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Harness the Power of Intention and Manifest Miracles!

Harness the Power of Intention and Manifest Miracles! by Stacey Curnow | #AspireMag

Ellen was clearly struggling.

She left behind a toxic job of 10 years to go to another job that she thought was a perfect fit – but it wasn’t. Within 6 months she was laid off.

She found another position at a nonprofit, but at a greatly reduced salary. Even worse, she didn’t feel this job was a good fit for her either.

This series of events sent her down a shame spiral, and that’s when she reached out to me.

She knew what she was doing – forcing herself to fit into situations that she could tell from the start weren’t right for her – wasn’t working, and she knew she needed support in a whole new way of thinking and being. Luckily that’s my specialty.

Ellen and I started with intention, and we started small. First I asked her how she wanted to feel when she woke up in the morning. Then I asked her who she wanted to be as she made her way through the day.

Finally I asked her to get very clear inside of herself and create a vision of doing work that satisfied her while she earned an excellent income.

I called this her “in the meantime” job because we both had a BIG vision of her doing her purpose work in the world, but the fact was that she needed a cash infusion pronto, and this was most likely to come from a consulting position. We would later parlay this income into her true calling.

This is what she wrote:

“I am well paid for my consulting role and I get rave reviews for my work. I have no shortage of offers for my services. It’s so wonderful to have a role that brings me income without being a soul-sucking job. I approach deadlines effortlessly and easily, and I am stress free, knowing that I’m in my zone of genius.

I know I don’t plan on doing this forever, but I’m very rewarded by once again having confidence in my abilities. I am making new connections with people and learning new skills. I am eager to get to work and love working with the people. As I continue in this role, I know I am building a bridge to my purpose-filled work. I can’t believe I’m actually enjoying my job! I’m getting all sorts of creative ideas of what I can do next, and I’m seeing the possibilities—for REAL.”

Soon after she wrote this vision, Ellen got news of an ideal contract position. I asked her to imagine the perfect response from the person in charge of hiring and this is what she wrote:

“Ellen, you are the perfect person for this contract role.  I know and love your work. You are the perfect person to do this analysis, and once that is complete there is certainly an opportunity for you to work longer for us if you’d like. You are clearly the best person for this role and I’m here to support you.  Thank you for being available to help me get the job done and to succeed in this effort—and for making me look good.”

A couple of weeks later she got the job. And it’s everything she hoped for – and the best part was her renewed sense of clarity, confidence, competence and purpose.

Here’s what I got from Ellen’s experience: if, like Ellen, you’d like to start harnessing the power of intention, then the best time to start—the best time to intend what you do want—is often a time when you’re keenly aware of what you don’t want.

And if, like Ellen, you’re lucky enough to be aware of what you don’t want, here’s a simple three-step process to get started on intending what you really do want.

1. Decide how you want to feel.

[Tweet “”Learning to intend positive feelings is a big part of creating a life you absolutely love.” @StaceyCurnow”].

When you tell yourself how you want to feel, then you begin to teach yourself that you are the one who can generate your feelings based on the thoughts you choose to think.

Also, once you know how you want to feel, it’s easier to choose actions that align with those feelings.

Write in the present tense as if you are already experiencing the feeling.

2. Decide who you want to be.

None of us want to be defined by our negative thoughts or undesirable circumstances.

Unfortunately this often happens when we simply react to our thoughts and circumstances rather than choose to respond powerfully no matter what.

3. Release your attachment to any particular outcome.

Yes, absolutely, envision your best possible outcome, but let me be clear: setting intentions is not about making things happen.

Our intentions are incredibly powerful. We do have an enormous potential to manifest what we want. But if you go about the process all grasp-y for a particular outcome, you’ll just end up feeling bad because you don’t see it happening as quickly as you’d like.

When you set your intention, you’re committing to the best possible outcome, but you’re not attached to any particular outcome – meaning that you can allow the Universe to orchestrate the absolute best-possible outcome at the perfect time for the greatest good of all.

Once you truly trust this process, you’ll be blown away by the miracles you manifest.

Finally, setting intentions doesn’t have to be a big-time ritual that you only invoke in the face of serious challenges. In fact, I’m a big fan of what Abraham-Hicks call Segment Intending in the book, Ask and It Is Given.

The idea of Segment Intending is to set specific intentions for specific segments of your day.

For example, every morning when I get up, I set the intention for accomplishing my morning routines with ease, meeting my family with a cheerful attitude, and being of service throughout the day.

Then, when I get on a call with a client, I set an intention to make a positive contribution to her life. I set an intention to guide her to an outcome she desires.

As you set your intention for any part of your day, take a moment to envision the outcome you want, but first and foremost, get into the feeling place of already having achieved the outcome.

I set the intention of feeling positive and capable, no matter what, and once I get to that feeling place I always feel inspired to take action.

The power of Segment Intending lies in its ability to help you continuously monitor and align your thoughts and emotions with your specific intention.

The key to effective Segment Intending is to recognize when you are moving into a new segment. When that happens, take a moment to reset your intention and, if necessary, modify your thoughts and feelings to be in alignment with the new intention.

As you practice intention, you’ll begin to notice how powerful you are. Maybe not at first: it might take a little time to find your clarity. But I assure you, this process works, and if you keep with it, you’ll soon discover the enormous power you’ve had all your life to bring about what you desire. Very soon you’ll be manifesting miracles!

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About the author 

Stacey Curnow

Stacey Curnow is a sought-after purpose and success coach who recently left behind a 20-year career in nurse-midwifery – helping women give birth to babies – to help women give birth to their BIG dreams.

Stacey is the founder of Midwife for Your Life – a website, blog and series of signature coaching programs – and serves clients all over the world. She is also the Life Purpose Expert for Aspire Magazine.

She published a best-selling children’s book, Ravenna, is a contributing author of Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness (coming in February of 2015), and is currently writing Pain Body Proof: How to Transform Your Negative Thoughts, Improve All Your Relationships and Enjoy More Happiness

You can sample her work by reading The Purpose and Passion Guidebook: 6 Steps to Doing Good, Feeling Good and Achieving Your Dreams. It will inspire you to tap into your deepest desires, claim your true value and identify your soul’s work in order to live your best life.

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  • What a fabulous post, Stacey! I love the example you share of how powerful intentions are. And thank you for the great tips for getting focused and learning how to set and use the power of intention to create the outcomes we desire.

    • midwifeforyourlife says:

      Hi Shelley! Thanks so much for your kind comment. I’m so glad the examples and tips I provided were so helpful to you!! Here’s to manifesting even more miracles in your own life! xxoo

  • Love this Stacey, I know that the power of Intention can set us free and live our magic, thank you for inspiring me. xxoo

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