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Field of Dreams or Struggling Entrepreneur? It Is All About the Marketing

Field of Dreams or Struggling Entrepreneur? It Is All About the Marketing by Lisa Wells | #AspireMag

I imagine that most work-at-home professionals started out like I did – researching and asking lots of questions.  I remember sending e-mails to other online entrepreneurs asking if they had any job openings, obviously not understanding that they were small business owners themselves. Apparently I was still stuck in the mindset that I needed to work for someone else, learn the ropes, and then maybe – once I learned enough – I could make it on my own. It did not take me long to figure out that if I wanted to succeed, I needed to get out there on my own, find my own clients, build my own website, and be my own boss. I needed to take the lead to develop my own business.

Believe me when I tell you that success didn’t come overnight and starting an online business is certainly no get-rich-quick scheme. After my first six months of working 12-hour days and nearly every weekend, I had made exactly $200. I had no clients, no niche, and no direction. I was signing up for one business-building program after another, each promising me more clients, more money – you know the deal. I have seen many other entrepreneurs fall into this trap. So what changed? How did I go from zero clients to an overabundance in only one year? It is all about the marketing.

I think we may all have been under the impression that “If I build it, they will come.” And I think we have all learned the hard way that this just doesn’t happen. And you may be thinking “I don’t enjoy networking. I don’t really “get” Twitter. Why can’t I just put up a website and make money?”

Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but unless you market your online business, you will not likely be very successful. By successful, I mean making a comfortable income, working with the type of clients that you want to work with, earning passive revenue (from a product or service that you sell online 24/7 without having to actually be there), having a  flexible schedule, and having more time with your family. Creating a successful business with that kind of money, clientele, time off, and flexibility all begins with how you market your business.

There is so much information, knowledge, and expertise out there that can help you with marketing your virtual business. Much of this advice is on the Internet and is free. There are also thousands of coaching programs, ebooks, e-courses, books, webinars, telesummits, memberships, and yes, many come at a (high) price. It can be very daunting because you may not know which ones are worth the price, so be sure to ask around to your peers, read the reviews, and make sure to understand the refund policy.

If you are still in doubt if the particular product is for you, don’t hesitate to contact the person and ask questions. If the person is worth their salt, they will answer your questions. And if there is no contact information, or you do not get a response in a timely manner, then I would move on as you can most likely expect that type of customer service if you do happen to invest in the product or program.

Don’t be afraid to try different methods either. The Internet has changed the way we buy, sell, and access products, information, services, and even music. Because consumers access products and services differently, different tools are necessary to get your product or service noticed. Nowadays you can use audio, video, blogs, forums – you name it. Pick the one you are most comfortable with and try it out!

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About the author 

Lisa Wells

Lisa R. Wells specializes in helping heart-centered women entrepreneurs who feel tangled in technology and want to simplify their online business. She does this by helping them implement powerful automation tools and a smart marketing plan - saving them time, money, and increasing their revenue. As a Marine spouse for 25+ years, she also knows all too well the burdens of living a military lifestyle. As the author of "Start Your Own Business as a Military Spouse Virtual Assistant," she has a passion to mentor and support other military spouses who want to launch their own portable careers. To get your own "5-Step Marketing Plan for the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur," visit

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