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Do You Value Yourself? The Key to a Successful Life.

Do You Value Yourself? The Key to a Successful Life. by Pamela Henry | #AspireMag

This Gift of Life

Flying through space

Reflections of infinite light

Radiate sparkles of love


I ponder the magnificence

As I experience this physical realm

In all its diversity


With singular focus

I put my attention

On my ever expanding presence


I take a deep breath

And as I slowly connect to the

Space around me and within me

I allow Spirit

To guide this moment of profound awareness


My wandering mind

Stills to the sound

As my footsteps sink deeper into the sand

Waves of everlasting love lift me up

And wash away all worry and doubt


With each breath

Another eternity opens

The sun illuminates each shift

In consciousness


Once again I connect

To the infinite beyond the infinite

This breath

This gift of life.


One of the biggest blocks to creating success in all areas of your life is directly related to your self-worth.

If you aren’t feeling valued in your relationships or work, then I encourage you to consider how much you value yourself.

Your value comes from within.

Feeling appreciated goes hand in hand with how much you love yourself and is directly related to your life purpose. When you feel valued, the world around you reflects your vibrational alignment with self-worth. Through the eyes of self-esteem, your life flows with more ease and grace.

Stepping into to your life purpose requires that you wholly appreciate and love yourself.

Your life purpose resonates with joy and feeling valued expands your joy. It is through this blissful vibrational expansion that you become fully aware of the gifts, talents and abilities that are expressed as your life purpose. This is key to creating the success you would like to experience.

It’s important to pay attention to what’s going on around you. If you have conscious or sub conscious limited beliefs that are keeping you stuck in a loop of not feeling valued, they will tend to show up in your personal relationships or work environment. People around you may not feel valued, which could also manifest as the feeling of lack within you.

If this is happening, check in with yourself. Ask: “Do I value myself? Do I fully appreciate the contribution I am to myself and others?”

Say to yourself: “I have value.” How does it feel when you say those words?

Be gentle with yourself as you begin to explore how you feel about your self-worth. Tapping into these innermost feelings can open a floodgate of emotions.

Here is an exercise that I find helpful in connecting with your value and appreciating how valuable you are.

The I Have Value Exercise: Do a Life Review

Take pen to paper and allow yourself to brainstorm the circumstances from your life that have contributed to you not feeling valued by yourself or others. This is the first step towards shifting your limited beliefs into your new unlimited beliefs that you are valued and valuable.

Connecting to these past experiences through journaling begins to open your energy and therefore shift your perspective. To expose the lies that you have been telling yourself is a powerful way to move in the direction of valuing yourself, reclaiming your self-worth and creating the success you desire.

When you finish brainstorming, re-read each entry out loud to yourself, one at a time. After reading each entry, declare the following affirmation and then write it down: “I have value. I am valuable. I am here for a reason.”

How does it feel to declare this affirmation? Do you feel empowered? Maybe you feel a sense of freedom or relief. Connect with your heart and get clear about how you feel. Your feelings are your guideposts leading you towards fully embracing your value.

Continue to write down any thoughts that come to mind, now paying particular attention to how you are feeling in your body. What emotions are you experiencing? Are you feeling any tightness or resistance or does the affirmation feel light or tingling?

Respond to any feelings of lack with the affirmation: “I have value. I am valuable. I am here for a reason.”

If you are finding it difficult to connect to your value, then I suggest using this affirmation: “I am in the process of acknowledging my value. I am in the process of feeling valuable. I am in the process of knowing that I am here for a reason.”

It may not resonate with you to completely step into feeling valued and that is perfectly fine. Saying “I’m in the process of…” will help you open to the possibility of feeling valuable. Then when you feel ready, move into the first affirmation above.

This simple exercise holds the potential to open up magic in your life. It connects you to a deeper level of wisdom and helps you shift into knowing that you are infinitely valued and valuable.

You may experience powerful emotions surfacing. If this happens, remember to breathe and allow yourself to feel into new awarenesses as they come to light.

As your self-esteem expands, notice how your relationships and other areas of your life change to reflect your new unlimited belief that you have value. You are valuable and you are here for a reason.

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About the author 

Pamela Henry

Pamela Henry is a Certified Life Coach, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Writer and Singer-Songwriter. She works with women who feel like life is passing them by and helps them to get clear on what they really want and finally make their dreams happen.
Through her coaching and writing practices,Pamela helps her clients simplify the process of taking back their power and create an extraordinary life. A life where they shine with confidence in everything they do. Learn more at and sign up for your free 5 Day Jump-Start Your Extraordinary Life Mini-Course.

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