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The Fifth Dimension: What It Is and What It Means to the Earth Angel

The Fifth Dimension: What It Is and What It Means to the Earth Angel by Sonja Grace | #AspireMag

Regular science does not acknowledge the existence of a fifth dimension. In the hardcore factual world of science, there are only three dimensions of space: up/down, left/right, and forward/back. There is a fourth temporal dimension—that of time. However, things in the scientific world are changing, which comes as no surprise to earth angels. Recently, scientists have begun to discuss and investigate the notion of a fifth dimension, and even a six, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth dimension. It’s complicated science, and too involved to go into here, but the very fact that scientists are using “super-string theory” and experimenting with particle physics (such as the work being done at the Large Hadron Collider) indicates it’s only a matter of time before proof of our multi-dimensional world is discovered.

Earth angels understand the fifth dimension in this way: it is the energy in which we currently exist. It is found in the air, the sky, and the rays of light defining our space. The fifth dimension is the same vibration as the fifth chakra, with a high frequency and connectivity through the electromagnetic field among all living things. The color frequency is indigo, with a sound tone of E flat, which makes us increasingly telepathic and acutely aware of the space between this world and the spirit universe.

For all souls on Earth, the fifth dimension is like living in your fifth chakra! This means that sound is clearer and more defined, the sense of smell is heightened, and our ability to hear is more acute. In some cases we can “hear” another person’s voice without them speaking. Light looks different, and colors often appear to be layered with a shimmer that can be seen in the sunlight. The fifth dimension redefines communication by bringing truth to the fore, particularly about topics that have gone unspoken, such as government, aliens, and secret societies.

Earth Angels and the Fifth Dimension

The frequency of the fifth dimension is allowing a growing number of souls to become aware of their spiritual path. Seekers from all corners of the world have spent lifetimes preparing for this new vibration. Earth angels are taking the lead, helping to shift the consciousness of humanity. The fifth dimension heralds the end of humanity’s continuing incarnation on this planet, and the earth angels are helping with this transition from one soul group to the next. In fact, as the fifth dimension progresses and strengthens, new souls will come to Earth from different parts of the universe. They are star beings, here to continue the cycle that has existed forever: incarnate, experience, remember, and move on.

My introduction to the fifth dimension started in the mountains of Oregon, when I was sitting deep in meditation and completely detached from time and space. The angels took me to the center of the universe, and I witnessed a milky-white energy, which they told me to step into. As I merged with this energy, I felt such a physical sensation of bliss I was smiling and weeping at the same time. This was not the euphoria one feels in meditation; this was the entire physical body engaged in bliss. I was there for some time, and when I came back it was actually hours later. I was transformed that day, knowing that this is the energy we are meant to experience while in physical form, and that the fifth dimension is key to people having a more direct experience of Source.

Earth angels will understand the need to help others integrate the energy of Source into their lives. Some earth angels weave the Divine into their daily practice, helping people around the world. Donna Eden is a profound energy healer who works with the meridians, chakras, and the aura, balancing the systems for optimum health. She pioneered energy medicine. Cyndi Dale, who is an energy healer and intuitive coach, has spanned the globe with her incredible angelic being. She has also brought energy medicine to the forefront, helping people to recognize their own abilities as earth angels. Barbara Brennan is a scientist who understands the human experience through energy and vibration and has helped people heal around the world. Margaret Ann Huston is an earth angel who sings her way through life, healing with sound and energy— her songs are as healing as her hands. Many more earth angels contribute daily and prepare the new earth angels for their mission here on Earth.

In fact, the field of conscious health and healing is growing exponentially, with gifted practitioners emerging every day. It is no surprise that the market for healthy living, sustainability, and all things mind, body, and spirit is over 2 billion dollars. There are many more earth angels contributing daily and preparing for new missions here on Earth.

