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DESIRE: The Life-Force of Your Relationship

Desire Stacey MartinoDo you crave your partner all day long?

Do you walk around all charged up, consumed by the thought of touching him, grabbing him, smelling him and feeling him next to you?

Are you just electric with the energy of desire that you have for your man…impatiently anxious for the next time you can get in his pants?

Does your man crave you and desire you to the point that he can’t keep his hands off of you anytime you are near?

Does he walk by and whisper in your ear all the things he’s going to do to you later to take you to new heights of pleasure and wild abandon?


Sound like a fantasy?

I used to think that too….but now, that could describe any moment of any day of the week in our house!

No, we are not “newlyweds”….

Paul and I have been together 18 years. We have been through hell and back together. Our relationship has been hanging-by-a-thread. My nick-name used to be the Ice Princess. And my husband used to be so disconnected that when the two of us would come together, passion was a real struggle.

I used to tell myself that I didn’t NEED passion to be happy.

But here’s the truth…

If you are telling yourself that you can be ‘Happy without Passion’ in your relationship….you are lying to yourself!

You are WIRED for passion…hot, exciting, electric, ravishing, satisfying, unleashed passion!  It’s your Life-Force!

And without it, a part of you is dying!

Instead of facing this pain of living in a passion-less relationship, most people try to distract themselves or escape. Perhaps you go shopping, eat, drink, work out, go on Facebook, work on the house or the most popular two distractions…bury yourself in your work or with your kids?

If you do what most people do…you will get the results that most people get!

And most people are living in this passion-less relationship epidemic. You heard me correctly…most people are in passion-less relationships!

Perhaps you are stuck here too? The passion has fizzled and the sex is infrequent or has stopped completely?

Maybe you feel that you and your partner make great parents, roommates or friends? And perhaps, at times, you even tell yourself that “for the good of your family” you will do without the passion you deeply want and meet your needs through escape or distraction?

While I honor and respect your good intention and I have tremendous love and compassion for you, escape, denial and distraction are all ways of momentarily numbing the pain of your passion-less relationship….but unfortunately, doing so will also keep you STUCK in the passion-less relationship epidemic!

As a relationship expert many people come to me when they are in two phases of relationship.

One phase is this passion-less relationship space. Where there is caring and maybe even love between the two partners, but the passion has fizzled.

Another phase where people seek me out is when the relationship is hanging-by-a-thread. One or both partners are considering leaving the relationship. At times they feel they want to try to save it and other times they are so fed up and exhausted they wonder if it would just be easier to leave.

To you, the two relationship phases I just described may sound like completely different relationships…light-years apart, right?

To me, they are the same relationship…it’s just a timing difference.

Let me explain.

Did you ever hear this joke? “What’s the difference between salad and garbage?” “Time!”

It’s the same thing in the two relationship phases I described above.

If you are in a passion-less relationship, it’s likely that you don’t see this for yourself at all. But from my perspective, I see it all too clearly.

Very often, the passion will fade in a relationship. The partners will have less and less sex as time goes on. Eventually, they will revert to being good friends, parents and roommates. However, as time passes, it becomes painfully obvious that you are no longer having sex with the only person on the planet you are “allowed” to have sex with. The distance grows and the rejection, pain and resentment start to build. Eventually you begin to lead what we call “parallel lives”. Where you live under the same roof and go through the motions together, but you try not to “bump” into each other, because every encounter is a painful reminder of what you no longer share together (like bumping into a scab on a wound). Until one day, the reason that is keeping you together leaves (or moves out of your house) and you find yourself wondering why you are even together and if you can tolerate living like this until you die. And then all of a sudden you realize you are in that other phase…your relationship is hanging-by-a-thread.

The difference between “passionless” and “hanging-by-a-thread” is just a timing difference.

You can bring the passion back NOW!

You can transform your relationship to create a trust, bond and rock-solid alignment where nothing and nobody comes between you. You can bring the spark, excitement, energy, desire, craving and ravishing, satisfying intimacy back to your relationship. In fact, in a shorter amount of time than you think, it can be hotter and more electric than it ever was!


The 3 Keys to Reigniting Your Passion!

  1. Realign with your feminine radiance!

Many women in today’s society are stuck operating from their masculine. When you realign with your core feminine energy, you allow for the SPARK of polarity to turn back on. Polarity is the spark of electricity between the masculine and the feminine. If polarity is missing, you can’t have the passion you desire.

  1. For a woman, the key to unleashed passion is vulnerability! 

If you are not experiencing unleashed passion in your relationship right now, it’s because you are not willing to be as vulnerable as is required to reach that level of passion with your man.

  1. Sex problems are RARELY sex problems! 

If your sex life is not what you want it to be, the actual “problem” is rarely a sex problem. In our 8 step Relationship Transformation System®, Sensuality (sex) is Step Eight. It’s last.


Because reaching the level of trust and vulnerability that is required to unleash your passion together requires that you:

  • (Step 1) Get clear what you really want from your relationship
  • (Step 2) Shift your perspective so you can get unstuck
  • (Step 3) Learn the strategies that will help you understand your man like never before
  • (Step 4)  Discover how to implement a newfound synergy to your relationship, so that you act as a team and STOP keeping score.
  • (Step 5) Start anew by wiping the slate clean – entirely
  • (Step 6) Follow a tested path to ignite the SPARKS and REAL PASSION back into your relationship.
  • (Step 7) Find out how you can start “dating your partner” again to keep the energy alive!
  • and THEN, you will be able to experience the kind of trust required and reach the level of vulnerability required to learn how to bring back the sensuality in your relationship to give it a much-needed boost of energy and lust…(Step 8)!

If you are not yet experiencing the unleashed passion you desire…most likely the source of your challenges is in Steps 1 – 7…it’s not a ‘sex’ problem!


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About the author 

Stacey Martino

STACEY & PAUL MARTINO have proven that it only takes ONE partner to transform a relationship, ANY relationship!

For over 10 years, they have helped thousands of people to transform their marriages, parenting and families! (all by working with only ONE spouse). Through their decade+ of profound work, the Martino’s have shown that couples work, doesn’t work; and that relationship is a skill-set and it can be learned.

The Martino’s invented their Relationship Development® Methodology and 100s of proprietary tools to empower anyone to save their marriage, bring the passion back, eliminate the fighting, and bring harmony to their home.

Their RelationshipU program has had a 1% Divorce Rate and a 99% Success Rate over a 6-year study period of student results! Those results are unheard of!

And that's because...their methodology WORKS!

Tens of thousands of people have been through their programs and events. Over a million people have heard them speak.

And now the Martinos have written their book, The Missing Piece! Coming February 2025 from Hay House Publishing.

Ready to transform your relationship? Start by claiming your free video course, How to Fix Your Relationship!... Even If Your Partner REFUSES to Change!

Visit to learn more about their transformational relationship offerings.

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