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Curiosity, Creativity & Courage

Curiosity, Creativity & Courage by Debra Oakland | #AspireMag

Curiosity, creativity & courage go hand in hand, happily dancing through the corners of your mind, body and spirit. The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. We are intensely curious as children and creativity is the order of the day. Our little bodies and minds are active and we are courageous! If you have lost one of The Three C’s, try this…

Take a day of your life and go out into the world experiencing things as if for the first time. See with new eyes, keep an open mind and above all, stay curious. Creativity can be elusive without curiosity and without courage, we don’t resonate with or move in the direction of our dreams very quickly. The world we live in is a wonderland for curiosity seekers. The Three C’s really know how to complement our lives. Here’s how!


Curiosity – a strong desire to know or learn. Some say curiosity killed the cat, but I say it gives a cat nine lives! When our interest is aroused, we explore, perhaps even delving in the unknown. Children are especially good at this. The world is a wondrous enticing soul exploration that delights and enlightens. As adults our daily routine can become routine or feel monotonous. Having no time to explore can dull or suppress our inquisitive nature.

Curiosity when kept positive, helps us expand vs contract. I’m not talking about curiously sticking our nose where it doesn’t belong. Joyful curiosity is fun and leads us into expansive creativity…


We are creator beings, here to express ourselves. I always ask people what they loved most between the ages of 4 and 10. This question usually brings a smile to their face as they go back in time.  We have left breadcrumbs along the trail of life. Clues to our purpose that can evolve and transform into our passionate unique life purpose. Our soul has lovingly assigned each of us with one!

When you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, they usually have an immediate answer. In part, because of the environment they live in, outer world influences and interests, yet it stokes the fires of the soul and creates hope. Our fertile minds are full of the most exciting activity. Its name – Imagination!

I have noticed that after a long career and many life lessons later, when people aren’t living in alignment with their purpose, they become listless, discouraged, lacking the body, mind and spirit balance they long for.  As an adult stepping outside the box or changing directions in life, takes courage…


To act in accordance with our heartfelt beliefs takes courage, conviction of spirit and hoot-spa! I love everyday courage, which to me, means living from your heart. It’s not required but definitely recommended! Courage is a variety of qualities bound together that give us a feeling of fearlessness.

I have written many quotes on courage. Here is one of my favorites:

“Courageous individuals who are true to themselves feel a powerful resolve that is unshakable, a true conviction of purpose, and a willingness to carry on in the face of any challenge.”  – Debra Oakland

Part of my definition of courage is: “Living a courageous life happens when we allow the true essence of who we are to rise up and shine for all the world to see – regardless of other people’s opinions. Standing in the power of purpose is a pure point of courage, available to everyone who cares to utilize it, which brings forward the power alive within. If this power has been diminished greatly, when awakened it can shatter the fear of moving forward toward an intention or goal.

Greatness arises from mediocrity. Lives are altered as awareness shifts to possibility and progress. The union of courage and honor is a great gift within the heart of every human soul.”

High five to courage!

Three C’s Wrap Up

How do you feel when you step outside the box of the same day in, day out routine that has lost its luster? It feels energizing, encouraging and effectively helps you shift your perspective on life. Possibilities are everywhere, if we remain open to them.

So take your curious creative courageous grown-up self and enjoy exploring all the world has to offer. Remember, when you say yes to life, life says yes to you!

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About the author 

Debra Oakland

Debra Oakland is the Founder of Living in Courage – A Spiritual Oasis For Overcoming Life’s Biggest Challenges. In February of 2016 Debra’s debut book Change Your Movie, Change Your Life: 7 Reel Concepts for Courageous Change became an International Bestseller in Happiness and Personal Transformation.
Over a short 4 years Debra lost her 21 year old son, her baby girl in the 8th month of pregnancy and both brothers, and few years later, her father passed from prostate cancer. Debra began her life altering path, becoming a writer, courage advocate and joyful experiencer. Her story and passion to teach others how to live a life in courage, has been featured in major media outlets including online TV, radio, magazines, and best-selling books. Debra lives in Laguna Beach California with her husband and best-friend, Cody. Learn more at

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  • Debra Crosby says:

    Fantastic article. The three Cs of life……that’s a keeper.

  • Peggy Nolan says:

    I’m taking your words to heart Debra. The next time I find myself scrolling through my facebook feed because I’m bored, I’m going to practice being curious and see where that leads me. In Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert talks about how she became curious about gardening and how one thing led to another and before she knew it, a novel came out. <3

    • I’m with you @peggy_nolan:disqus, when social media was new for us we couldn’t stay away, now it can distract us from our focus, if we aren’t mindful. Let your soul lead the way! xo

  • Andrea Patten says:

    What is this “boredom” of which you speak??? I’m grateful for my curiosity… and agree that it feeds creativity. One of the best ways for me to fire up my creativity is to start asking “What if…”. It takes me to some interesting places. Thanks.

    • It’s unfortunate @andreapatten:disqus that many people get bored with life. We are creative beings and asking “What if…” is a great way to fire up the imagination. Stay so curious and creative you never have time to be bored!

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