Where are you going? What do you want to co-create?
With the help of Spirit, you can co-create anything you want—but what you create will fade away like a mirage if you don’t evolve into the person you need to be.
What your life will look like isn’t the point. What forms your relationships, career, or abundance take is immaterial. There are infinite possibilities for what you could bring about. But you have to believe that you can, with Spirit’s help, handle the awesome power of co-creation and not slip back into the old, fear-driven ways of operating that got you to where you are now. If you do what you did you’re going to get what you got.
You may be afraid you don’t have what it takes to handle the responsibility that comes with the power of co-creativity, but with the guidance of Spirit and working together with others, you can learn to trust yourself—and you can co-create responsibly.
Replace the old story that someone has to bail you out or save you. You can work together with Spirit not to escape from a situation that isn’t working for you, but to reclaim your ability to bring about miracles. The work starts within.
Deep down, you know you are not here to rush about, desperately trying to figure out how to fix what’s broken and create what you need. Your true self knows you are an expression of Spirit and a powerful co-creator with a purpose and a destiny. You are here for a reason, and your soul knows what it is even as your ego, your small self, is scared that life is just one big headache and battle. Your small self easily falls into spiritual narcolepsy, triggered by fear. It forgets that your true self, guided by spirit, has much bigger plans for you in this life.
Evolve Joyfully!
All of us have to create and be re-created again and again so that we can experience what our soul came here to experience and bring into being the world we desire. We’re called to evolve into the people we need to become. Each of us is undergoing a transformation as we enter the Age of Consciousness. Do you feel it happening? Your life can’t remain exactly as it is, but that’s okay, because you can consciously participate in this evolution with awareness. You aren’t a victim of the change. You can make your personal transformation not just one that fulfills you and gives you a sense of purpose and meaning, but one that ends up contributing to the well-being of all.
Your evolution doesn’t have to be scary. It can be exhilarating and fun, like a roller coaster ride!
Serving others, helping them heal and experience happiness and wellness, may not be your main goal right now. The idea of making a difference may make you feel excited and curious, but intimidate you because you think you’re insignificant and your efforts will be too modest to matter. Wrong! You are here to participate in the healing work to be done, and there is no one who can fulfill your unique purpose. Your conscious choice to evolve is extremely important because you are here to contribute. Your destiny and purpose may not be to cure cancer or heal all the suffering in the world, but believe me, your personal evolution will inspire others and help raise the vibration and consciousness of everyone around the globe. Fulfillment and a sense of meaning are not dreams too big for you to dream. They are your birthright. Reclaiming your right to express your gifts in the world and co-create magic will bring you abundant joy you will share with others.
Something deep inside the caverns of your psyche is beginning to transform. Can you feel the magic beckon? Are you ready to reclaim, repair, and knit together all the pieces of the authentic you that were lost within when you were wounded in your past? They can serve you now, but you have to illuminate them and see them in a new light. The old stories of your life can take on new meaning. Free yourself from their stamp on your identity. Let something new reveal itself to you. A map is appearing for you now, and it’s like a spherical, sparkling hologram, calling you to journey home to who you truly are.
From Fear to Understanding to Freedom
So what’s stopping you from taking the first step on this evolutionary journey and becoming the one you were meant to be all along? Fear: the fear of not belonging, of being rejected, of not being worthy of the power you can claim for yourself.
Understanding your fears can help you recognize that you are not alone, you are loved as you are, and that you can be trusted to be a wise and ethical co-creator. With Spirit as your guiding light, you may end up taking some detours on your evolutionary journey, and you will make a few mistakes along the way, but fear doesn’t have to hold you back from the joy of expressing your soul’s desires any longer. Let’s look at these fears so you can understand and release them.
The fear of not belonging and being rejected is a primal one, embedded in your DNA. Humans are social creatures. We want to be loved and accepted as we are—and we can be. The love that is available to us is hard to see when we don’t love ourselves and when we think we have to be perfect. Say no to perfectionism, find the strengths in your weaknesses, and practice radical self-acceptance. You will find magical allies when you do. Reconnecting with Spirit will remind you that you are never alone and will open your eyes to those who love you, accept you, and want to help you.
The fear of your personal power is rooted in a false belief that you can’t be trusted. It’s your small self, or ego, that can’t be trusted on its own! It has to be guided by your true self, your soul that knows its worth and it

s nature as an expression of Spirit. Spirit wants you to be creative, to play, to make the world better by bringing out the best of who you are. Make a regular practice of reconnecting with Spirit. Meditate, pray, become still and listen. Use your intuition and pay attention to signs in nature, synchronicities, and your inner knowing about what you need to do. Spirit speaks to you through intuition. Like ET, you need to “phone home”—to communicate with the divine, loving creator who to help you co-create something magical and wonderful.
So if you feel lost and uncertain, between the past and an unknown future, immerse yourself in the present. Make contact with Spirit and remember who you are, all that you can do, and all that you can become. Be joyful, laugh and play. That’s how you make miracles happen.
©2016. Excerpt from Uncharted: The Journey through Uncertainty to Infinite Possibility by Colette Baron-Reid. Hay House.