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Energy Mastery & How It Can Help You Manifest Material Desires

Energy Mastery & How It Can Help You Manifest Material Desires by Christy Whitman

Energy mastery, as I explain it in my new book, The Desire Factor, is the practice of intentionally aligning one’s personal energy field with the energy stream that creates and sources all things.  

It’s a state of being in which the energy of your thoughts, your moods, your expectations and beliefs is moving in harmony with – rather than in contradiction to – the things that you desire to create in your life.   And although this term may be new to you, the state of alignment to which it refers deeply familiar.  In fact, I’m going to assert that you have experienced being in a state of energy mastery many times during your life.  


The Anatomy of Alignment 
Have you ever wondered what distinguishes ordinary life from extraordinary – seemingly magical – experiences?   Is it a matter of happenstance?  Of being born under a lucky star, or into extremely favorable circumstances?   It may seem so on the surface, but the most pleasurable, productive, and exalted moments in our lives are not a function of luck, of coincidence, of good karma, or of destiny or fate. They are the result of our energy alignment.    

When our hearts and minds are in perfect sync with our divine nature, we are at our most creative and resourceful.  Our actions are inspired rather than contrived, and they are far more effective because they are backed up and sourced by our full spiritual power. There is an unobstructed flow between the physical and nonphysical aspects of us, and this connection yields far greater results than anything we can accomplish from a disconnected state. 

Actions that we take from this free-flowing state of being are not forced or motivated; they are inspired.  Inspired actions just feel right – to the extent that once the impulse occurs, often the idea won’t let loose of us until we follow it through. The energy is so strong that you simply cannot not take action.  

Aligned, inspired actions come as a flash of insight, a sudden urge, or intuition. Sometimes they occur as an emotional reaction that feels disproportionate to whatever it is we’re considering. We receive them as a “hell yes!” – as an impulse so strong that it bypasses the limitations of our rational, suspicious, or pessimistic minds. Going with the flow of inspired action is leveraging universal energy; that’s why it feels more like play than work. We easily and joyfully get more done in less time.  And as a result, we magnetize our desires to us easily.   


What follows are 3 important principles of energy mastery.  By understanding and applying these, you’ll begin to tap into your true power as a deliberate creator.     

Principle #1: Everything is energy. 

All that appears to our senses as solid matter is simply energy, vibrating at different rates of speed.  Your eyes translate light waves into vision.  Your ears translate soundwaves into hearing.  Gravity interacts with your body’s sense of equilibrium to provide an experience that the Earth is standing still, when in actuality it is hurdling through space at dizzying speeds.  In truth, nothing is static, nothing is fixed, and nothing is material.  This means that the “stuff” that makes up the world we know is actually not stuff at all.  It’s energy.   

Energy is the birthplace of everything that manifests into material form.  An awakened person understands this, and seeks energy mastery above all else.   


Principle #2:  In every situation, seek to master your own energy, not to control people or circumstances.    

What’s commonplace is to seek to manifest our desires by trying to control the circumstances we find ourselves in, or by trying to influence the behavior of others.  This approach to life is as exhausting as it is pointless, because the only lasting influence we can ever have is over our own energy and state of being.    

Once you understand that everything is energy, and that all energy vibrates at a particular frequency, you can decide in advance on the quality of vibration that you would like to bring into each aspect of your life, then deliberately open yourself to receive this frequency.      

Before you drag your physical body into any new interaction of experience, make sure your energy body is prepared for and receptive to the experience you’re hoping to create.   Imagine the energies of joy, expansion, ease, connection and wellbeing pouring from your divine source into you.  Feel this frequency entering and uplifting every aspect of your being. The higher you raise your energy frequency level, the more magnetic you are to all that you desire. 


Principle #3:  Calibrating our energy field on purpose is the key to rising above the discord of mass consciousness.  

When it comes to the way we live our lives, we are all faced with a fundamental choice.  We can allow the dominant frequency of the world around us to calibrate our energy field, or we can take responsibility for deliberately cultivating the energy we wish to live in.   One choice leaves us at the mercy of world events and other people’s actions and reactions.  The other choice returns us to our power to create the kind of world we desire to live in.  

We simply can’t help other people thrive if we ourselves are not thriving.  We can’t help others escape from lack and limitation unless we ourselves are prosperous.  We can only lead by example.  Learning to master our own energy field is essential to being extraordinary in every facet of life.  It is both our responsibility and our most precious opportunity to learn to calibrate our energy on purpose.  It will require you to unlearn many of the ways of being that were instilled in you at an early age.  But the reward is freedom, empowerment, and the spontaneous manifestation of your heartfelt desires.   

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About the author 

Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman is a New York Times best-selling author, an energy healer, and the messenger for The Quantum Council of Light, ascended beings that have come forth to uplift humanity. She is also a world-renowned Law of Attraction coach and the founder of an international coaching academy that has certified more than 3,000 coaches worldwide. Her latest book, The Flow Factor, will be released in August of 2025. Learn more at

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