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The Gift of Suffering

The Gift of Suffering by Shelley Lundquist | #AspireMag

Emotional suffering and adversity will often lead to the learning of important life lessons and to the embracing of beautiful inner truths.

All suffering is caused as a result of choosing false and limiting beliefs – that you have accepted as actual truths – about yourself, others, and about the way you believe the world should be.

These beliefs emerge over time due to your fears and judgements and have been imposed by your ego through past experience, parenting, education, and what simply is rationale gone awry.

I can think of more than one occasion where I let my emotions rule the roost, righteous in my wrath, cape billowing behind me on the wind, all while pointing a finger and ready to battle with anyone who wronged me and stepped in my way.  Rarely,  did that take me to the place I truly desired. And when it did, it was a fleeting empty victory.

When you choose to blame others for circumstances in your life, you will suffer a lot.

Most of the time, as I was back then, you are likely out of awareness of the fallacies that cause your misery.

Thankfully, we are all blessed with a built-in beacon – the mind-body connection

Even if you think you think you accept these inhibiting thoughts, you will find that you will still physically and emotionally react to them. Every single negative thought you choose to engage with, creates a cascade of physical reactions that you feel in your body.

Understand that the body’s triggered emotional and physical responses to false beliefs, are messages from your Unconscious Mind and Higher Self, telling you that something is wrong –  telling you that you are out of alignment with the true magnificence of who you are.

Your suffering is the mode of delivery of that message.

Think about that, what a gift it is to have the awareness that suffering means we need to do something differently to bring ourselves into balance.

And you’ll always know when you “get it right,” because it feels right.

I’ve heard some people worry aloud that they won’t know what that feels like because they think they’ve never felt it before. But, that’s just another trick of the mind.

  1. It will feel like the absence of whatever you feel when you’re suffering.
  2. It will feel like peace and joy all mixed into one. This is the natural state of the soul and this essence is always buried within your memory.

The first step in healing is accepting responsibility for your own perceptions, and your own actions.

If you’re still suffering, you have not yet found the courage to do something differently. Bounding down the bunny hole and hiding is not going to get you to where we want to be. I know this because I’ve done it far too many times before. My own warren was replete with warmth and conveniences – none of which masked the suffering that I chose to wallow in.

Upon realizing that your thoughts are clouded by feelings of anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt and anxiety – that have all been surreptitiously planted there by ego and rooted with what it presents as irrefutable proof – you can begin to free yourself from this gloom through awareness.

With the knowledge that ego operates from fear, you can begin to see that all its premises are formed through flawed logic.  From there, you discover that:

You don’t have to believe everything you think.

Ego will whisper to you that your suffering will end and that peace comes when everything falls into place. Don’t give power to this lie woven by ego and laced into your psyche through fear.

These beliefs are only alluring because they let you off the hook.  But, when you wait for everything to fall into place, peace will not come. You have to go to it.

Your Higher Self will lead you to that place of peace within yourself, and when you arrive, everything else will fall into place.  As you release all that does not serve you, as you shift your perception, as you move from resistance to acceptance,  and as you open your heart and mind, you will be guided there.

When you come to realize that you hold your answers within, you will discover a new sense of power and love for yourself.

Underneath all the layers of pseudo protection you’ve covered yourself in – at the core of your being, you are a divine spark of Light.

As you uncover your truth, you will move away from suffering and into the flow of living.

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About the author 

Shelley Lundquist

Shelley Lundquist is an international best-selling author, motivational speaker, and Self-Mastery & Success Coach who uses her intuitive gifts and powerful transformational breakthrough processes to empower audiences all over the world in leveraging the unlimited power of their own potential. By guiding you through a journey of self-discovery and a shift in the way you perceive yourself and the world, Shelley will help you create your best life—a peaceful, harmonious life of joy and abundance that acknowledges body, mind, and spirit.

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