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Dismantle Internal Beliefs with a Life Coach

Dismantle Internal Beliefs with a Life Coach by Christy Whitman | #AspireMag

Talking with a coach is radically different than talking with a friend. Friends are familiar; they’ve heard all our stories and our justifications and – for the most part at least – they accept and reinforce what we believe to be true about ourselves, even those beliefs that limit us. Friends commiserate, but a life coach challenges our thinking and questions our previously unchecked assumptions. A life coach holds us accountable to the outer experiences we are committed to creating by helping us dismantle the internal beliefs that are blocking us from experiencing it.

As a Law of Attraction coach who has been supporting people for over a decade to manifest their desired results in all aspects of their lives, I have come to understand the primary mechanism that determines whether we take the path of action or the path of resignation. That mechanism is our beliefs. When we believe that our actions will lead to success; we take them – usually without hesitation and with great excitement. But if we have even a sneaking suspicion that our actions will lead to failure, we are likely to remain stuck.

Our core beliefs – about ourselves, about other people, and about the world itself – may be invisible to the eye, but they color our perception of everything we see. For example, if we have a core belief that we are inadequate or that resources around us are scarce, this belief will filter the infinite number of experiences that could unfold at virtually every moment and bring to our awareness only those that confirm what we already believe to be true. Instead of seeing evidence of abundance around us – abundance of love, of laughter, of creativity, of energy – our beliefs will magnetize to us evidence of lack. The scariest thing about our core beliefs is that most of the time they operate on auto-pilot, without our awareness. By bringing these hidden beliefs into the light and taking actions that challenge their validity, we shift our consciousness and we alter our reality. This is the value of a life coach.

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About the author 

Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman is a New York Times best-selling author, an energy healer, and the messenger for The Quantum Council of Light, ascended beings that have come forth to uplift humanity. She is also a world-renowned Law of Attraction coach and the founder of an international coaching academy that has certified more than 3,000 coaches worldwide. Her latest book, The Flow Factor, will be released in August of 2025. Learn more at

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