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Embracing the Magic of Being Empathic

Embracing the Magic of Being Empathic by Kristy Robinett | #AspireMag

Having empathy and being an empath has unfairly been labeled as weak. Empaths are often defined as being overly everything, from overly sensitive to overly anxious. Sometimes even the empaths themselves have sadly convinced themselves they themselves are flawed.  

Empaths strongly feel all the emotions of others as if it was their own. An empath can easily become overwhelmed and drained and misunderstand their gift as a curse. An empath feels deeper than the typical person and are often willing to sacrifice themselves rather than hurt another.  

An empath often holds themselves to superhero standards. Albeit the intentions might be good, it can be harmful. Empaths are human and are imperfect. They make mistakes. They beat themselves up. They get hurt, and they hide from themselves if they don’t understand how to champion for themselves. An empath who doesn’t understand their gift, is a disempowered empath, but an empath isn’t flawed nor are they cursed, they are the survivors, thrivers, and healers.

There isn’t a one-size-fits all empath. Each individual empath has their own gifts within each category of empath types, which includes: 

  1. The Physical Empath: The physical empath intuitively will sense, feel, or absorb the physical ailments of another person. 
  2. The Emotional Empath: The emotional empath intuitively will sense, feel, or absorb the emotional state of another person. 
  3. The Intuitive Empath: The intuitive empath is a channel for of higher knowing and awareness utilizing their intuitive gift. 
  4. The Earth Empath: The earth empath feels a deep connection to animals, nature, and the earth with a need to support the thing unable to defend itself. 

3 Ways to Sparkle Up Your Empathic Gifts 

1.Shake Things Up 

Many empaths aren’t a fan of change, and yet when things go stagnant, the empath feels an array of low energy emotions deep in their soul. If you are beginning to feel your vibration dip from never changing limitations, sign up for a new class, get into the car and adventure somewhere new, or simply reorganize your space. Shaking up your normal schedule can be the recipe for reigniting your empathy. 

2.Feel Your Feelings 

Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are all forms of energy and everything we think, feel, say, or do create a reality for our now and set pathways for the future. An empath knows this, and often reminds everyone else of this yet dismissing it in their own life. If tears were coins, I’d have been wealthy beyond measures by the time I was 21 years old. I’ve embraced my ability to tear up as my own empathic gift so much that I have a sign over my desk that reads “I’m pretty cool, but I cry a lot”. I wish it instead would read, “I’m pretty cool, and I cry a lot” because I no longer apologize for my tears. Empaths are often made to feel guilty or weak for feeling their feelings but suppressing them blocks your gifts. Ignoring our emotions, are like roadblocks along our journey and that stuck feeling effects our body, mind, and soul. It doesn’t have to be an all-out public cryfest. You can make it fun like laughing yoga or rage axe throwing.

An empath often fights against their feelings so not to make another party feel uncomfortable. They put on their brave cape, however, feeling the feelings is a needed reset that helps the empath set down the emotions they’ve been carrying for everyone else.   

3.Explore Your Empathic Magic 

An empath has an inner wisdom and an inherent knowing that cheerleads, nudges, and alarms. To act on intuition takes trust and an open mind. It takes stillness and balance. The world is full of loud interjections and noisy judgements that can place doubt on the heart of an empath. It takes practice to mute the naysayers in the outside world and the inner cynic. Journaling your thoughts, dreams, and intuitive thoughts helps to reconnect you to you. Meditation or a soul exercise is also a great way to come back to your center. When you can be in the quiet, close your eyes and notice what you feel and what you are thinking. Are you doubting yourself? Are you allowing judgement to trip you up? Notice and observe, listen to all the messages that come up. Often fear and intuition are misconstrued as one in the same. Fear is complicated and cluttered. Intuition is clear, simple, and understandable. When you are aligned with your intuitive thoughts you are aligned with your empathic gift.  

Being an empath isn’t a curse, it is a gift. Empaths are the safe havens and healers for those that need it. Empaths are the best secret keepers. They keep the tissue companies and waterproof mascara in business. An empath might find their empathic gift overwhelming. They get tired of feeling drained and tired of being tired. They might instinctively put the shields up and continues to build reinforcements to help hide their gift. An informed empath who has a better understanding of their empath trait(s), and their gifts can shift from overwhelmed into empowered. 

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About the author 

Kristy Robinett

Kristy Robinett is an internationally known psychic medium and author of a dozen books, including Embrace Your Empathy. In addition to giving readings and teaching workshops, she uses her intuitive skills to assist with police investigations. Kristy lectures across the country and is a frequent media commentator. Visit her online at

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