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Finding Peace in Living an Authentic Life

Finding Peace in Living an Authentic Life by Jane Garapick | #AspireMag

It’s a question nearly all of us have asked ourselves at one point or another:

How do I let go and move on?

It’s one of the most common questions I’m asked, and the same one I used to ask myself not all that long ago.

And the answer is not always simple. It’s not enough to simply recognize that we need to move on, that we need to let go of something that we can’t change, can’t control, and we know isn’t right for us; there’s something more that’s required of us in this process.

We have to recognize what’s really going on behind the scenes of whatever is playing out in our lives. We have to be willing to see what lies underneath, not just on the surface.

Because underneath the surface is where the real work gets done. It’s where our heart of hearts knows what we’re really worth and what we truly deserve, where it keeps trying to show us a different way than the one we fall into because of our own repeated programming.

“You can’t change anyone but yourself”, it softly whispers. “You’re not here to convince anyone of your worth”, it quietly reminds us. “You don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you”, it gently challenges us.

It’s our truest voice, the one that we eventually come to listen to, usually after we’ve tried doing it our typical way one too many times. It’s the truth of what we need to hear when we realize that we’ve traveled so far away from ourselves.

The reality is that there’s no one doing whatever we think is being done to us; it’s simply our own old story being played out over and over again.

The one that says we have to play a certain role to win a certain part.

The one that says we have to prove something to someone before we can be loved and accepted for who we really are.

And what is it exactly that we’re looking for? Is it something real, or is it simply an illusion based on what we’ve been programmed to believe it should be?

What about living our lives on our own terms? What about living the life we actually want for ourselves, which we’re capable of creating if we can only let go of what we’ve been so programmed to believe we want?

So many of us live our lives wondering why we’re not happy, why we can’t get what we think it is we want, and why it all seems so elusive.

True love, happiness, fulfillment, contentment, acceptance. They can all seem so out of reach.

But is it really out of reach? Or is it right there in front of us just waiting for us to recognize it, but we’re unable to because we’re caught up in the fantasy of what we think it should like?

Could it be that we’ve lived so long in  the struggle of trying to make it work, trying to make it happen, trying to bring it to pass, that we’ve become so focused on “it” that it’s no longer about “it”, but about the struggle?

What if there was no struggle? What would our life be like if we simply chose to accept the reality that was looking right at us and simply made a choice whether that was working for us  – or not?

What if we asked ourselves the simple question of whether we wanted to live like this – or not?

What if we ventured out of our comfort zone and made the decision for ourselves whether we wanted to continue this struggle? What if we could finally see for ourselves that doing more of the same wasn’t going to get us anything different than more of the same, regardless of how much we wanted to believe we could eventually bring something different to pass?

What then?

I know, it’s scary, doing something different. Oh how I know!

This isn’t something most of us take lightly, so entrenched we are in what others will think and say and do if we take a chance on us for a change, instead of taking a chance on everyone else (which turns out, ironically, to be so much more of a gamble).

Ask yourself whether you can accept the reality that you see in front of you. If it’s not what you want for your life, don’t accept it.

You deserve so much more than a struggle of always trying to be and do something different than what you really are! There’s a beautiful you underneath that’s just waiting to break free from the hold this fantasy has on you.

It’s time to come back to you, to your life, to the world around you that you can touch and feel that’s grounded in the reality of what is.

Let go of whoever you need to let go of. Let go of what you’ve tried to change for so long and accept that it’s not your role to change something or someone that doesn’t want to be changed.

It’s time to live the life that you’re truly meant to live.

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About the author 

Jane Garapick

Jane Garapick is a dating and relationship coach, and the founder of Getting to True Love, LLC. She writes about adventures on the rocky road to finding Mr. Right at . Whether you're struggling to meet quality men, wondering why your relationships seem to always fizzle out, or you're in a long term relationship that just doesn't seem to be going anywhere, Jane can help. To get started on your own personal journey to true love, download Jane's complimentary get-started guide Find Your True Love: 10 Simple Steps to Getting the Love You Want...and Deserve.

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