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Finding Flow in the Midst of Contrast

Finding Flow in the Midst of Contrast by Christy Whitman | #AspireMag

Which type of woman do you aspire to be?  

  • The one who goes through life tightly-wound and easily triggered, who feels the vibrational impact of everyone and everything around her?   Or,  
  • One who is self-regulated, spacious, and resourceful; who generates her own mood and keeps her eye on both her desires and her options, even when situations get dicey?  

Of course there’s no contest, right?  We all want to be that forward-looking woman who has the inner resources to keep our vibration high, our nervous system calm, and our focus clear – even in the face of life’s challenges.  So, how do we get there?   

This five-step energy mastery process will not only support you in more gracefully navigating life’s contrast; it will help you to generate a shift in your personal vibration from reactive to resourceful, from scattered to deliberate, and from frenetic back into flow.   

Step #1:  Use the contrasting experience to clarify your desire. 

Anytime a situation knocks the proverbial wind out of you and you’re not as happy, clear-minded or joyful as you’d like to be, one thing is certain:  You are now more acutely aware than ever about how you don’t want to feel.   

And so, if someone you love treats you dismissively and you feel that pang of anger or hurt wash over you, you’re now abundantly clear that you don’t want to feel dismissed, ignored, or unimportant.  Likewise, when you don’t have as much money as you want or need, you’re clear that you don’t want to feel anxious or deprived.   

Using an unwanted experience to identify an unwanted vibration within you may sound too simplistic to be of any value, but you’d be surprised how many people never take this important step.  Rather than using a contrasting situation as an opportunity to clarify and reset their personal vibration, they use it as an opportunity to feel victimized or to make someone else wrong.  This diminishes your creative power.   So instead, next time you feel disappointed, overwhelmed, angry, or any other contrasting emotion, use it to pinpoint the vibration within you that you no longer wish to perpetuate.  

Step 2: Use the contrasting experience to identify how you desire to feel.  

Now that you’re clear about how you don’t want to feel, it’s time to clarify how you would prefer to feel instead.  And the contrasting situation you’ve just encountered has literally cued this up in your awareness in a way that could be life-changing if you would only take the time to receive and affirm your new desire.   

When you’re clear that you don’t want to feel dismissed, unimportant or irrelevant, you now need to ask yourself what’s on the opposite side of that emotion or vibration?  This is highly personal and individual to each one of us in each new situation, so you have to look within for your answer. 

Maybe your desire is to feel proud, to feel seen, to feel productive, energetic, vital or engaged.  Take the time to locate the word that best captures your budding desire.  When you open your heart to the contrast you’ve just encountered, you will find that it perfectly and precisely guides you to this clarity.    

Step 3:  Claim, own, and affirm your new desire.  

Whatever it is that you now desire, claim it.  

Affirm it as yours by saying out loud, I desire to feel _______ (clear-minded, energetic, eager, inspired, etc.).  You can make this more potent by placing your hand on your forehead, then on your heart, then on your belly as you affirm your desire out loud.  Then thank the contrast you have just lived for helping you to come to this newfound place of clarity.  

Step 4: Consciously invite the energy of your new desire into your life.  

Steps 1-3 have shown you that your personal vibration is a spectrum, with what you dread on one end and what you desire on the other.  Step 4 is about tipping the fulcrum so that you are more focused on where you’re going than on where you’ve been.   

You can’t bitterly complain about what’s wrong and be receptive to joy and abundance.  You actually have to place your vibration in the vicinity of what you desire in order to magnetize it into your life.   

Do this by reflecting again on the word that encapsulates your new desire, and consciously recall all the times in your life when you felt that way.  Look around your life as it’s manifested in this moment and deliberately notice all the ways that your desired vibration is already being expressed. Imagine drawing in from the Universe at Large the exact quality of energy that you now wish to infuse into your life. Acknowledge that clarity, vitality, inspiration, joy… these are not simply moods; they are vibrational frequencies that you have the ability to tune yourself into.    

Step 5: Become responsible for smoothing out your own split energy.  

Split energy is simply the act of entertaining contradicting vibrations at once.  For example, a part of you desires financial freedom while another part of you doubts you have what it takes to manifest it.  Split energy is easy to spot – it’s marked by internal conflict, resistance and uncomfortable emotions. 

The remedy for this is not to push against your resistance, but to allow your energy stream to be exactly as it is. Simply acknowledge that your energy is split as a result of some past wound or imprint, and then remind yourself that you are never limited by anything you’ve experienced in the past, because your energy stream always moving and changing.   

Take a few moments to acknowledge any sensations of tightness or restriction within you, and use your breath to allow these to move through.  Remind yourself that you have the power to decide how to direct the powerful laser beam of your attention, and continue choosing in the direction of your desire.  Breathe into all that is working in your life and to all that you are grateful for – including the newfound clarity that always arises in the wake of challenging situations. 

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About the author 

Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman is a New York Times best-selling author, an energy healer, and the messenger for The Quantum Council of Light, ascended beings that have come forth to uplift humanity. She is also a world-renowned Law of Attraction coach and the founder of an international coaching academy that has certified more than 3,000 coaches worldwide. Her latest book, The Flow Factor, will be released in August of 2025. Learn more at

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