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Creativity: A Path to Freedom and Fulfilment in Your Business and Your Life

Creativity: A Path to Freedom and Fulfilment in Your Business and Your Life by Julia McCutchen | #AspireMag

Creativity is defined in a multitude of different ways from the mundane to the metaphysical and human beings have had a rich and rewarding relationship with creativity for thousands of years.

As Elizabeth Gilbert explains in Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, ‘The earliest evidence of recognizable human art is forty thousand years old. The earliest evidence of human agriculture, by contrast, is only ten thousand years old.’ So we placed a high value on creativity long before we learned how to cultivate our food!

Yet creativity is not simply something that we do. When viewed from an awakened perspective, it’s clear that creativity lies at the very core of who we truly are.

Creativity as a Way of Being

As visionary women on the path of self-discovery, we can make a conscious choice to reclaim our natural aptitude for creativity which draws on the feminine qualities of intuition and flow. We can embrace creativity as a way of being that leads us to discover our unique gifts and share them with the world.

In the process, we experience a profound transformation that sets us free from the limitations of our everyday self where our fears and anxieties lie. We also become empowered to realize our full potential as we create and live an inspired life that is an authentic reflection of our true self, the eternal part of us that lies beyond our conditioned patterns of thought and behaviour.

Our true self is naturally creative, and with a creative mindset, anything is possible. Yet we’re rarely taught how to cultivate creativity as part of the skill set required for life. In fact the opposite is often the case, and many of us have had astonishingly negative experiences in our formative years.

Sophie’s Story

Sophie had a secret vision of herself as a writer. She felt drawn to sharing the lessons she’d learned and the stories she often imagined telling. Yet, she hadn’t written anything other than reports relating to her role as a counsellor since she was a young girl, and had only ever told her closest girl friend about her unfulfilled dream.

Sophie wasn’t entirely sure why she felt unable to turn her vision into reality; she simply knew that each time she thought about creative writing her impulse shut down like she’d been hit by a truck.

Exploring her Creative Impulse

Years passed, and it wasn’t until the death of her mother that Sophie realized fully how short life actually is. Not long afterwards, her dear friend finally persuaded her to explore her creative impulse with professional support.

It didn’t take long for the mentoring process to reveal the source of Sohie’s creative block. She unexpectedly remembered an extremely painful moment from childhood when a teacher had criticized an essay she’d enjoyed writing in front of the whole class.

The teacher proclaimed that Sophie ‘lacked creative flair’ for writing, and in an instant, crushed her creative dreams. The shame of that experience had lodged itself so deeply in Sophie’s heart and mind that she had unconsciously lived that ‘reality’ ever since.

Creative Awakening

The shock of this revelation was a huge moment of awakening for Sophie and proved to be a major turning point in her life. With guidance and support she began the process of releasing the negative conditioning she’d received and reconnecting with her natural creativity.

She soon felt enormous benefit from applying a creative approach to all areas of her life. The more she connected with her true self, the more she experienced inspiration on a daily basis. She was especially delighted by the flood of ideas relating to how she could serve the people she supported at work in more effective and fulfilling ways.

Eventually, she felt ready to break through her fears and turn her gaze towards the blank page. With small and steady steps, she finally found herself doing what she thought she never would – writing short stories and loving it!

Sophie is now in the process of gathering her ideas for launching a blog having reclaimed her right to be the fully conscious and creative woman she’s always been.

Creativity as a Path of Self-Discovery

We haven’t all had such dramatic early experiences which adversely impact our relationship with creativity. Yet most of us do have limiting beliefs of one kind or another which hold us back from realizing our full creative potential.

These may simply relate to not recognizing or valuing our creative gifts in whatever way they show up for us. Or we might believe that creativity is reserved for the ‘chosen few’ and separate from the grown-up activities of earning a living and caring for our families.

Approaching creativity as a path of self-discovery reveals that such patterns of thought and emotion come from what we’ve been taught about ‘how life is’ and don’t reflect who we truly are.

Cultivating awareness of deeper truth, we discover that accessing our creative core sets us free to create what we’re here to create and transform our everyday commitments into soul-inspired actions which serve the greater good. Significantly, this includes our own sense of personal well-being and professional fulfilment.

The Power of Alignment

So how do we approach creativity as a path of self-discovery and experience the full rewards it offers?

The answer lies in bringing our whole self to the creative process of expressing ourselves authentically in the world. This is how we by-pass the limitations of our conditioned everyday self and open the way to live from our true self as the ‘voice’ of our soul.

In order to do so, we need to bring all aspects of ourselves into alignment – body, emotions, mind and soul. As we reach beyond the congruency of head and heart associated with a positive mindset, we discover that including body and soul naturally expands our state of being into wholeness.

From here our authentic gifts effortlessly rise to the surface and we’re free to share them through any form of creative expression, including our business and all areas of life.

Dive In

  • Body – make it a priority to relax and energize your physical body by going for a short walk, doing some yoga or simply doing a few stretches before you tackle any creative projects.
  • Emotions – trigger positive feelings of confidence and joy by remembering a time when you felt those emotions and re-creating those feelings as part of your creative practice.
  • Mind – clear space in your mind for deep insight to rise to the surface using any type of meditation such as focusing on your breath to still the chatter of your everyday mind.
  • Soul – open yourself to divine inspiration by closing your eyes and turning your palms upwards to invite the ultimate creative impulse of life to flow through your actions.

The effects of such a conscious approach to creativity are cumulative and with regular practice you’ll discover that you can access the deepest levels within you with increasing speed and ease.

As a result, you’ll realize that freedom and fulfilment are already within your grasp, and the creative process will lead you step-by-step towards turning your vision of life into reality as you step into your truth as the conscious and creative woman you already are.

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About the author 

Julia McCutchen

Julia McCutchen is an intuitive creator, writer and mentor who guides people to share their unique gifts through creating, writing and living from a conscious and vibrant connection to Truth. A former international publisher, Julia experienced a life-changing accident in 1999 which triggered a series of major quantum leaps in her spiritual awakening. She subsequently developed a tried and tested holistic approach to access the present and aligned state required for original creative expression in all areas of life, especially writing. She is the founder and creative director of the International Association of Conscious & Creative Writers (IACCW) and the author of two books including, Conscious Writing: Discover Your True Voice Through Mindfulness and More (Hay House).

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