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Enhance Your Self-Compassion with These Two Ascended Master Goddesses

Enhance Your Self-Compassion with These Two Ascended Master Goddesses by Jami Hearn | #AspireMag

Compassion is a word that is bantered about frequently in the circles I run in. It’s one of those concepts that we talk about and think we have an understanding of, but do we?  

Compassion is the active awareness of the feelings of another (or yourself) and the desire to help. The word compassion is intangible and can feel unattainable.  

This is where I invite two of my favorite Ascended Master Goddesses to step in and share their wisdom and guidance with me.  

Quan Yin, the Chinese Goddess of Mercy and Compassion and Mother Mary, the Christian representation of divine, unconditional love and acceptance are the two most powerful energies that I work with when it comes to truly understanding and affecting compassion.  

I grew up in a Protestant house where religion was not really discussed but was an undercurrent of judgment and expectation. We never prayed to Mother Mary or anyone really and I had essentially no knowledge of the other religions of the world. I have now come to understand that the religious dogma is just a layer of the deeper spirituality of the world. Compassion is an element of that worldwide spirituality.  

The first time that Quan Yin stepped into my awareness was during an Akashic Records session with a client. Her energy was so calming and reassuring, I knew that I had to come back to soak it in. And that is exactly what I did. I spent the next few months getting to know the energy of Quan Yin and learned how to use it, for myself, initially. Now I have been able to translate that compassion and mercy to others in my life and my work.  

Allow me to share my first experience with Quan Yin to give you a better understanding of her energy.  I sat in meditation and set the intention to invite her energy into my sacred space with me. It didn’t take long to feel her energy. She arrived with lotus blossoms in her hair and the gentlest eyes I have ever gazed into. She explained to me that if I could not embody compassion for myself, I would never be able to truly do so for others. She asked me to take one concern that was weighing on me and to see it in a bubble separate from me. As I allowed that bubble to float away, high into the air, I felt the distance from the worry and judgment associated with my concern become separate from me. I was able to see the space between myself and the concern and I began to embody the knowledge that this concern was not me, nor did it define me.  

The intention of this exercise is to lessen, and ultimately, release the judgment you have toward yourself. This lesson definitely takes some practice, patience and gentleness. As I have practiced this exercise, I have tried differing approaches, primarily out of curiosity, and also looking for the way that is most effective for me. If you are seeking a heightened level of self-compassion, I invite you to envision yourself as a child of 7 or 8yearsold. See her blowing bubbles in pure joy and innocence. The gentle compassion and love you feel for her will spill over and fill your space, your physical, emotional, mental and light bodies.  

Mother Mary also uses the vibration of the Akashic Records to make her presence known to me. Often, she is with me even when I am not consciously aware of her. I have intentionally released the association I had for Mother Mary with religious constructs because she far surpasses the traditional depictions that are supported by religion. She is divine love and nurturing. Both of these are essential to truly embodying compassion.  

Recently, I was on a stage, of course feeling vulnerable and critical of myself, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blue flurry. I knew instantly that she was reminding me to be gentle and nurture myself, instead of the frenzied vibration I was spiraling into.  

The exercise that I use to tap into Mother Mary’s energy is a breathing processing. I like to do it standing up, if possible. I stand with my eyes closed and my face lifted toward the sky. (Try this under the full moon!!!) I put my left hand on my heart and then my right hand over my left (the sequence matters to assist in aligning the flow of feminine energy with the support of the masculine). I breathe in deeply, allowing the breath to fill my body, slowly I begin to imagine that I am breathing through my heart chakra and each breath in allows me to connect more deeply with divine love, as the air nurtures my body, on all levels.  

This exercise can be modified in whatever way feels most aligned for you. One addition I sometimes include is envisioning a cloak being wrapped around me, with warmth and love. This is a great exercise to tap into and open your heart chakra.  

My inner voice can be one of the harshest that I have ever heard. Through my work with the Goddesses, I have learned to soften that voice, both toward myself and in interaction with others. The benefits of this shift are countless. I have built a stronger relationship with my partner and children, as well as more effective and efficient relationships through my work. I have also deepened my ability to practice self-love and self-care. These are the cornerstones of creating fulfillment, happiness and stepping into true abundance. To say working with the Goddesses has helped to cultivate this experience for me, would be a pale depiction of the gravity of this work.  

The soft, gentle feminine energy that flows in from the Goddesses is supportive and nurturing. And at the same time, the same energy encourages you to be strong and potent with firm boundaries intended to propel you toward the pinnacle of selflove and compassion.  

Call them in and flow with them toward your best experience yet! 

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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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