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Empowered Lifeview™: 5 Purposeful Reasons Why Your Soul is Here!

Empowered Lifeview™: 5 Purposeful Reasons Why Your Soul is Here! by Lisa Hromada | #AspireMag

“You might feel confused at times of your purpose. Yet, your soul is never confused about why it is here.”

At age twenty, I found myself sitting in the middle of the largest cemetery in Paris, Cimetière du Père-Lachaise. I had travelled to Paris partly to “find myself.” (Whatever that meant at the time.)

It was in this cemetery, among the large family tombs towering around me, that I’d often sit and contemplate life.

Without realizing it at the time, I wanted to connect with my soul’s plan and purpose. I wanted to make sense of my life. To understand why I’m here, why I experience certain challenges, and how I can be happier.

Can you relate?

You have an inner knowing that you’re here in this life for a reason.

You have a deep desire for it to be purposeful, fulfilling, joyful, meaningful, relevant, wonderfully memorable, and you want to see that your experiences (both the good and bad) are not simply random, but each hold a sacred and special purpose.

Wouldn’t it be incredible to have a bird’s eye view of your soul’s purpose and plan?

To take a seat — much like I did in that cemetery — and begin to see through the eyes, heart, and mind of your soul, so that you can make sense of your life and know with greater clarity how to live it the way your soul intended.

When I learned to embrace what I lovingly describe as an empowered lifeview™ in my thirties, answers begin to reveal themselves. Because when embracing an empowered lifeview™, you also embrace what’s possible.

And as a part of this view, you also embrace an empowered SOULview™ — one that leads you to the fulfilling and meaningful life you desire.

When I sat in that cemetery over two decades ago, I couldn’t have imagined how I would begin to answer my big questions in life. Yet the Universe has a funny way of giving us what we ask for.

Over the years of exploring the purpose behind my challenges as well as studying various spiritual teachings — including those from souls and Wise Ones communicated through my father when I was a child — I’ve become enlightened to 5 purposeful reasons why we, as soul, come into this life!

No matter who you are, what you’ve experienced, and where you are in your life, your soul came here to learn, heal, evolve, contribute, and fulfill a unique soul plan and purpose.

Let’s go through them in a little detail!

#1 – Learn

Earth has been described as one of many divine learning schools. The souls and Wise Ones who came through my father when I was a child described earth as a “problems-centered” learning school. You’re learning what it is to be human, have emotions, a mind, and a body. You’re learning the beliefs that allow you to thrive and the ones that hinder you in your life. Through “learning”, we can heal.

#2 – Heal

There are several areas that require healing: psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Spiritual healing is #1 for the soul and that’s part of the gift of this human experience. The soul gets to dive deep into experiences (good and bad) that allows it the opportunities for deep healing. You heal on a soul level partly through the experience of healing areas of your physical nature: your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and your physical body. You’ll be called to heal each of these areas at some point in your life journey. You will also be called to help others in their healing journey as well. Through “healing”, we can evolve and grow.

#3 ­– Evolve and Grow

When you learn and heal, you grow. You naturally desire to grow in knowledge (so you study); you naturally want to grow through exploring what’s possible to achieve in your life (so you test various experiences.) The desire to evolve and grow shows clearly through that “calling” in your heart for something more. Through your learning, healing, and as you evolve and grow, you’re simultaneously contributing to the world and those around you.

#4 – Co-Create and Contribute

If you did “nothing” in your life, you would still contribute to the world through your light, energy, and presence. You still impact the lives of others simply by who you are — no matter the duration of your human experience. And you, of course, contribute through your work and your daily interactions with others. You’re always co-creating and contributing.

Every soul comes here to learn, heal, evolve, and contribute. But there’s one more purpose for the soul coming here.

#5 – Fulfill YOUR Unique Soul Plan

There is a special plan and purpose for your soul. The events and challenges you experience, as well as your innate passions and calls for “something more” can lead you to understanding what this plan and purpose is. This soul plan is not set in stone. Your free will also plays a part in the paths that your soul takes here.

If you’ve ever doubted your importance, your worth, or questioned if your times of challenges and suffering served a purpose, I hope you now have confidence in the answer.

It’s all been purposeful!

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About the author 

Lisa Hromada

LISA HROMADA is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author of Love is the Seed and The Three Supreme Gifts, and International Bestselling Contributing Author of numerous books to empower women.

Born from her own challenges and spiritual awakening — what she calls a “divine reset™”— Lisa created her Empowered Lifeview™ methodology, helping to guide women to breakthrough life challenges, reclaim their inner peace, and cultivate the clarity they need to live a life of meaning, joy, and spiritual connection.

Through her transformational guided self-paced video course, The Divine Reset™ Experience: A Soul Nourishing Journey for Midlife Women, Lisa provides women practical spiritual teachings and guidance through soul-aligned frequency meditations and proven mindset recalibration practices to powerfully transform their lives.

Learn more at

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