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Decompress Your Stress

Decompress Your Stress by Dr. Jo Anne White | #AspireMag

You may never make the stressors in your life entirely disappear, but you can certainly get a handle on how to manage them successfully and here’s how.

What Are Your Stress Signals?

Stress signals are signs of distress. They tell you that something is wrong even when you try to ignore them. Ever have a headache that wouldn’t go away? Or have you had so many sleepless nights or nights that you woke up suddenly at 3:00am, tossed and turned and didn’t get back to sleep? Not every symptom is stress related, but if you’re like most of us, your life is chock-full of things to do and people to be with. And you’re juggling priorities and time just like we are.

Know when you’re feeling out of sorts and know what behaviors are not typically you. Are you more irritable or short-tempered than usual? Are you drinking or eating more to numb the discomfort you’re feeling? Is concentration lacking or maybe you just don’t feel like doing anything? Maybe life feels like it’s slipping out of your control?

Even body pain can be a stress symptom so pay attention to what you’re feeling. Think about what’s going on in your life and whether it’s stressful to you. If it’s making you uneasy in some way, now’s the time to face it head-on. What’s stressful to you may not affect your friend or business partner, but so what? You need to know what your stress signals are and pay attention when they rear up.

Laugh It Up:

Okay, so maybe you think that’s too easy, but believe me laughter can be healing and good for your nervous system as well as your health. Recently there have been seminars devoted to, you guessed it-laughter. Participants sit around and chuckle a lot. When it’s over they feel better than they did before.

You don’t have to pay to have fun or to laugh. Just make sure that you include a healthy dose of laughter in your day. And it doesn’t matter how it’s packaged. Jokes, sharing funny stories with your friends, finding the lighter side in the serious and keeping perspective can all work.

Seeing the lighter side of a problem or challenge can help ease the ‘pain’ and help you find a solution. When I recently had several leaks in my house, toilets and sinks and a ceiling literally opening up with water dripping down, at first I was agitated to say the least. After calling a plumber, I decided to view what was happening in a unique upbeat way and saw the ceiling calamity as a breakthrough!

Mind Over Matter:

What you think about all day long affects how you feel. You can create more stress for you if your thoughts are full of doubts and fear. Do you even know where your mind goes when you’re not really paying attention? Surprise yourself one day and watch where your mind wanders. You’ll be shocked and maybe disappointed to learn how much time your mind spends on the mundane or in worry mode. The good news is that it doesn’t have to get stuck there.

You can reel in your thoughts. First, be aware of where and when they roam. And then make a decision to tackle them. When you find your mind wandering to the unpleasant, steer it to something else that is pleasant to you. Don’t let your mind dictate. Remember you are the one in charge, not your mind or your emotions even if it doesn’t seem so.

Talk It Out:

Sometimes all you need is to share your feelings with someone who cares and who listens without judging you. And like magic, you feel better. By talking things over, you can get a perspective on what’s bothering you. Just expressing your thoughts and feelings is part of the stress-free solution. Bottling up your emotions only backfires. Instead you need some kind of release. Talking can help. Not only can it bring you closer to another person, you may get some good feedback and support that can make all the difference in how you feel.

Let It Go:

If you can’t talk your concerns or worries over with friends or family, take an alternate route. Find some way to release your feelings. Physical activity is great to let go of pent-up anger, hurt or disappointment. So maybe you’re not terribly active, yet light stretching and walking can free you of the blahs.

You can also channel those feelings into something that you enjoy doing.  Get your mind off of what’s bothering you and put your mind on something that’s rewarding and pleasurable. I have a client that knows his stress signals. Two approaches work every time to relieve him of his worry. One is tennis and the other is photography. When he’s immersed in either, the cares and the overload always take a back seat.

What is your favorite stress-buster? Learn what works and remember to turn it on.

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About the author 

Dr. Jo Anne White

Dr. Jo Anne White is an International Award-Winning, Bestselling Author and Speaker, Certified Professional Coach and Energy Master Teacher who has helped millions of individuals and organizations shape their dreams, overcome adversity, master their own success and triumph. She specializes in Innovation, Transformation and Energy Medicine.

Known globally as the "Success Doc," Dr. White is the Executive Producer and Host of the popular Power Your Life TV and Radio Shows. She's been featured online and in national and international media outlets, such as, Good Housekeeping, More, and WebMD. Jo Anne has made frequent guest appearances on Radio and Television Networks such as NBC, CBS, FOX, and Voice America.

Learn more at

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