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About the author 

Sonja Grace

Sonja Grace is a renowned mystic, healer and author with an international clientele. She offers immediate stability, clarity and guidance through spiritual processing, healing and past and future life therapy. She sees and receives messages from loved ones who have crossed over and offers a venue for healing in this world and the spirit world. Sonja also teaches meditation, training courses and holds workshops and retreats both nationally and internationally. She lives with her husband in Portland, Oregon. Become an Earth Angel: Advice and Wisdom for Finding Your Wings and Living in Service is published by Findhorn Press. Learn more at

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  • Miguel Lahunken says:

    There is a world of fire. If you take a Cartesian coordinate system, use the X axis to represent opposite polarities separated, and the Y axis to represent opposite polarities united and cancelled out. As you approach the origin of that Cartesian coordinate system the distances between the X axis and the Y axis get shorter and shorter, representing faster and faster rates of polarity cancellation rate, identical with what is called faster entropy production rates (EPR’s) in thermodynamics.

    EPR is an analogue of velocity in mechanics and current in electrical engineering. These access globally bent timespaces, in a fifth dimensional direction, which have lower values of pi.

    Thus, the numbers along the axises represent values of pi. Fire is a fast EPR. By the time you reach a pi value of e=2.718… everything is in flames. That is the surface of the Lake of Fire.

    The Hindus and Buddhists know this. They call this realm “Dharmaloka”; but that everyone in Dharmaloka has what is called a “dharmakaya”, a body of fire.

    These “Liberationist” religions believe you can cancel out into nothingness, attain Nirvana, easier there. The flowery talk about the drop rejoining the “great sea” is just symbolizing entities undifferentiating into nothingness.

    There are two things in the universe, energy and “information”. It’s like taking a cloth, representing energy, and wrinkling it up. The wrinkles represent “information”.

    Pull the cloth out straight and the wrinkles (information) vanishes, become nonexistent. This has been discovered in science where, In physics, Ricci curvature is analogous to matter.

    “Space with zero Ricci curvature is space without matter- a vacuum”- Dr. Shing Tung Yau. This is describing the same graph of the eighth, ninth, and tenth dimensions.

    Dr. Albert Einstein defined the fourth dimension to be time, and Dr. Lisa Randall defined in and out of more globally bent timespaces to be the fifth dimension.

    And. sideways in time, across Dr. Hugh Everett’s probability timelines, has been called the sixth dimension. The distance from the X axis to the Y axis, that we just described, had to be the seventh dimension.

    It is obvious that organized religion has exploited mankind by threatening eternal torment of the “immortal” soul. The immortality of the soul was a Greek dogma propagated by Plato, that due to the conquests of Alexander the Great, this dogma influenced philosophy in the Western world.

    That which we call “I”, our entity, is a closed circuit of the one substance, E=Mc², in the one substance, E=Mc², that there be something to move out of the way and fill in behind.

    In order to totally undifferentiate it must line up exactly with a confluency to the exact Planck’s distance. But, the pressure of ambient repelling circuits pushes toward this undifferentiation, that Y axis, with the force we call attraction.

    Everything is trying to “run down”, but some, to those others that are running down, wind them back up somewhat. The sun, running down, slammed its light into the orthogonalities of chlorophyll and perpetuated life therewith.

    Where is God in all this? In 1John1:5 it says, “God is light”. Science found that light is energy. Thus, “In Him we live and move and have our being.

    We are not energy, as believed by New Agers. If we were energy we would never sleep. Light, God is always conscious. We are only information. We are perishable.

    But, even though in actuality, the heart of every pleasure is a moment of near nonexistence, there were those who hoped to enjoy these moments of near nonexistence by avoiding permanent nonexistence.

    Salvationist religions, like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, formed. Jesus Christ came to provide eternal life for those who wanted it.

    You can see the fallacy here. But, that fallacious thinking is just another “negative feedback mechanism” that maintains life.

    A “negative feedback mechanism” is where the product of a process slows down production by interfering with that process.

