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Four Lessons on Finding Your Divine Path and Re-Authoring Your Story

Four Lessons on Finding Your Divine Path and Re-Authoring Your Story by Katrina Burton | #AspireMag

Why do we allow ourselves to go in circles, knowing full well we are on the wrong path?  When we realize we have taken a wrong turn, why is it so hard to stop and then restart in the right direction?  Sure, if it’s a matter or changing driving directions to reach a geographic destination, perhaps it really is that simple.  But when we are dealing with the complexities of life, such as deciding what we should do for a living, where should we raise our family, or how do we stop feeling so unfulfilled, it can seem so much more difficult to choose the wise path.

For over twenty years, I lived a life which was totally out of alignment with my true path.  I knew it deep within, but I couldn’t figure out how to change, so I stayed stuck.  I am a deeply spiritual person, so I prayed constantly.  I knew for sure that this was not the life God wanted for me, yet I couldn’t figure out why He wasn’t making things better.  My Christian faith told me to wait for God to deliver me, to show me the right path, to reveal to me the door that I was to walk through, in His divine timing.  But I couldn’t figure out how a God that loved me so much could let me suffer so.  I believed in my heart that there was something better for me.  And if that was His divine plan, and my heart’s desire, then what exactly was the problem?

Finally, one day, I realized that I was the problem!  I was the only thing standing in my way from living the life God had designed for me.  I was receiving all the signs and nudges to make shifts, to redirect, to chart a different course.  Yet, my own fear and limited beliefs told me that it was too hard or too scary, so instead I stood still and waited for God to miraculously part the Red Sea for me.

Once I realized that I had the power to change things, I felt so empowered!  I realized that I could leverage what I had learned from my past experiences, to inform my future chapters, and I could create what I wanted my life to look like moving forward!  I could re-author my story!

During this time, I learned a few foundational lessons which are instrumental to me in making wise choices moving forward.  I share them here for anyone who is struggling on the wrong path and seeking wisdom for how to redirect and re-author!

  • Slow Down and Get Quiet

Many times when we feel overwhelmed with life, it can seem pretty unclear what is the right move to make.  This is especially the case when we feel over-extended, constantly stressed, always in a hurry, and energetically exhausted!  Life can start to feel like one big hamster wheel and we are just running really fast but getting nowhere.  This is when it is it really important to just stop!  Take a break!  Ask yourself, what really has to get done?  What can wait?  What can you eliminate so that you can honor yourself and the Divine?  Take time to rest or meditate.  Take a walk in nature.  Go on a soul retreat.  Pull out a journal and start to write.  Once you are able to get quiet, you will be able to hear more clearly and know what is right.

  • Honor Yourself and Your Values

So often, when making decisions, we immediately consider external implications.  For instance, consider if you are given a new opportunity to participate in a local community organization.  Your immediate thoughts may be: What impact can I make on the community through this role? Will this look good on my resume and boost my marketability for a raise, promotion, or a new position? These things are very important!  However, remember to also think about how this impacts you.  Can you fit this into your schedule without feeling exhausted or overwhelmed?  How does this decision align with your highest values and priorities?  Can you take this on and still honor your sacred time and your family?  How will this make you feel?

  • Stop Making Decisions Out of Fear, and Start Making Them Out of Faith

This is a big one, and it is often the root of most of our missteps if we are not careful. Since I couldn’t figure out how to maintain the lifestyle my family had grown accustomed to, I was afraid to make big changes that would have brought me more freedom and flexibility.  Because of this, I missed out on a lot of time with my family.  Once I finally started making decisions out of faith, I finally started to enjoy the peace and freedom that comes from honoring the Divine.  Whenever we make decisions out of fear, we are really narrowing our options.  When we make decisions out of faith, we open ourselves up to opportunities we may not have even realized existed.  The next time you are making a decision, pause to ask yourself, “Am I making this decision out of fear or faith?”

  • Prepare the Way for What You Want

Once you know what you want, you have to take inspired action to be ready to receive your blessing.  This may mean enrolling in an online program, going back to graduate school, clearing clutter from your life, or eliminating relationships that no longer serve you.  Respond, in faithful alignment to the nudges that you receive.  Take the steps in divine faith and obedience, and the universe will conspire to support you!

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About the author 

Katrina Burton

Katrina Burton is the founder of ReAuthor Your Story Coaching, LLC. She is a Certified Dream Coach® and a Certified High Performance Coach™ specializing in transformational coaching to help clients redesign their lives in alignment with their highest selves. Katrina lives in Ellicott City, Maryland with her husband, David, and their two daughters. Connect with Katrina at today!

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