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Discover Your Sacred Path to Purpose and Thrive Through Uncertain Times

Discover Your Sacred Path to Purpose and Thrive Through Uncertain Times by Marcia Mariner | #AspireMag

You have a divine destiny and a “soul assignment” that only you can accomplish.  In order to discover it, you must be willing to open your heart and seek to find it. 

Deep within your heart of hearts lies a sacred chamber.  This chamber is your inner treasure chest. When you unlock it, you access the truth and the light of who you really are. You glimpse your powerful magnificence and the infinite potential you hold to ignite the world. Your sacred path to purpose and prosperity is revealed here. 

When you unearth and connect to this sacred chamber, you create magic. Miracles occur that only you are capable of creating, consciously choosing to co-create with your heart’s intelligence and allowing your challenges to help you discover your path to purpose, you have an opportunity to become an instrument of sacred service on earth.  

The human mind must become willing to open to the heart’s wisdom and guidance in order to grasp and embody this higher truth. It can feel like your soul remembering of what your human self forgot. When this remembering happens, it can feel like you are coming home to yourself more and more.   

You may be too identified with your conditioned self to grasp the powerful light and authentic part of you waiting to be unearthed and fully unleashed in you. If you listen to the invitation of your heart to embark on a path of healing and transformation, you will gradually begin to discover your feminine sacred worth, your soul’s purpose, and more fully grasp the deeper potential encoded within you.  

The inner invitation to come closer to your divine self may feel like a subtle yearning, or an intuitive felt sense that there is a sacred revelation wanting to be shown to you. Or you may feel like a growling urgency to serve the planet in new ways and accomplish your spiritual destiny.  

Sometimes, it comes “out of the blue” in the form of unanticipated change, loss, or a feeling as if your life as you know it is falling apart. Nothing feels the same. If you are not careful, your mind can create a negative spin around this change and spiral you into depression and/or pessimism.  

I remember the first time that this happened to me.  After the tragic loss of my brother in a tractor accident at age ten, my family fragmented. A devastating teenage pregnancy five years later guided me to a social worker who changed the direction of my life. Through her expert guidance and unconditional regard for me, I realized I was meant to go to graduate school for counseling and help others in their time of need. Years later, I saw clearly that the gift of this difficult time held exquisitely by my counselor activated my purpose to be a change agent for others during their moments of crisis and change. 

The inner invitation can also come as a powerful intuition. Despite your own resistance, there is a strong knowing that something in your life has ended.  A new chapter is beginning. Denial, bargaining, terror, panic, and uncertainty can and does often surface. 

In 2016, I could feel that my thriving practice as a therapist was coming to an end.  I loved my work. Yet I could not ignore the call of my heart to evolve the way I was meant to, to take better care of myself, and serve my clients from a place of overflow, not depletion. 

One morning that year, as I was headed to my office for a jam-packed schedule of clients, I heard these words: “Free yourself, Marcia”. These words came from beyond me. I KNEW that I was needing to shine my light more brightly and step more fully into my mission.  

But I was also afraid. My trance of unworthiness around making a bigger impact showed up. A part of me was invested in staying in my comfort zone. It was working “just fine”. Why would I want to shed what looked on the outside like a perfect life? 

My mission was bigger than my fear and thankfully I allowed it to lead me into new and unpredictable adventures as I changed my entire way of serving and leading awakening women. 

 Amazing opportunities started to flow in.  One of those opportunities was writing for Aspire Magazine and helping women like you activate your spiritual identity, thrive in the midst of uncertainty and shed your trance of unworthiness, and develop a “can do” mindset.  

The self-sacrifice feminine script has got to go. As women, we are ready to create a new story where we give ourselves free rein to dream bigger and thrive in all circumstances. 

Whether you choose it or whether it chooses you, this ending of your old life can trigger unintegrated pain. Believe it or not, it is a gift to free your soul so you can fully blossom. A part of you may not trust that you are going to be okay. But when you rise to the challenge and courageously say yes to aligning with your heart’s intelligence, you are stepping into a new world. This new world is a life of freedom, meaning, purpose and abundance.  

Moving out of your safety zone, you discover a place inside your heart that is a haven of support and revelation. Like Dorothy when Glinda guided her to click her heels three times, you have to go through your earthly challenges and lessons to come full circle back home and discover that your true home is within your heart. Everything you ever wanted is found there. As you become more familiar with this new world, there is no going back. You know you need to continue to evolve.  

Perhaps right now, you are at a moment of choice today, facing a major transition. What do you really want? You can say yes to a life of safety and comfort. Or you can choose a life on fire with enthusiasm and discover your unique path to purpose.  

In choosing to step joyfully and radically into living a life fully aligned with your heart, there is a breakdown of all that does not serve your highest good. Your soul calls in this breakdown to wake you up to help you get you into alignment. It can feel as if your familiar life in one form or another is dissolving. 

It is a stage of confusion and overwhelming emotions. Things you thought were true may leave you empty, angry and betrayed. Fear and panic show up.  

During these tough times, it is helpful to remember that there is a plan that is far better than yours and for your highest good. Be willing to see that you are in the process of rebirth.  You are breaking open into a new form and that all that does not serve you is being shed.  

Remember as well that it is what you truly wanted all along. You may not understand this fully, but when you trust the process, you will feel the grace of a peace that surpasses understanding flowing from the wisdom of your heart. 

Say YES to your path of becoming. Be willing to be shown who you really are and your higher destiny. Make a powerful impact on our evolving world in a way that only you can. 

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About the author 

Marcia Mariner

Marcia is a Divine Feminine Visionary leader, speaker and author empowering women to create transformation in their lives. Using her expertise from over 30 years experience as a licensed therapist, Marcia combines therapeutic coaching with the power of women’s circles to help women break free from their patriarchal conditioning, embrace their feminine gifts and wake up to their worth. By fully embodying their own beauty, and magnificence, Marcia believes women have the power to collectively shift the evolution of the world. Marcia invites you to download your From Blah to Blissful in 3 Simple Steps video today!

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