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Energetic Clutter Clearing for the Magickal Woman

Energetic Clutter Clearing for the Magickal Woman by Sha Blackburn | #AspireMag

Have you had days when you feel just overwhelmed and you cannot pinpoint why? It could even happen at the end of a good day. Despite having a good day, we can still feel tired, overwhelmed, and sometimes just too stressed.  

Your mood, appetite, and sleep can be negatively affected by this stress. Your friends, family, and co-workers do notice. Your besties will ask you what is wrong, and you may not know how to answer them. However, when you sit with yourself later and realize that you are feeling tired or a little “off” you may wonder what caused it when it has been a good day. This has happened to me! Only my best friend was persistent enough to ask me what was wrong until I really sat and thought through my feelings. 

When you cannot pinpoint the cause of being overwhelmed, it is often hard to discover the cure. What is there to do? Here, I offer you this technique that works for me. You do not need to be a healer, or a master meditator. All you need is a willingness to try this transformational method with an open mind, and a desire to feel better. 

Sha’s Sticky Note Method for Energetic Clutter Clearing: 

All day as we go about life, each encounter shapes our energy. Feeling overwhelmed may not be only from the negative things that happen during the day to us. When people wish us well, they are putting their hopes and fears on us! If you have any level of empathic ability, you take on these energies.  

Think about all of those “have a nice days” and “be wells” you hear each day. Depending on the day, that could be quite a lot of well wishes! 

Now think about the stressful parts of your day: that person who cut you off on the highway, the spam calls on your cell phone, and all the social media comments and news stories that you feel cannot be ignored. You may even feel overwhelmed by just reading my article. 

Try this for each emotion that you feel placed upon you during the day, write each on a sticky note. At the end of the day, peel each note off the pad and place it somewhere on your body. Look in the mirror. How many notes do you have covering you? More than you thought you would be my guess. 

Now it is time to clear those energies away. Peel the notes off, one at a time, and really allow yourself to sit with each one.  

That “I love you” all alone feels cozy and nice! Appreciate it for what it is, and then allow that energy to transmute to a higher purpose. Visualize what it could become as you release the sticky note.  

Continue the process. That “Have a nice day,” from the drive through cashier, warmed your heart. Now you can visualize that heartwarming energy spreading out beyond yourself and touching more people energetically as you release that energy back into the world. 

As you get to those more difficult emotions; frustration from an unfinished project, anxiety from co-workers for deadlines not met, fear from other people’s driving, you will do the same thing. Peel away each sticky note and look at it.  

You survived the day!  

Allow yourself to visualize each of these notes transform into an energy that can fuel you and others as you see frustration change to perseverance, anxiety can transmute to focus, and fear becomes protection. Feel roots grow from your feet and allow yourself to connect to the strength of Mother Earth as you crumble each note and place it into your compost pile or dispose of it however you choose. 

It’s a great exercise to spend time writing out the sticky notes with just a quick word or two. This helps you to really see how much you allow yourself to be energetically affected by all the intentions around you in a day. Eventually you will not need to write them out, you will be able to do this in your mind’s eye. But if you have trouble visualizing, using the physical method of writing on actual sticky notes is extremely helpful.  

I have found that this process helps me to feel more grounded at the end of my day and gives me a better rest overnight. I hope you do too. 

3-piece Magickal Living: Elevate Your Frequency Kit

Learn to tap into the magick all around you.  This empowering frequency elevating kit includes the How to Tap into the Magickal Elements of Each Day (PDF) that shows you how to connect with the energies of each day of the week. You’ll also receive the Vibrational Frequency Chakra Balancing (MP3), a sound bath for your chakras and the Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation (MP3) so you can learn to connect with yours. 

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About the author 

Sha Blackburn

Internationally recognized Psychic, Holistic Healer, and Teacher Sha Blackburn, known as The LoonWitch, has been empowering individuals to transform their lives using magickal principles and her intuitive gifts since 1997. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner, QHHT Practitioner and is certified in Shamanic Healing from the Foundation of Shamanic Studies. Download your free 3-piece Magickal Living: Elevate Your Frequency Kit and visit

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