    Even with what I know here I am 99.999% sure that I can eventually become nonexistent and never suffer again. But, there is that fraction of a percent that’s got me. Can you clear that up?

    What do Moslems believe about this question? Christian sects like the Seventh Day Adventists, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses, believe that the damned become nonexistent in Hell. And, Martin Luther, the father of modern Protestantism, believed this. Much of the stuff I write is forbidden and suppressed knowledge. I try to encapsulate it all to get it all out fast. I have taught two week courses to explain everything so that it is all understood by my students.

    But, the details can be investigated in dictionaries, encyclopedias, and especially in Google and Wikipedia.

    It is very comforting to know the basics of the universe. I am surprised at how many people don’t care about these things.

    Back in high school I wrote a term paper titled “Superstition in America” in which all the secrets of the freemasons were exposed.

    A banished freemason I met, who was homeless on the street, told them to anyone who would listen. I listened.

    My “Problems of Democracy” teacher gave me a 98% for the term paper; and, he later sold that term paper in the term paper black market. A freemason’s daughter read it, he read it, and detectives were sent to catch the author (me).

    How did I find out? THEY caught up with me in the Army, locked me up, and gave me the real Hell, the Clockwork Orange treatment by large doses of LSD. And, THEY bragged how powerful THEY were, and that I didn’t have a chance.

    Before I sent the John Birch Society a twenty page report about this, the only world conspiracy theory accused the Jews.

    The John Birch Society then came out with the modern Conspiracy Theory about the One World Order and THEIR Illuminati, and that theory spread from there.

    But, I wanted all the real secrets out to everybody, so that no longer would innocent people who stumbled upon them be ruined by the suppressors.

    Like Mel Gibson in “Conspiracy Theory”, I obsessively wrote up my stuff, dropped it into mail boxes, and ran back to make sure it went all the way in the mail box.

    The internet came along and I have been obsessively spreading my stuff by internet ever since, though I still snail mail, and I do tell everybody who will listen.

    Every publishing company who published my stuff was wiped off the face of the earth and replaced by duplicate companies. That official process started with the Boston Phoenix.

    But, I have been obsessed with hate, anger, and defiance ever since THEY caused me incredible pain. THEY thought it would prevent me from exposing them; but, it obsessed me with telling everybody! I will fight to the death!

    We must forgive individuals; but, we may hate demons. In Greek, the word demon means a group spirit. “We fight not flesh and blood, we fight powers and principalities. And, that is what I am going to do!

    Do the damned become nonexistent in Hell? Martin Luther believed they did.

    There is a web site that says that the Old Testament Jews believed that the damned became nonexistent in Hell. Any Jews I have remembered to ask that question said that they didn’t know. They were “luke warm” Jews.

    The doctrine of the “immortality of the soul” seemed to have been started by Plato, with nothing to back up that theory. Alexander the Great spread Greek thought where ever he conquered, and, it influenced Middle Eastern thought.

    Philosophy in the Middle East has many ancient Greek elements. Even the classical Middle Eastern music has the musical scale of Pythagorus.

    Pythagorus was a famous Greek mathematician who said that his musical scale corresponded to the “spheres of the planets”. He had figured it out mathematically.

    There was the geocentric theory of the “planetary spheres” before Copernicus showed that the Earth, and other planets, revolve around the sun.

    The geocentric theory was based upon the time it took planets to circle the zodiac. It was based on more evidence than the theory of the immortality of the soul.

    The spheres of the planets were seen as levels of the “heavens”. That is why the crescent is the major symbol of Islam. Mohammed is said to have received the Koran from the angel Gabriel, angel of the first heaven, the heaven of the moon.

    The reality of these heavens is not up in a third dimensional direction, but in the fifth dimensional direction, recently defined for, and accepted by official science, by Dr. Lisa Randall, a professor of quantum physics in Harvard University.

