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Embrace Your Authentic Self in Life and Business

Embrace Your Authentic Self in Life and Business by Maryellen De Vine | #AspireMag

So many of us fall into the habit of living life through the different masks we wear and the roles we play.We often have preconceived notions as to how our roles are supposed to look. Some of us grew up with “June Cleaver” of the TV show “Leave it to Beaver” as the model mother and wife: dressed in pearls and an apron over a lovely dress, with an always-immaculate house. Others grew up with the ideal of being “Super Woman” with a career, a spouse, kids, a house…and all of it running perfectly.

Regardless of who your model of womanhood was growing up, it may not be ideal for you today. 

Do you feel you are being true to your authentic self? Do you appear on the outside as “June Cleaver”, but on the inside you yearn to take an African dance or belly dancing class? Perhaps it’s time to explore those yearnings!

If it feels scary to jump right in and start showing your true self, you can choose to dip your toe into the water first. For example, you may typically wear a business suit to work, but instead of suddenly wearing a tie-dyed flowing dress (lovely as it may be), you may wish to start by wearing a tie-dyed scarf with your suit. Or wear jewelry that shows a little more of the real you. Soon you should feel comfortable showing more and more of your true self. Maybe you’ll share at the water cooler your excitement over the new African dance class you recently joined!

Perhaps you’ve worn the masks of your different roles so long that you just aren’t sure who you really are anymore. That’s okay. Allow yourself to explore what piques your interest. Spend a little time with those explorations to see what blossoms.

I recently found myself drawn to creativity and art, even though I had never thought of myself as a creative person or artist. I have been enjoying trying different kinds of art. Our art can tell us about ourselves, by the colors we choose or the shapes and strokes we make. When we let go of the need for our art to look a certain way, it opens us up to amazing possibilities. It’s the same with our lives.

Playing with art has made my life much more colorful! I believe it’s the reason I felt inspired to have a few splashes of purple added to my dark brown hair. It lets some of my “true color” out. I suppose most people would say that I have a bit of a conservative look to me, and I think that’s what’s so fun about having this shimmer of purple in my hair! I get so many wonderful comments on it. The consensus seems to be “how fun!” I hope my doing this gives others permission to do something similar: to show a little more of their “true color”.

Being authentic also means following your dreams. Even if it’s not possible or practical at the moment, you can still keep your dreams alive. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to sing in a musical or visit Greece and the village your great-grandparents came from. Take baby steps towards it. Create a vision board. Keep the dream alive!

Another way of being authentic is listening to your own inner wisdom. So often we go to others to get their advice, forgetting that we really do have many of our own answers right inside. We just need to remember to connect with our Inner Wise One, the part of us that is connected to the Divine and receives Divine guidance. Yes, you can weigh the opinions and information you receive from others, but check in with what feels right for you. You can do this by getting calm and centered, meditating, doing some automatic writing or creative expression, or some other way you listen to your Inner Wise One.

This is also true for business. There are many “blueprints” and strategies out there for how to run and market your business. We can check in with our Inner Wise One to see which are best for us. As I embrace more of my Sacred Feminine side, I am finding that I need to follow the flow of energy that is present. Being authentic also means following our own inner rhythm, remembering that there is an ebb and flow, and allowing ourselves to honor that. There are some days when I need to be in the quiet and stillness: being rather than doing. I must admit that this can still be challenging for me. I worry that I won’t accomplish what needs to get done, especially if there is a deadline I must meet. But I have found that following the energy works best for me. Many mentors would say to just push through and get it done. I have done that for quite a bit of my life and have ended up with adrenal fatigue because of it. There are days or weeks when I must embrace the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, and know that I will get there faster by slowing down. I remind myself that there will be other days and weeks when I am so inspired and can get so much accomplished quite easily.

Authenticity is so important if you are an entrepreneur. How will your perfect clients ever know that you are perfect for them if you water yourself down? Let them feel your true essence. That’s what they will be attracted to most. Yes, your expertise and services will be of value, but there are probably many others out there offering the same thing. However, only you do it the way you do; with your own spin on it; with your essence infused into it.

Here are a few ways to bring authenticity into your business:

Share yourself in your writing. Show your personality in your blog posts and newsletters. Yes, you should be professional, but not so much that the readers aren’t able to get a sense of who you are. Share a few personal stories; show your humor or your edgy streak. Use analogies in your writing that come from your interests. If you love to cook, dance, scuba dive or paint, you can weave that in to show a bit of you.

Let them feel your essence in your branding. When someone visits your website, do you think it evokes the feeling you wish for visitors to feel? Do you want them to feel inspired and uplifted? Perhaps you want them to feel that they’ve received useful tips and information. If your personality is bold, use bold colors. If you love nature, flowers, or animals, incorporate some of that in the images you use on your site. Use a photo of you that reflects your personality. Perhaps one that shows a little more of that light-hearted twinkle in your eye.

I’m sure you’ll feel so much more alive when you embrace your authentic self. Give it a try!

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About the author 

Maryellen De Vine

Maryellen De Vine is a wife, mother of three, and Coach/Teacher/Angel Therapy Practitioner® who understands the challenges of being a busy woman and soul-centered entrepreneur. She has created the “Sacred Success in Business” and “Replenish Your Spirit” programs, blending her gifts and tools, such as Angelic EFT and creativity.

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