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The Gift Of Fear -A New Perspective on That B*tch Named FEAR!

The Gift Of Fear -A New Perspective on That B*tch Named FEAR! by Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham | #AspireMag

Living fearlessly is a topic I absolutely ADORE talking and writing about. I imagine it’s because I was a total chicken shit and afraid of just about EVERYTHING my entire life up until about 8 years ago…

Now I’m not talking in particular about monsters under the bed and that kind of stuff (although I did suffer with fear of monsters lurking in dark places like under my bed and in the closet, the dark in general, and other common phobias when I was a child – who didn’t right?), I’m talking about the fear of moving my life forward.

I was the “Queen of What If”… what if this happens, what if that happens… what if… what if… what if…

There are so many ways that fear rears its ugly head in your life. There’s the fear of failure, the fear of not being enough, the fear of being ridiculed or judged, the fear of outshining someone you love, and so on. If allowed to run amuck, fear will literally paralyze you and your ability to fully live!

Once I began my deep spiritual journey and healing, I began to realize that all of the potential horrible outcomes that would whoosh around in my head were completely fabricated by my ego in order to keep me playing a small game in life. This life changing realization helped my logical mind recognize the fear, however my subconscious was still running the show, so I would stay stuck. The only difference was that now I was conscious of my stuck-ness.

What to do about it? I found myself in a quandary I must admit.

My work in the world is empowering spiritual women to magically create an abundant life they love – I affectionately call it Life Magick™. I must admit that I don’t usually follow the ass in front of me… never have and I tend to be maverick in my thinking too. So please allow me a moment or two to lay some personal thoughts on you regarding fear.

I believe you chose to incarnate to this life for a divine purpose, and that some form of fear is probably keeping you from accomplishing it.

The scientific and logical description for your limiting behavior (fear) is,

“Fear, doubt and worry originate from a place of lack driven by the ego. The primary goal for the ego is to keep you exactly where you are”.

But I say, who needs more logic and science – right?

Let’s get into the emotional part of it. Playing small and living an invisible life feels safe. But the truth is … feeling safe is just a feeling … an illusion. Listen dear one, you weren’t born to play small … you were born to play a much bigger game and overcome some scary stuff. It’s part of the spiritual lessons you chose to take on before you incarnated.

Ultimately, fear and being stuck is a choice, they are learned behaviors. Fear originates in your thoughts but you buying into the thought and allowing it to stop you, is up to you… it’s your choice.

YOU get to choose!

It’s not easy to up-level your mindset, raise your vibration and believe thoughts of massive abundance, success and prosperity… indeed there’s certainly less resistance to staying put in the paralyzing grips of fear, but breaking free can be done! The momentum begins with this one, simple mantra:

Be scared and do it anyway.

Now, simple need not imply easy. Habits are hard to break, so if your pattern is to self-sabotage, stop dead in your tracks and retreat just as things start to go your desired way … you will need to refer to and LIVE my effective, bad-ass mantra.

Be scared and do it anyway.

What I know for sure is that everything you need to create wealth, well-being and happiness is already within you. The secret is to first decide, and then be willing to follow through with your decision no matter how scary or uncomfortable it may feel. Humans are wired to move away from discomfort. Breaking through fear requires you to stay put and endure discomfort for the greater good of your life. The more you walk through the inferno of your fears and realize you’re still alive and kicking at the other end, the more walking through fear will become something you naturally do. Believe it or not, I actually crave fire-walking now because I know that I grow and become more powerful each time I walk through the illusionary veil of fear. If you haven’t already guessed, I am totally addicted to growing and expanding and becoming the next more powerful and healthy version of myself.

One of the most liberating and empowering things you can do is to stop living your days in a state of fear. It robs you of the present moment, which is all you really have anyway.

I came across this reframe for fear and I absolutely LOVE it!

Fear is:

Appearing As

The truth is …fear is an illusion.

Fear depletes your energy, clouds your self value and further keeps you from living the life you truly desire. Besides, Law of Attraction states that being afraid only attracts more of what you’re afraid of…

The fear of not having enough money creates more bills and lack, the fear of failure creates more failure and self-sabotage, and so on. When you are afraid of something… you inadvertently order a few more situations from the Universe that will put you in the same core situation.


Because you are here to learn that particular lesson, it’s part of your sacred contract. The universe will try and get you to learn the spiritual lesson you signed up for before incarnating, and if you don’t … it will simply send you another opportunity. Each time you miss the lesson, the Universe sends a bigger message… ignore the Universe long enough and it will whack you upside the head with a cosmic 2X4. Not a pleasant experience I can assure you.

5 Empowering Thoughts for Overcoming Fear

  1. Fear is not real. Fear is an illusion based on information from your past or potential future – the what-if’s (What if ______ happens?).
  2. Be scared and do it anyway. Acknowledge your fear and continue to take action forward no matter what.
  3. What you resist persists and grows. The lesson will be put in your path again, perhaps different circumstances, different cast members but same core lesson. Remember the cosmic 2X4…
  4. Take action towards what scares you most. What you most desire is on the other side of fear and is waiting for you to come claim it!
  5. Everything is figure-out-able. You can course correct mid air. I’ve done it a zillion times.

Dear one, fear is a gift if you utilize it as a life tool to grow and evolve, accomplish and succeed in life. As with everything, perspective is key. Put on your magical lens and see that fear is your friend and not your nemesis.

My deepest heartfelt wish is that the next time fear pops up in your life, and it will; you remember my words, “Be scared and do it anyway”. I can promise you that wherever I am, I will be there with you in Spirit, rooting for you and waving my pom-poms wildly.

I believe in you!

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About the author 

Lisa Marie (Rosati) Grantham

Business Mentor and Lifestyle Expert Lisa Marie Rosati-Grantham is an International Best-Selling Author, Leader of The Goddess Lifestyle Sisterhood™, and Founder of The School of Magical Living™. Believing that women CAN have it all, Lisa has successfully created a thriving, global brand while raising her children. It’s Lisa’s passion to teach ambitious, soul-centered women how to create an abundant, purpose-filled life, and prosperous laptop business they love!

Lisa’s unique combination of strategic thinking, laser sharp intuition, vast knowledge of holistic health, psychology, human behavior, healing modalities and women’s spirituality plus 20+ years of metaphysical study and practice, results in an effective mix of spirituality and “real world,” no-nonsense practicality that supports her private clients and community in embracing their own Inner Goddess. Lisa exemplifies the Goddess Lifestyle as she embraces her powerful feminine nature with pride and encourages other women to do the same. Learn more at

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  • This advice is easy to say, not so easy to accomplish. I like your point that everything if figure-out-able. I think that’s where some of us get stuck and use it as an excuse not to try. Even when we know there are options and solutions, slipping backwards into the known factor is what seems the more ‘natural thing to do’. Yikes. We do sabotage ourselves a lot ! But we can quit and go forward.

    • Lisa Marie Rosati says:

      Indeed we can Virginia! Each one of us is a work in progress, so step by step we can design and manifest our Goddess Life. Thank you for reading my article and commenting!

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