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Creativity Boosting in Business & Life

Creativity Boosting in Business & Life by Dr. Jo Anne White | #AspireMag

Are you ready to navigate an ever-changing world where creative thinking is no longer an option, it’s a necessity? That’s our reality now, and will only intensive in our tomorrows as we devise creative means to handle global issues and personal concerns. All of life and business cry out for more right brain thinking; thinking that often defies convention, logic and predictability. This is the place where invention and innovation live and thrive compatibly.

Remember when you were in that creative space by yourself or with others, brain storming or mind mapping, or just having fun and opening to laughter and play? How easy and timeless it felt, you felt, when there. Other worries and challenges were swept way out of your thought field for that time. It was freeing and stimulating, as the birth of ideas exploded and the upbeat feelings expanded. Shelley Carson, a Harvard psychologist, author of Your Creative Brain, reports that creative activity is a stress reliever and mood enhancer. No wonder we crave more of it; bring it on!

I can recall a time, one night, in the cozy kitchen of a musician friend with myself and another author. Our conversation quite wonderfully, yet unexpectedly transformed into lyrics and music that we created on the spot. The joy and camaraderie washed over us and the creativity flowed freely producing a veritable work of art-a song!   How memorable was that evening to me and to all of us.

Why Creativity? Thinking creatively can enhance your life at work and at home and add value to all aspects of living. It opens the door to adventure and exploration and can be filled with wonder and surprise. Creative thinking is sexy! We are attracted to people who think outside of the box and shine brilliantly. It can develop skills like muscles that you weren’t even aware you had like problem solving and analytic thought and can increase your brain power. Find out how you can ride the creative wave to your own brilliance.

Here are seven main ingredients that will produce creative moments in your life and business: 

1. Curiosity and the ability to suspend the impossible. If you’re working with your team, don’t succumb to the ‘it can’t be done’ refrain. History defies that every single time with the inventions of the 8-cylinder automobile engine, the airplane, the television, air conditioning and the computer. Thankfully for all of us, the word ‘no’ wasn’t in the inventor’s vocabulary. Now the reverse is true; it’s impossible to imagine our lives without them!

2. Improbable connections make for interesting successes in business and life. One story of the hot dog bun invention relives St Louis in the 1880’s. A street vendor sold hotdogs served to his patrons with gloves. Unfortunately the gloves ran out. Desperate to salvage his business, he turned to his baker devise a plan to fit the size and shape of the hotdog. Hence came the long soft roll that has found a home ever since.

3. Turn up your senses to absorb more information and expand your world view. In my book Sense Your Way to Life Satisfaction, I’ve included activities to amplify your senses which help attune you to the finer, more subtle, sights, sounds, smells, sensations and tastes. When that happens, our experience is also heightened which can intensify pleasure and meaning.

4. Change the habits and routines that keep you stuck in the mundane. Instead, get comfortable shaking things up more than just sometimes. It will broaden your perspective and nurture your mind and your senses with new brilliance and novel ideas.

5. Have fun and play! Some of the most creative ideas take place when you’re playful and in a relaxed state. Your mind is open at those times for the more novel experiences and can wander into a direction that will both surprise and delight you. Play with other creative people. Play and meaningful engagement with others are not just stress busters; they can keep you healthier and happier.

6. Let go of the no’s and the negatives. They will drain you of energy and vitality and keep you stuck in limited thinking, hinder your achievements and hijack your goals. Replace them with the idea of infinite possibilities. There is absolutely no limit to what you can do when you put your heart and mind to the task.

Creative thinking relies on ‘Yes I can’ and ‘Yes I will’ even if the task seems impossible. Take up the challenge. Often studying the feats of others who have faced and overcome difficult situations can infuse with courage and fortitude. Let those individuals be an inspiration to you to continue on and not be defeated.

7. Remind yourself that you are designed to grow, change and even transform you and your world. Don’t let defeat or doubt become entrapments that keep you down, minimize your worth or make you feel that you are incapable. You are a wonder and capable of wondrous effects.

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About the author 

Dr. Jo Anne White

Dr. Jo Anne White is an International Award-Winning, Bestselling Author and Speaker, Certified Professional Coach and Energy Master Teacher who has helped millions of individuals and organizations shape their dreams, overcome adversity, master their own success and triumph. She specializes in Innovation, Transformation and Energy Medicine.

Known globally as the "Success Doc," Dr. White is the Executive Producer and Host of the popular Power Your Life TV and Radio Shows. She's been featured online and in national and international media outlets, such as, Good Housekeeping, More, and WebMD. Jo Anne has made frequent guest appearances on Radio and Television Networks such as NBC, CBS, FOX, and Voice America.

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