    Dr. Albert Einstein noticed the various warps of timespace; but he officially defined the fourth dimension to be time.

    The fifth dimension is along the variously bent contours of warped timespace, caused by gravity, velocity in mechanics, current in electricity, and what is called entropy production rate in thermodynamics, which is identical with polarity cancellation rate.

    It is by polarity cancellation that things may become nonexistent. Fire is a fast polarity cancellation rate.

    There are two things in the universe, energy and “information”, and information, like matter, is the conformation of energy.

    It is like, if you take a sheet, to represent energy. Wrinkles in the sheet represent “information”. Straighten out the sheet and all the wrinkles vanish, become nonexistent.

    This is not such a vague illustration. I quote this from Discover Magazine, a science magazine. “In physics, Ricci curvature is analogous to matter. Space with zero Ricci curvature is space without matter – a vacuum.”

    This was stated by the mathematician Dr. Shing-Tung Yau. This contour graph has been assigned to the eight, ninth, and tenth dimensions.

    Whereas, the sixth dimension is that direction across probability timelines, side ways in time. And the seventh dimension is the extent of polarity cancellation, identical with entropy.

    The seventh dimensional definition was necessitated by a Cartesian coordinate graph where the X axis represents polarities separated and the Y axis represents polarities united and cancelled out. Going to and from the origin is the fifth dimension. Yesterday I just found out from three Moslems that the Moslems believe that the damned only get punished for what they did wrong, and then it’s all over and they go to Heaven for eternity.

    This Moslem was from Egypt, and his fellow Moslems were from Saudi Arabia. That’s more good weight against the eternal damnation dogma.

    For the past ten years I have been associated with a Pentecostal church which believes that even non-Christian babies, if they die undedicated to Christ, will burn in the Lake of Fire for eternity.

    Some Cathars took advantage of the Catholic “Heaven, Purgatory, Hell, Limbo” dogma. They invented the sacrament of “unbaptism”.

    Supposedly, getting unbaptised was giving up Heaven to avoid Hell. It was recommitting the Original Sin of Adam & Eve. It is a dangerous yoga, that the freemasons also believe was the Original Sin, and the supreme secret of many mystical secret societies.

    My associate got in trouble discussing it outright.

    Someone died practicing it, and he has a Constitutional case on his hands. He’ll take it all the way to the Supreme Court.

    The Pope reacted to the sacrament of unbaptism by sending out a crusade of knights to suppress the very knowledge of this secret. Two million French people were exterminated by this Albigensian Crusade.

    In Islam unbaptism is a capital offense, referred to in the Koran as “blowing on knots”, and is punishable by stoning to death.

    In “the land of the free” millions of American citizens were committed to mental hospital gulags for being caught with the unauthorized knowledge and/or practice of unbaptism.

    Unfortunate individuals with, what the Soviet Union called, “shamans’ disease”, were also committed as “schizophrenics”. The “psychosis” is caused by stimulation of the “muscarinic” nervous system.

    Practice of vagal stimulation was perfectly legal in the Soviet Union and its Communist Block countries, due to their materialistic atheism.

    Muscarinic stimulation overrides the inhibitory neurons of the brain, allowing the brain to use more than the legal 10%. LSD blocks these same inhibitory neurons.

    And, real “schizophrenia” is having more than the normal number of axons and dendrites between the neurons of the brain, also causing more of the brain to be used.

    This is caused by a gene called DISC1, which shows that people with this gene constitute a genotype, with all the human rights of any other genotype.

    This knowledge about DISC1 threatens the dopamine blocker industry, therefore, efforts have been made to cover it up, and blame “schizophrenia” on other causes, like the “insane virus”.

    I’d settle for non existence. Let’s face it, the threat of eternal torment is a religion based on fear, called in logic, “argumentum ad bacculum”, meaning, the argument that you will get hit with the “bacculum”, the beating club, if you fail.

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