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The Gift of Being Present

The Gift of Being Present by Shelley Lundquist | #AspireMag

And so it is true, that most of us spend much of our time “elsewhere” and not truly living in the present moment. We fret about things that have happened, and worry about things that might. By doing this, we rob ourselves of the joy, and the magic that exists in every single second.

“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” ~ Eden Phillpots

We can all get so wrapped up in life’s details that we lose sight of what truly matters.  And when this happens, we lose sync with our connection to core. There is actually a physical discomfort that we experience when mind, body and spirit are out of alignment.

You know what it feels like, don’t you? You feel like you need to get away and hide.  What you really need to do, is plugin to the flow.

There was a time that I found it challenging to find this harmony. Thankfully, I have since learned that the answer lies in just being in the moment and letting go of all else. It’s no coincidence that the word present, is synonymous with the word gift.  For what a wonderful gift it is! Living in the moment gives us back the gift of being our magnificent true selves.


On the night of the full moon recently, I had a powerful experience that confirmed to me that:

When we are open and truly present, we don’t just witness the beauty around us, we become it.

I lay shrouded in darkness, anxiously awaiting the sandman’s arrival, whilst Earth’s dark umbral shadow kissed a passionate farewell to his lover Luna, on the other side of the world.

I heard it, before I saw her – the lovely lure of her tranquil song.

On opening my eyes, there she was, peering patiently down at me through the window pane, her flawless face smiling, as she beckoned.  I graciously accepted her invitation, emerging  from cimmerian shadows, and joining her on her peaceful playground. I’d forgotten what it felt like to just trust.

My breath caught at the beauty of the backdrop before me.  A perfect pearl hung high on the sky, set elegantly amongst her celestial sisters and brothers.  On one side, after sliding nonchalantly down the handle of the big dipper, there rested noble Arcturus, in his dazzling light. Just above, on the other, Golden Saturn gleamed with pride, his hula-hoops skills second to none.

But it was she, Luna, with her milky iridescence, who held my attention. I stood in rapture peering up at this opalescent beauty, whilst the tendrils of her moonbeams reached to embrace me.  As she held me, she whispered softly, “Let go. Release everything with unconditional love.”

And, so I did.

Her light filled me, illuminating every cell of my body.  I felt the drops fall over my face, and her smile as she kissed them away.

The night air fragrant with the intoxicating scent of magnolia blossoms left me a little heady, and as I breathed it in, it’s cool soothing essence washed over me, cleansing me.

And I was free.

Luna kept me company, as I walked; my steps ever so much lighter.  I smiled, flattered, as the night wind danced around us, whistling and flirting, as forth we went.

As I stood on the bridge connecting the park to the deserted schoolyard, I saluted the ever vigilant basketball nets where they stood erect and on guard.  The boisterous babbling of the brook beneath rushing on its way, was positively jubilant. “Slow down,” I whispered, more to myself.  “Enjoy the ride.” The water glimmered back at me, but carried on, on its merry way.

And the leaves of the trees rustled on their branches to get my attention, just as one last lyrid meteor, winked on its way by.

My heart was full.

Luna and I stood beaming at each other.  For what seemed an eternity, we drank each other in. As I started to bid her goodnight, she held me there, her message incomplete.  Uncertain, I waited.

She bade me to look, and from the West it came, racing across the sky.

I watched transfixed as the cloud formation  neared, and a dark shape took form  as the wolf spirit burst from the billows. Eyes the color of liquid honey met my astonished gaze, and  the most amazing thing happened.

As I stood there, I felt myself grow. Taller and taller.  Higher and higher. Higher than the moon, until I was so big that I disappeared into everything.

I knew in that moment, that it is of that “everything” that I am made. The whole Universe is within me; as it is, within us all.

“You’re ready,” I heard. “Accept your gifts. Do not be afraid.”

Then just as suddenly, the clouds were gone, and Luna was moving away. I was left there standing naked with the truth. It’s always been up to me.


This experience was a reminder to me to get back in touch with my core. To heed the messages, get out of the chaos, get out of my own way, and to pay attention to the signs.

So here is my gift to you and I hope you accept this challenge and give this gift to yourself.

  • Make a commitment to yourself to take a walk for 15 minutes / day, for 7 days. Walk slower than you normally would, and notice all that you see, hear, feel, smell and taste, and all the feelings you have about those things.
  • If you find your mind wandering to worries, stop yourself, be thankful for the awareness, and focus your mind back to the task.
  • After your walk write a reflection about your experience  – the things you saw, heard, smelled, tasted, and how they made you feel.

At the end of the 7 days re-read your reflections and notice the subtle changes in your experience. Develop an awareness of your power to simply be and to let go of all else.

This exercise WILL help you learn to let go of stress, to let go of fear, to let go of worry, and to surrender and experience the joy and gratitude of simply being.

You will find:

  • you are more centered and connected to core
  • you will be more productive
  • you will have more time for things you want to do
  • you will start to notice the simple joys in everyday living
  • you will be happier and more carefree
  • and your relationship with yourself and with others will also improve.
  • everything will flow more easily and effortlessly

If living in the moment, is a struggle for you, or even if it is not, give yourself the gift of getting back to your magnificent self!

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About the author 

Shelley Lundquist

Shelley Lundquist is an international best-selling author, motivational speaker, and Self-Mastery & Success Coach who uses her intuitive gifts and powerful transformational breakthrough processes to empower audiences all over the world in leveraging the unlimited power of their own potential. By guiding you through a journey of self-discovery and a shift in the way you perceive yourself and the world, Shelley will help you create your best life—a peaceful, harmonious life of joy and abundance that acknowledges body, mind, and spirit.

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