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Empowered Lifeview™: 3 Steps to Spiritual & Life Renewal Starting Today

Empowered Lifeview™: 3 Steps to Spiritual & Life Renewal Starting Today by Lisa Hromada | #AspireMag

Many of us become accustomed to believing that what we experience our reality to be in our life is “just the way it is.” Over the years, we experience struggles in relationships, finances, health, self-confidence, feelings of worry or inferiority, or whatever it may be, and we come to a point where we sigh and say, “well, that’s life, right?”  

But what if there’s another way we’re meant to live? 

What if we’re not meant to suffer, struggle, and be limited by our beliefs and fears? Sure, we experience challenges, times of loss, and lack of clarity, but what if we have everything within us to open our life to limitless possibilities and experience less struggle and more joy?   

You, beautiful friend, are moments away from lifting an invisible veil that’s been hiding unlimited potential for experiencing greater purpose, meaning, and growth for the woman you are today, and for your soul who came here for a reason unique to you.  

Your soul came here carrying with it an Empowered Lifeview that originates from Divine wisdom. This Empowered Lifeview™, when understood and practiced becomes your path to living “another way”, where you’re not limited to following the specific story of your life thus far but can co-create something new and better — for yourself, family, and all those you come in contact with.  

The Empowered Lifeview™ is a spiritual lifeview with practical application. 

And it is your connection to your soul and those spiritual helpers, guides, and loved ones in the spirit world and your Creator — all who work in possibilities and solutions.  

The Empowered Lifeview™ is a spiritual solutions-focused mindset on what’s possible.  

Your soul came here knowing that all things are possible. And it seeks to remind you of this truth daily. 

The Empowered Lifeview™ uses aspects of your physical nature (body, mind, emotions) as tools for empowerment that allow you to get in touch with your spiritual, true nature. This “nature” is your soul, which is your leader and experiencer in this life, and the Divine, which is your support, compassionate guide, and abundant provider.   

It is a method of lessening the pain or emotional suffering we experience and increasing the feelings of joy, purpose, belonging, meaning, and so on.  

How do we begin living the Empowered Lifeview™ we were created for?  

Here are a few beginning steps:  

ONE: Identify what’s not working in your life? What keeps you up at night? What recurring thoughts are causing you to experience discontent?   

You might have one area of your life in mind, or many, but start simple, so you don’t get overwhelmed. Is it in work, relationships, well-being, etc.? Identify it in simple words. “(this) is not working for me and I’m willing to participate in helping to change it.”  

TWO: Embrace (or at least open yourself to considering) the truth that you don’t have to continually suffer or struggle in life. Your soul wants more for you.   

Life is not fixed or set in stone no matter what you experienced growing up, no matter the beliefs you were taught, the career you stayed in for decades that you’re now being called to shift completely out of, and so on.  

The possibility for positive change is present within you. 

It’s time to allow it to come more clearly into the light of your awareness.   

THREE: Start doing “something” positive to begin the shift toward the better life you feel called to live.   

This “something” that you do is intended to be a small effort in a better direction. Continual small efforts over time add up to significant change in how you feel about yourself, your life, and others.  

Your beliefs and perspective begin to shift in a direction that eases challenging times and creates more inner contentment.   

Maybe it is something as simple as setting aside solo time to relax within yourself. Maybe it’s adding whole foods to your plate or altering the amount you eat in ways that makes your body feel more energetic. Maybe it’s listening to guided meditations to recenter and bring clarity before you begin your day.   

When you do small practices, you get a few empowering benefits: a sense of control, a reminder that you are the guide of your life and have choices, and you begin to discover how when one area of your life shifts for the better, other areas follow. This is when you begin to experience “flow”.  

All life is a creation, much like the process of creating a painting or poem. It begins with an idea or vision. You get the right tools and begin the process of painting or writing what you envision. And as you get into the process of creation, at some point a flow comes over you and it seems that the creation creates itself and you end up with a beautiful result.   

The same process can be applied to your life and what you experience. You have a desire or vision, you find the right “tools”, you begin the process of action, and as you continually do it, a flow comes and you find that you are creating your life more effortlessly, and with a greater sense of ease and joy.   

When challenges arise, you don’t feel as stuck because you’ve experienced what’s possible when you hold an Empowered Lifeview™.   

Beautiful friend, your soul chose to be YOU for a reason with the understanding that although you would experience highs and lows in life, as a sacred truth, you can go about shifting your path. Your soul is calling you back to your truth as you read these words. The truth is that you are a powerful, loving co-creator of your life. You have everything you need right now to make it more meaningful, joyful, and satisfying from this moment forward. 

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About the author 

Lisa Hromada

LISA HROMADA is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author of Love is the Seed and The Three Supreme Gifts, and International Bestselling Contributing Author of numerous books to empower women.

Born from her own challenges and spiritual awakening — what she calls a “divine reset™”— Lisa created her Empowered Lifeview™ methodology, helping to guide women to breakthrough life challenges, reclaim their inner peace, and cultivate the clarity they need to live a life of meaning, joy, and spiritual connection.

Through her transformational guided self-paced video course, The Divine Reset™ Experience: A Soul Nourishing Journey for Midlife Women, Lisa provides women practical spiritual teachings and guidance through soul-aligned frequency meditations and proven mindset recalibration practices to powerfully transform their lives.

Learn more at

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