relaxing, almost melting into the cushion of my Adirondack chair. I could feel my busy mind slowing down with each breath I took.

“Ahhh”said my body as my shoulders dropped.

“Mmmmm,” said my Spirit as I continued to take deep, cleansing breaths that brought me closer to my essence.

Suddenly a beautiful red-tailed hawk began circling above me. As I watched him, I relaxed deeper into the moment and asked my Soul, out loud, “What would you like me to know?”  

As I waited for a message, I continued to watch and enjoy the presence of the hawk.

After quite a few minutes had passed I said, with a lightness of spirit, “Hello Spirit… I am waiting! Any message for me?”

Hmmm… Nothing.

No message, no sudden insights.

I continued to sit.

As more time passed, I found myself deeply connected to the moment.

I was enjoying the warmth of the sun on my skin and watching the hawk in all his majesty.  I wondered if he was showing off for me.

His wings were spread in all their glory as he soared above me and seemed to cut through the air with ease. I felt my heart swell with love as I continued to watch him.

I became lost in the moment as I relaxed into the beauty all around me. I could hear the laughter and giggles of children across the pond who were enjoying the day. I waved as my neighbor passed by on her paddle boat enjoying her sacred soul time.

Now, over an hour passed with no message from Spirit.

Nothing, nada!

Usually I receive my messages via strong inner knowings, phrases, or what I’ve come to call ‘Divine Downloads’, those moments when you have a sudden sense of ‘yes, that’s it!

But on this day, I got none of that!

Zip, zero, zilch!

“I guess Spirit needed a day off too”, I giggled to myself!

Suddenly I was hit with the realization that over two hours had passed since I sat down with the intention of getting an answer to the unrest in my heart.

As I processed that realization, I also noticed that my energy had powerfully shifted during that time. I was feeling much more grounded, joyful, and light!  I was filled with a sense of gratitude and peace for all of life.

“Maybe I didn’t need a message from Spirit after all,” I thought, “I just needed a little down time.”

As I savored my last few moments of solitude, I looked up searching for my friend the hawk.

He was gone!

I laid in bed that evening reviewing my day and mentally doing my Gratitude List. My heart was overflowing. Feeling happy, content and grounded in love, I lovingly said to Spirit …

“I hope you enjoyed your day off. I never received your message but I’m feeling much better now. Thank you!”

As I do each night before going to sleep, I pulled an Angel card from one of my many decks.

I laughed out loud when I pulled  “Cordelia- Go Outside: You have been indoors too long. Go outside and get some fresh air.”  

“Ok, Ok, I get it!  It looks like you had a message for me after all.”

As I sleepily placed the card back in the deck I suddenly ‘heard’ Spirit’s response….

“Dear one, my message was sent time and time again today through the Hawk circling above!  I waited for you to release your vision of HOW the message was to come.  I am always with you—you only have to stay in awareness to receive me.”

As I hugged my pillow tighter and drifted off to sleep, I felt embraced in the love of Source.



Note: This article was originally published in 2011 with the title “Honoring the Whispers of Your Soul. Are You Listening?”



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About the author 

Linda Joy

Mindset Elevation Coach, Intentional Living Guide and cultivator of sacred community, Linda Joy is passionate about inspiring, empowering and supporting women on the path of self-discovery in mastering the art of living so they can create and live the life of their dreams.

She knows first-hand the mindset shifts and transformational journey it takes to create a life and, if desired, a business, that aligns with the truth of who YOU are.

As a high-school dropout, former welfare mom and queen of self-sabotage, Linda know the twists and turns of the journey of healing, forgiveness and transformation and the importance of embracing the dreams in your heart.

She passionately believe in the power of possibility and that e.v.e.r.y. woman has the power within to heal her heart, elevate her mindset and transform her life—despite her current or past circumstances.

"When a woman says YES to igniting her inner mojo, elevating her mindset, and owning her sacred wisdom--magic and miracles unfold."

Her family of inspirational multimedia brands are recognized globally for spreading a message of love, inspiration and self-empowerment to women around the world.

Her inspirational media brands include: Aspire Magazine, Inspired Living Publishing™ , and the Inspired Conversations™ radio show.

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