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Discovering Your Soul’s Truth through Sacred Soul Journaling™

Your Soul’s Truth is your guide to a passionate life filled with joy and love. This truth can be uncovered through the power of your soul’s pen. This truth is revealed in a special form of journaling I call Sacred Soul JournalingTM.  Your pen can bring you past the living ‘in your head’ space and take you to a place of peace, discovery and full awareness of the deep meaning your soul has for you.

An article published in Psychology Today on September 4, 2014 by Steven Stosny, PH.D. states that “journaling can have a negative effect on your behavior and wellbeing if it makes you live in your head, makes you a passive observer of your life or makes you self-obsessed.”  I agree. When you use journaling to only complain about challenging circumstances and people in your life, it can make you a passive observer and an angrier person.

Sacred Soul Journaling™ is different. It’s much more insightful for you because it comes from your own inner wisdom ~ the GPS for your life. It takes you beyond the negative and comes through in loving and compassionate words.

Sacred Soul Journaling™ has many benefits. This type of writing allows you to see your inner wisdom on the lines in front of you, understand it’s meaning on a deeper level and offers ways to take courageous action upon your soul’s truth.

Clarity and peace of mind come from the power of your soul’s pen. The pen leads you to understanding from the inner realm of your soul showing you in greater detail your divine purpose and igniting passion from within. This kind of journaling gives you permission and inspires action to follow your dreams even in those pesky moments of self-doubt.

Sacred Soul Journaling™ allows you to:

Become centered

  • To vent quickly and release
  • To quiet your chattering mind
  • To soften your emotions
  • To relax and bring clarity
  • To stand tall from within
  • To take a spiritual journey

Know thyself

  • To rid yourself of judgment
  • To face your fears
  • To work though challenges
  • To see mistakes and self-correct quickly
  • To be honest with yourself
  • To hear your inner wisdom

Creates courageous action

  • To catch your dreams and make them real
  • To get out of your own way
  • To establish priorities
  • To give yourself permission to pursue your deepest desires
  • To be bold, create strategies and go forth
  • To be happy and shine

Sacred Soul Journaling™ allows you to take a soul-stance based on your inner truth that is in your highest good. It takes the mind chatter (the doubts and fears) out of your choices. It softens the rough edges of our emotions to make decisions based on truth rather than emotions.

The best place to begin Sacred Soul Journaling™ is to make a five minute a day commitment and begin. That’s all. You can begin with scratch pieces of paper and answer this one question each day. Set your timer for 3 minutes (it’s a long time really) and answer “What is challenging me right now and why?”

Allow your negative thoughts to flow and emotions to come forth. When the timer stops, stop. Do not keep going. Simply take a deep breath and then answer “what one thing can I learn from this situation?” Write in a soft, positive voice as if your best friend is answering the question. This is your soul’s pen coming forth to write your truth and what is in your best interest.

Be kind to yourself. You are stepping into a deeper realm of understanding and that takes kindness and patience. If you do this for two weeks, I promise you will get insights of surprise that will teach you much. They will de-light you (shine the light from above upon you) and will get inspiring answers from your soul’s pen.

This process is an empowering one and a simple introduction to a journey that will take you on the adventure of a lifetime ~ that of listening to your own inner GPS to take enlightened action forward.

To Sacred Soul Journal™ is to unravel the delightful often mysterious friendship with your soul.






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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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