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When You Heal, You Heal Humanity

When You Heal, You Heal Humanity by Maryellen De Vine | #AspireMag

I was recently doing a client session with a very talented practitioner. Like so many spiritual entrepreneurs, she was struggling with some blocks, fears and beliefs around needing to raise her prices.

I started with my usual prayer blessing that I say to create sacred space and to call in the angels and guides to assist, and when I said the statement, “We honor this time as sacred, allowing her to be uplifted and transformed for her highest good and the highest good of all.” – that last part “the highest good of all” really lit up. I got the Divine download that her clearing and healing this issue for herself was also helping to clear and heal this issue for many. As we did our Angelic EFT tapping (a powerful tool I use with clients), we sent healing for this issue in all directions of time and space.

So many of us wonder why we are struggling with a certain challenge or issue. “What am I supposed to be learning from this?” “Why is this happening?” Yet, we can remember that this challenge may be part of our journey so that we can shift and heal it for more than just ourselves. We are helping to heal it for all of humanity.

I am reminded of an experience I had a number of years ago when I volunteered at my children’s school with a program that used reading children’s books to help them with issues like bullying, being a good friend, honesty, and lots more great topics. For this particular lesson, I was to read to them the book “Through My Eyes”, which is the story of Ruby Bridges,who in 1960 was the little 6-year-old black girl who, surrounded by federal marshals, walked through a mob of screaming segregationists and into her first day of school at an all-white school.

The day before the lesson, I started preparing, and read through the book for the first time. As I read, I sobbed. It hurt me to read about such hatred and discrimination. For the rest of the day, I could not shake this deep sadness I was feeling. By the next morning, still crying about this story, I was quite concerned about how I was going to read this book aloud to groups of children without falling apart and upsetting them! And I couldn’t understand why I was feeling this grief so intensely.

So, I walked to our nearby park to sit with the wise old Oak trees and ask Spirit for assistance. (I found myself also starting to grieve for Holocaust victims.) I remember sitting with the trees, closing my eyes, and seeing the color red swirling and swirling in my mind’s eye. I felt an intense energy going through my body. I realized there was something more going on here.

It just so happened that I had a scheduled call with a group of intuitive friends/colleagues later that morning. When I shared what was going on with me, they intuited that I was assisting in healing these events. I felt the Truth in that. This made going through the deep sadness much more bearable. (Thankfully, I was able to read the book to the children that afternoon without any crying.)

So, when you are struggling with a challenge, or a fear or belief, you can view it with a new perspective. While moving through it or working at healing it, you can remember that you may be helping to heal this issue for the collective. And that may give you the strength to move through it gracefully. It may give you the courage to face a fear, or to transform a block or belief once and for all – for yourself, and for others.

I send you Love and gratitude for your part in uplifting and transforming us all as you heal yourself.

Like a drop of water into a pond, your healing sends ripples out in all directions.

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About the author 

Maryellen De Vine

Maryellen De Vine is a wife, mother of three, and Coach/Teacher/Angel Therapy Practitioner® who understands the challenges of being a busy woman and soul-centered entrepreneur. She has created the “Sacred Success in Business” and “Replenish Your Spirit” programs, blending her gifts and tools, such as Angelic EFT and creativity.

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