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Embracing Conscious Courage & Saying YES to Life (Despite Your Fears)

Embracing Conscious Courage & Saying YES to Life (Despite Your Fears) by Carolyn Marie | #AspireMag

Midlife marks a profound turning point in your life, a moment when transitions and transformations converge, forcing you to re-examine your sense of purpose and identity. The thought of embarking on something new can be very scary yet equally, if not more exciting! 

Releasing the roles you have played for so many years can leave you feeling lost. As if, you are wandering in the desert not knowing which direction to turn. Feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty, with familiar landmarks of your earlier lives fading into the distance. Leaving the life question “What next?” Take a moment to think about the freedom available to you in that question. Give yourself permission to explore the parts of you that may have had to lay dormant until now. Get curious about your inner passions, hobbies, interests that have been waiting to be birthed.  

Don’t be afraid, choose courage. It’s time to say YES to what adventures are possible and waiting for YOU.  

Looking out onto the horizon you realize there is so much to experience, to give, to be, and share in the world. A deep knowing there is more within you waiting to emerge. A time to reinvent yourself. A legacy to be left.  

You hold all the power within you to do so. I am going to share with you a secret, wise one. You have the wisdom inside of you that is uniquely yours. An understanding of who you are at your core. Each experience along your journey was perfectly orchestrated to meet you here at this time now. This inner wisdom knows exactly how to guide you forward. You only need to ask and listen to hear the whispers of your soul. The part of you that always knows what’s next for you. When you couple this wisdom with conscious courage you create a synergistic dance of possibility.   

What is conscious courage you ask? 

Conscious courage is the self-awareness to name what scares you most. It is the knowing that when you confront your fear, you will meet a new version of yourself on the other side. It is the catalyst for change.  

Ready to face your fears?  

Let’s say you have been out of the dating scene for a while, and the thought of meeting someone new makes your heart skip a beat. While at the same time igniting some of your deepest fears. You can begin to move closer to that desire by taking small, low stake actions. Meet a friend for coffee, and simply focus on being authentically you. Notice how it feels to be in a social setting, without any pressure or expectations. Next step may be signing up on a dating app. YIKES! Not that! No worries you do not have to go out with anyone, yet. This is just an example of how to begin to decrease your fear threshold and increase your confidence. One doable step at a time.  

Want to overcome the fear of heights? Start by looking at pictures of high places, then take it up notch and start watching videos. Eventually you may choose to conquer your fear with an adventurous day of ziplining. Too much? Ok, you get the point here is to expose yourself to the fear to dissipate it ~ “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” -Les Brown 

Each time you say YES to possibility and NO to fear, you further ignite your inner spark, illuminating the path to even greater growth, transformation, and fulfillment.” A profound awakening of your inner strength and resilience occurs. You clear the pathway in your energy field allowing new opportunities to appear. As you courageously move forward, your heart expands, and new doors swing open inviting you to walk through to the life that is waiting for you.  

As you stand at the threshold of this new chapter, remember that the power to create the life you want lies within you. It’s time to say YES to possibility, to awaken your desires and to courageously step into the unknown. The life you’ve been dreaming of is waiting for you on the other side of fear. Will you take the leap?”  

4 Key Takeaways to Live a Life of Possibility:   

  1. Conscious Courage is Key: Recognize that fear is a natural part of growth, and that conscious courage is the catalyst for transformation. By acknowledging and facing your fears, you’ll unlock new levels of confidence and possibility. 
  2. Small Steps Lead to Big Changes: Begin with smaller, manageable steps, and focus on making progress one step at a time, one goal at time. 
  3. Your Inner Wisdom is Your Guiding Light: Trust that you have a deep inner wisdom that knows exactly how to guide you forward. Listen to your intuition and have faith that you’ll make choices that align with your highest potential.
  4. Remember to celebrate your small wins. Use them as motivation as you continue moving towards your next dream, goal or desire.  

You’ve Got This! 

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About the author 

Carolyn Marie

Carolyn Marie is a creative catalyst and possibility igniter for midlife women ready to release the grips of the past, courageously embrace the journey of unbridled self-discovery and reclaim their kick-ass confidence so they can create the soul-aligned life they desire and deserve.

As a Trauma Informed Manifesting Coach, Hypnotist, and Energist, as well as a speaker, teacher, and workshop presenter, Carolyn is passionately committed to supporting midlife women to explore what lights them up, excavate what’s holding them back in life, and to activate their soul’s gifts so they can live in alignment with their deepest desires.

Carolyn spent twenty years dedicated to her personal study of energy, spiritual practices, and practical personal growth modalities that she used to transform her life own life.

When working with clients she intuits which transformational processes and strategies to use to support them on their soul-aligned path.
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